Law in Contemporary Society

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IdeasAboutIdeas 7 - 11 Mar 2021 - Main.JackSherrick
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One Writer's Possible Essay Topics

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 What does it mean for a lawyer to never be far from evil? (Question derived from Lawyerland) (Feb 16 Supplementary audio 48:00)

Why do religious adherents who rely upon a Holy book of laws follow secular laws? What kinds of psychological gymnastics are going on there? (Question derived from Max Weber, Calvin, my hometown community)(Look most closely at the Folklore of Capitalism, Lawyerland)

 Is a government of laws governed by reason a (false/unattainable/pointless/worthy) ideal? (Derived from Transcendental Nonsense and the fickleness of the courts)
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 What of the Draba? How property law deals with (or doesn't) inherent value. (Derived from Purdy's comments on the sunlight doctrine and the Sand County Almanac)
How the Christian conception of the Trinity is one religious community's attempt to understand how we all contain multitudes.
 -- JackSherrick - 17 Feb 2021

Revision 7r7 - 11 Mar 2021 - 19:51:49 - JackSherrick
Revision 6r6 - 24 Feb 2021 - 19:26:58 - JackSherrick
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