Law in Contemporary Society

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Law in Contemporary Society

Professor Eben Moglen
Columbia Law School, Spring 2022

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Welcome prospective students.
Please see the CourseIntroduction. Or you could start with the audio trailer.
Our course begins without physically meeting the week of January 18th. In preparation, please:

A. Procedure

  1. Register to use this wiki;
  2. Read all of this page and learn how to refer to the TWikiUsersGuide. You need to feel comfortable with the "Edit" and "New Topic" buttons, with making links, and with the basic TextFormattingRules.
  3. Read the course EvaluationPolicy;
  4. Read about StartingRemote;
  5. Write your PersonalIntro;
  6. Sign up for GettingToKnowUs (you did read StartingRemote, right?);

B. Substance

  1. Read the CourseIntroduction, or you could instead listen to the audio trailer.
  2. Read Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., The Path of the Law (1897), carefully.
  3. Listen to the class audio available here Tuesday morning.

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My office hours in spring 2021 are not yet determined.


Revision 360r360 - 13 Jan 2022 - 17:24:43 - EbenMoglen
Revision 359r359 - 04 Nov 2021 - 15:45:14 - EbenMoglen
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