UdokaOkaforSecondEssay 2 - 31 May 2018 - Main.EbenMoglen
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I have always wanted to be an attorney, but I never really grasped what that entailed. It seemed like the perfect career fit for me. It was formalistic, there are rules for the risk adverse anxiety ridden control freak in me to learn and follow. I also enjoy doing what I thought were “lawyer” activities. I enjoy reading contracts. I am the only one of my friends who would read the terms and conditions of my credit card agreement, lease agreement, car financing, etc. I am not adversarial, yet I do not shy away from confrontation when I need to advocate for myself. Law seemed like a good fit for me. Most importantly it was a plan I deemed achievable and tangible that I could always be working towards. | |
< < | My long-term plan ended with getting into law school. After being admitted to Columbia Law School I needed a new plan to work towards. I know that I want to end up as an in-house attorney for a tech company in the Bay Area, but I had no preconceived path as to how I would get there and that didn’t sit right with me. After beginning the indoctrination that is 1L, I thought I had it all worked out perfectly. I would go the BigLaw route get the training and leave after I’ve paid off my loans and made enough money. I would eventually end up in a career where I could have work life balance and maybe some semblance of control over my time. That seemed like a practical plan, but it quickly began to feel incomplete. | > > | My long-term plan ended with getting into law school. After being admitted to Columbia Law School I needed a new plan to work towards. I know that I want to end up as an in-house attorney for a tech company in the Bay Area, but I had no preconceived path as to how I would get there and that didn’t sit right with me. After beginning the indoctrination that is 1L, I thought I had it all worked out perfectly. I would go the BigLaw route get the training and leave after I’ve paid off my loans and made enough money. I would eventually end up in a career where I could have work life balance and maybe some semblance of control over my time. That seemed like a practical plan, but it quickly began to feel incomplete. | | I Am Learning What Kind of Lawyer I Want To Be
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< < | I do not know what kind of lawyer I want to be. Not in the general sense. I still want to go the BigLaw route and eventually end up as an In-House attorney at a tech company. What I mean is I do not know how I will use my law degree to do good. I am starting to understand what I truly value and how that is constantly changing. I am learning where my red lines are, what I can tolerate, and how that translates into how I will practice in the future. I want to be the kind of lawyer that remembers my educational privilege does not protect me from society. It would be easy to ignore what is happening in the world to my community because “it could never happen to me or my brothers,” but I am very aware that this is not true. When people look at me they don’t see smart woman with a bright future, they just see a black girl. I understand the two are not mutually exclusive, and I also understand that I will spend the entirety of my existence educating those around me of this fact. I do not want to be a lawyer who walks past my billboards. I see the billboards every day, I am unsure how best to address them, and I am learning and starting to be comfortable with the fact that that is okay. I do not need to have a set-in stone plan for every aspect of my life. | > > | I do not know what kind of lawyer I want to be. Not in the general sense. I still want to go the BigLaw route and eventually end up as an In-House attorney at a tech company. What I mean is I do not know how I will use my law degree to do good. I am starting to understand what I truly value and how that is constantly changing. I am learning where my red lines are, what I can tolerate, and how that translates into how I will practice in the future. I want to be the kind of lawyer that remembers my educational privilege does not protect me from society. It would be easy to ignore what is happening in the world to my community because “it could never happen to me or my brothers,” but I am very aware that this is not true. When people look at me they don’t see smart woman with a bright future, they just see a black girl. I understand the two are not mutually exclusive, and I also understand that I will spend the entirety of my existence educating those around me of this fact. I do not want to be a lawyer who walks past my billboards. I see the billboards every day, I am unsure how best to address them, and I am learning and starting to be comfortable with the fact that that is okay. I do not need to have a set-in stone plan for every aspect of my life. | | I do not know how I will do good, but I do know that I want to do good and that is enough for now. I am learning to let myself exist without a blueprint. It is frustrating and difficult, but also unexpected and exciting. I had an idea of all the courses that I would take in law school to make me the most competitive associate. I am not going to do that anymore. I came in thinking that the purpose of law school was to make me a good lawyer, and that was wrong. The purpose of law school is to expose me to different ways of thinking, concepts that that confirm my beliefs, concepts that challenge them, and concepts that I had never before considered. My new purpose of law school is to learn things that I do not think I will have the opportunity to learn elsewhere. I want to take courses in areas that I know nothing about or think I have a fleeting interest in. I also plan to take more practical courses. Law school does a really great job of teaching us how to think and speak like a lawyer, but we don’t get the opportunity to learn practical lawyering skills as first year students. I want to take clinics to be able to interact and advocate on behalf of a client. Our purpose as lawyers is to advocate for our clients, I want to at least get some experience in doing this. I want to be a lawyer that does good, and I do not know what that looks like or how I will accomplish this. | |
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This draft is good at presenting the flow of your thinking. The
best route to improvement is to remove repetitions in order to make
room for more thinking. To begin, read through the draft marking
every clause that repeats with small variation the idea of another
clause in the same sentence, and every sentence that repeats with
small variation the idea in a neighboring sentence. By pruning and
combining you can tighten this draft by more than a quarter, which
gives you room to think further about the places where your current
draft shades off into obscurity. What does it mean to have only one
client for much of one's career (as one does when one is a lawyer
"in-house")? Does the client's pursuit of commercial self-interest
have to be "good" in the end in order for your aspiration not to be
defeated, or can one do "good" in another, offsetting fashion if the
client isn't "good" enough, or at all? Why is earning a salary and
taking direction more attractive than having a practice and making
one's own decisions? What if any emphasis should you put into
learning "tech" if you want to work for a "tech" company? These and
other questions also have a place in the essay, if you just pack
what is there now a little tighter in order to make room for them.
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You are entitled to restrict access to your paper if you want to. But we all derive immense benefit from reading one another's work, and I hope you won't feel the need unless the subject matter is personal and its disclosure would be harmful or undesirable. |
UdokaOkaforSecondEssay 1 - 25 Apr 2018 - Main.UdokaOkafor
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META TOPICPARENT | name="SecondEssay" |
I Will Do Good As A Lawyer When I Learn What Good Looks Like For Me
-- By UdokaOkafor - 25 Apr 2018
I Have Always Wanted To Be A Lawyer
I have always wanted to be an attorney, but I never really grasped what that entailed. It seemed like the perfect career fit for me. It was formalistic, there are rules for the risk adverse anxiety ridden control freak in me to learn and follow. I also enjoy doing what I thought were “lawyer” activities. I enjoy reading contracts. I am the only one of my friends who would read the terms and conditions of my credit card agreement, lease agreement, car financing, etc. I am not adversarial, yet I do not shy away from confrontation when I need to advocate for myself. Law seemed like a good fit for me. Most importantly it was a plan I deemed achievable and tangible that I could always be working towards.
My long-term plan ended with getting into law school. After being admitted to Columbia Law School I needed a new plan to work towards. I know that I want to end up as an in-house attorney for a tech company in the Bay Area, but I had no preconceived path as to how I would get there and that didn’t sit right with me. After beginning the indoctrination that is 1L, I thought I had it all worked out perfectly. I would go the BigLaw route get the training and leave after I’ve paid off my loans and made enough money. I would eventually end up in a career where I could have work life balance and maybe some semblance of control over my time. That seemed like a practical plan, but it quickly began to feel incomplete.
I Am Learning What Kind of Lawyer I Want To Be
I do not know what kind of lawyer I want to be. Not in the general sense. I still want to go the BigLaw route and eventually end up as an In-House attorney at a tech company. What I mean is I do not know how I will use my law degree to do good. I am starting to understand what I truly value and how that is constantly changing. I am learning where my red lines are, what I can tolerate, and how that translates into how I will practice in the future. I want to be the kind of lawyer that remembers my educational privilege does not protect me from society. It would be easy to ignore what is happening in the world to my community because “it could never happen to me or my brothers,” but I am very aware that this is not true. When people look at me they don’t see smart woman with a bright future, they just see a black girl. I understand the two are not mutually exclusive, and I also understand that I will spend the entirety of my existence educating those around me of this fact. I do not want to be a lawyer who walks past my billboards. I see the billboards every day, I am unsure how best to address them, and I am learning and starting to be comfortable with the fact that that is okay. I do not need to have a set-in stone plan for every aspect of my life.
I do not know how I will do good, but I do know that I want to do good and that is enough for now. I am learning to let myself exist without a blueprint. It is frustrating and difficult, but also unexpected and exciting. I had an idea of all the courses that I would take in law school to make me the most competitive associate. I am not going to do that anymore. I came in thinking that the purpose of law school was to make me a good lawyer, and that was wrong. The purpose of law school is to expose me to different ways of thinking, concepts that that confirm my beliefs, concepts that challenge them, and concepts that I had never before considered. My new purpose of law school is to learn things that I do not think I will have the opportunity to learn elsewhere. I want to take courses in areas that I know nothing about or think I have a fleeting interest in. I also plan to take more practical courses. Law school does a really great job of teaching us how to think and speak like a lawyer, but we don’t get the opportunity to learn practical lawyering skills as first year students. I want to take clinics to be able to interact and advocate on behalf of a client. Our purpose as lawyers is to advocate for our clients, I want to at least get some experience in doing this. I want to be a lawyer that does good, and I do not know what that looks like or how I will accomplish this.
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