Law in the Internet Society

Cyber Bullying -- Result of Idle Hands?

-- By SylviaDuran - 23 Dec 2011

Bullies are old news

My elementary school tormentor was named Omar. He was a stocky, angry child who had few friends, but I was surprised he had any at all. Every day after school he would find me with the sole purpose of trying to make me cry. His favorite chant was the unoriginal, "Hey, Miss Piggy! Hey, Miss Piggy! Oink, oink, oink!" It was true that my family's love of Mexican food had given me round cheeks, but I did not enjoy being reminded of it by Omar. Although his insults were childish and silly, they were very hurtful and obviously unforgettable. I dreaded seeing him every day, but I knew I could survive because he was only a small part of my day. From the moment I got into my mother's car to go home, Omar's words vanished for at least another day. Today's children and adolescents do not have the luxury of running away from their Omars. As is frequently reported in the media, children are bullied constantly -- anywhere they are technologically connected, which means they are bullied everywhere. History shows there have always been bullies, but our desire for continuous connectivity has created unrelenting ones.

The problem cannot be completely eliminated

Just as bullying will always exist, cyber bullying cannot be entirely eliminated. This would require society as a whole to promote greater civility and acceptance of others, which has so far not occurred (Exhibit A and Exhibit B). Evidence of our lack of civility was seen in a recent cyber bullying case involving Alexis Pilkington, a 17-year-old high school student from Long Island who committed suicide. On a Facebook page meant to serve as a tribute to Pilkington, individuals posted images of Pilkington with nooses around her neck. Parents of Pilkington's friends said their children were devastated by the continued attack on their friend. The bullies persisted by harassing Pilkington's mourners. Although Pilkington's parents do not attribute her death to cyber bullying, this behavior by human beings is shocking.

Legal response to cyber bullying

State legislatures have responded to online harassment by enacting cyberbullying laws. Prosecutors have charged bullies with violations of civil rights, criminal harassment, conspiracy, accessing protected computers without authorization, and even disturbing a school assembly. Yet, the law is only the last resort -- it attempts to provide accountability for bullies in the hope of deterring future behavior.

One solution: more creation, less consumption

A better solution would be to transform our young people from mindless consumers of technology to creators of it. Cyber bullying illustrates how idle hands are truly dangerous. Young people are undoubtedly comfortable using technology. A 2010 study found that "[s]mall children today are more likely to navigate with a mouse, play a computer game and increasingly – operate a smartphone – than swim, tie their shoelaces or make their own breakfast." In addition, 93% of "teen social media users" have a Facebook account. The next step is to encourage creation of technology where teens begin sharing ideas rather than personal life details.

A sixth grade application developer, Thomas Suarez, recently gave a Ted Talk where he discussed the difficulty of finding resources to learn how to program at a young age. He has created four mobile applications and formed an app club at his school for other interested students. Media writers have called Suarez a genius and the next Steve Jobs. But why does he have to be a genius? His most successful application is a whack-a-mole game that uses Justin Bieber as the mole. This is hardly genius - it is a young person being creative and insightful.

There are many theories for why young people find it so easy to bully one another online. Some say it is the anonymity of being online. But this is contradicted by the prevalent cyber bullying that happens on Facebook, where users reject anonymity and embrace disclosing private details about themselves. Others say cyber bullying occurs for the same reasons bullying occurs - kids will be kids. Yet this reasoning does not explain why harassment is so unrelenting. Cyber bullying among young people occurs because these individuals are always connected to one another and with so much contact, drama is created to stave off boredom. If we want to reduce cyber bullying we need to encourage and provide resource for our young people to become creators rather than mindless consumers. Creation and ownership will improve self-esteems and keep teens busy typing code rather than cruel taunts.


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r2 - 23 Dec 2011 - 04:38:46 - SylviaDuran
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