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"Don't Become an Academic"
-- By ColeRiley - 07 May 2024
That was the one piece of advice I got from the organizing spaces I belonged to before going to law school. I had proven myself to be useful to community and could also contribute to scholarship. Their warning was simple. Don’t let one take precedence over the other. But you tell me; when the school is under military occupation during finals, do I stare through riot shields, or stare at the books that justify them being on campus? Which took precedence, a grade or a genocide? (a silly question truly)
The Paper
The last paper I wrote in college is the one I take the most pride in. It examined the differences in police presence on HBCUs and California state schools while controlling for the school size of and local crime rate. The results were damning. HBCUs had twice the police presence per student and the safest HBCU had a higher student/police ratio than the California state school in the most dangerous city. The police have an integral role in the daily operations of colleges and universities and have a disproportionate presence on Black campuses than non-black campuses. Smoking gun. But why do university police departments exist in the first place?
Calling the police on students is not a good look. The Dudley uprising is cited as the largest siege of an American college campus by armed forces in us history. That same campus currently has one of the largest university police departments in the country. That campus is my alma mater, the nation’s largest HBCU. That’s no coincidence. My experience with the university police is why I wrote that paper. When police climbed through the window of Hinds hall I knew what would come next. We have seen it before. The school raises the campus security fee, ups the number of guards, or simply creates an entire university police department. The optics of calling a foreign militarized force on your own kids look much worse than calling the in loco parentis university police department that wears the school's colors. This school just had the gall to invite the NYPD to be our de-facto University Police Department. The baby blue band that wraps around their riot gear helmets foreshadows what's to come. I feel responsible for ensuring that unfortunate fate does not come to fruition. Higher education in America today takes place under military occupation and it is funded by the potential future earnings of the children it brutalizes. It is plagued by hyper surveillance, and censorship, and ruled by a fear that students may commit the crime of actually using their education to better the world and not just get a job
The propaganda at A&T is Pride, at Columbia its prestige. I’m reminded that my purpose and passions don’t lie with these institutions but with my people. I can’t afford to lose sight of that just as much as I can’t afford to be at this school.
These few weeks have taught me what love looks like in times of crisis. I treat love as a concrete feeling just as identifiable as I feel hot or I feel cold. It’s just as clear cut as I feel pain or I feel pleasure. So absent the romantic context, this form of love came to the forefront recently. Love is looking out for all my friends who were all
legally practicing their First Amendment rights while also following the clear guidelines set out by the president of the university. Love is handing out umbrellas in the rain, coats in the cold, and walking each other home at night, scared the police get trigger-happy or power-hungry. Love was the grace given by professors and the support by peers. Love was the text messages from people from past lives making sure I was ok. There was nothing that the books or essays could have done in these moments that love did. Academia was of no comfort to me. Regardless of this fact, boy is it scary. Academia in many ways is safe. I promised my momma I’d be safe. But I promised my people I wouldn’t become that. A lawyer makes things happen in society using words but that path too can be dangerous. When it is scary and I struggle to know what path to take, I pray.
The end of higher ed (as we know it)
Words don’t begin to capture the rage students have who did everything that was asked of them. Do well in school. Go to college. Get a job. The dream is yours. We did well in school and they begin to say grades don’t matter. The CEOs were C students. We weren’t deterred. We went to college ans studied something we were passionate about. They began to say college isn’t important anymore. It’s not what you know it’s who you know. We weren’t deterred. We graduated. We drowned in debt. Couldn’t get a job and we’re told we’re the fools? A higher education system that steals the potential earnings of students forcing them into careers that they do not want to pay for a major that did not care about is not education but a class divider. When higher education is driven by profit,its contents determined by empire, and its purpose determined by donors, there is no education but indoctrination. What free inquiry remains is tokenistic, existing for the sole purpose of saying that it does exist. This semester has exemplified this. I truly believe there will always be a need for college. Four years to study a field of your choosing is a net social positive for everyone. However, there will be articles and think pieces in the coming years saying that college is no longer necessary. Some may say it should not exist except for professional skills. I believe this throws the baby out with the bath water. Education will always be a necessity. It is just the current incarnation of it that has lost its depth.
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