Using HTML
You can use just about any HTML tag without a problem - however, there are a few usability and technical considerations to keep in mind.
HTML and TWiki Usability
- On collaboration pages, it's preferable NOT to use HTML, and to use TWiki shorthand instead - this keeps the text uncluttered and easy to edit.
NOTE: TWiki is designed to work with a wide range of browsers and computer platforms, holding to HTML 3.2 compatibility in the standard installation - adding raw HTML, particularly browser-specific tags (or any other mark-up that doesn't degrade well) will reduce compatibility.
TWiki HTML Rendering
- TWiki converts shorthand notation to XHTML 1.0 for display. To copy a fully marked-up page, simply view source in your browser and save the contents.
If you need to save HTML frequently, you may want to check out TWiki:Plugins/GenHTMLAddon - it will "generate a directory containing rendered versions of a set of TWiki pages together with any attached files."
NOTE: The opening and closing angle brackets - <...>
- of an HTML tag must be on the same line, or the tag will be broken.
- This feature allows you to enter an unclosed angle bracket - as a greater than or less than symbol - and have it automatically rendered as if you had entered its HTML character,
, ex: a > b
If you're pasting in preformatted HTML text and notice problems, check the file in a text processor with no text wrap. Also, save without hard line breaks on text wrap, in your HTML editing program.
Being able to create links without any formatting required is a core TWiki feature, made possible with
WikiWords. New TWiki linking rules are a simple extension of the syntax that provide a new set of flexible options.
Internal Links
- GoodStyle is a WikiWord that links to the GoodStyle topic located in the current TWiki web.
- NotExistingYet? is a topic waiting to be written. Create the topic by clicking on the ?. (Try clicking, but then, Cancel - creating the topic would wreck this example!)
External Links
, https://...
, ftp://...
and mailto:...@...
are linked automatically.
- Email addresses like
are linked automatically.
[[Square bracket rules]]
let you easily create non-WikiWord links.
- You can also write
[[ Yahoo home page]]
as an easier way of doing external links with descriptive text for the link, such as Yahoo home page.
TWiki Variables
Variables are names that are enclosed in percent signs
that are expanded on the fly.
: Automatically generates a table of contents based on headings in a topic - see the top of this page for an example.
: The current web, is TWiki.
: The current topic name, is TextFormattingRules.
: The attachment URL of the current topic. Example usage: If you attach a file to a topic you can refer to it as %ATTACHURL%/image.gif
to show the URL of the file or the image in your text.
: Server side include, includes another topic. The current TWiki web is the default web. Example: %INCLUDE{"TWiki.SiteMap"}%
- TWikiPreferences defines site-wide variables like colors. For example, write:
%RED% Red %ENDCOLOR% and %BLUE% blue %ENDCOLOR% colors
to get: Red and blue colors.
TWikiPlugin Formatting Extensions
Plugins provide additional text formatting capabilities and can extend the functionality of TWiki into many other areas. For example, the optional
SpreadSheetPlugin lets you create a spreadsheet with the same basic notation used in TWiki tables.
Available Plugins are located in the
Plugins web on Currently enabled plugins on this TWiki installation, as listed by
- SpreadSheetPlugin (any TWiki, 10197): Add spreadsheet calculation like
"$SUM( $ABOVE() )"
to TWiki tables and other topic text - ActionTrackerPlugin (21 May 2007, $Rev: 14969 (20 Sep 2007) $): Adds support for action tags in topics, and automatic notification of action statuses
- AttachmentListPlugin (1.0.1, $Rev: 15921 (07 Dec 2007) $): Displays a formattable list of topic attachments, anywhere in a topic.
- BreadCrumbsPlugin (v1.00, $Rev: 13657 (08 May 2007) $): A flexible way to display breadcrumbs navigation
- CalendarPlugin (Dakar, 9113): Show a monthly calendar with highlighted events
- CommentPlugin (Dakar, 11359): Allows users to quickly post comments to a page without an edit/preview/save cycle
- CompareRevisionsAddonPlugin (Dakar, $Rev: 9808$):
- EditTablePlugin (any TWiki, 11646): Edit TWiki tables using edit fields, date pickers and drop down boxes
- FilterPlugin (1.40, $Rev: 15932 (07 Dec 2007) $): Substitute and extract information from content by using regular expressions
- FlexWebListPlugin (v1.21, $Rev: 16132 (03 Jan 2008) $): Flexible way to display hierarchical weblists
- FootNotePlugin (2.006): Footnotes are notes placed at the end of a topic.
- GluePlugin (2.00, $Rev: 15708 (23 Nov 2007) $): Enable markup to span multiple lines
- IfDefinedPlugin (v1.01, $Rev: 15157 (05 Oct 2007) $): Render content conditionally
- InterwikiPlugin (Dakar, $Rev: 11935$): Link
text to external sites based on aliases defined in a rules topic - JQueryPlugin (v0.4, $Rev: 15608 (15 Nov 2007) $): jQuery JavaScript library for TWiki
- NatSkinPlugin (3.00-pre17, $Rev: 15581 (13 Nov 2007) $): Supplements the bare bones NatSkin theme for TWiki
- PreferencesPlugin (Dakar, 9839): Allows editing of preferences using fields predefined in a form
- RedDotPlugin (1.40, $Rev: 16137 (03 Jan 2008) $): Renders edit-links as little red dots
- RenderListPlugin (any TWiki, 1.034): Render bullet lists in a variety of formats
- SlideShowPlugin (Any TWiki, $Rev: 12847$): Create web based presentations based on topics with headings.
- SmiliesPlugin (Dakar, 8154): Render smilies as icons, like
for :-)
for = :eek:= - TablePlugin (1.020, 12339): Control attributes of tables and sorting of table columns
- TreeBrowserPlugin (v1.8): Renders a list as a collapsable/expandable tree.
- TreePlugin (1.7): Dynamic generation of TWiki topic trees
- TwistyPlugin (1.2.0, $Rev: 12154$): Twisty section JavaScript library to open/close content dynamically
- VotePlugin (1.33, $Rev: 14312 (01 Jul 2007) $): Simple way to count votes
- WysiwygPlugin (Dakar, 12422): Translator framework for Wysiwyg editors
Check on current Plugin status and settings for this site in
Common Editing Errors
TWiki formatting rules are fairly simple to use and quick to type. However, there are some things to watch out for, taken from the
- Q: Text enclosed in angle brackets like
is not displayed. How can I show it as it is?
- A: The
and '>'
characters have a special meaning in HTML, they define HTML tags. You need to escape them, so write '<'
instead of '<'
, and '>'
instead of '>'
Example: Type 'prog <filename>'
to get 'prog <filename>'
- Q: Why is the
character sometimes not displayed?
- A: The
character has a special meaning in HTML, it starts a so called character entity, i.e. '©'
is the ©
copyright character. You need to escape '&'
to see it as it is, so write '&'
instead of '&'
Example: Type 'This & that'
to get 'This & that'
MikeMannix? - 02 Dec 2001
PeterThoeny? - 02 May 2002