I have a much larger post I was going to debut with (an extensive and substantive revision to my curt first posting), but I guess I'll throw this out there.

I'm pretty sure I heard a Leary reference in class today and I thought it might be interesting to look at this class under his famed "Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out":

(1) Turn On:

"'Turn on' mean[s to] go within to activate your neural and genetic equipment. Become sensitive to the many and various levels of consciousness and the specific triggers that engage them"

One of the first things about this class that intrigued me was the music. I think, to some degree, the music serves as a 'turning on' function to activate more of our brains, especially the creative parts of it that get further compressed as the semester wears on. This may not be the only purpose of the music however. I also think that the Dr. Moglen's theatrics also serve some sort of turning on mechanism. I think everyone would admit the teaching style is unorthodox and that Dr. Moglen invites emotional responses. Finally, the readings are probably the most obvious method here of other 'turning' on, the introduction to legal realism is meant to acquaint us with the human realities behind the law and how the law works.

(2) Tune In:

"'Tune in' meant interact harmoniously with the world around you - externalize, materialize, express your new internal perspectives."

Class is one way that we tune in, through discussion. But mostly, I think, that this is what this wiki is for.

(3) Drop Out:

"Drop out suggested an elective, selective, graceful process of detachment from involuntary or unconscious commitments. 'Drop Out' meant self-reliance, a discovery of one's singularity, a commitment to mobility, choice, and change."

Need I say more?

Maybe I should add: I don't think that the explanation Leary provides, as quoted here from his autobiography, is what he originally intended. I think it is a little bit of revisionism on his part. But, I don't think his revisionism changes the validity of his prose.

-- MatthewZorn - 03 Feb 2010


-- NonaFarahnik - 03 Feb 2010

I think this is an excellent way to organize the goals of the class as a three-step process. I would be interested to see Eben's comments on this way of analyzing his class.

In regards to the Drop Out step: I like how in this particular explanation Drop Out encompasses both casting off what does not matter and actively pursuing what one decides does matter. That is, dropping out is about realizing one's autonomy and then acting in accord with that autonomy, rather than being controlled unconsciously by other individuals. In this sense, Drop Out is a very active step, not simply a step of rejection and laziness, as might be implied by the name Drop Out.

-- ChristopherCrismanCox - 03 Feb 2010

*TurnOn: Professor Moglen has created an environment that allows my brain to light up! I certainly agree with your assessment of the music. Every Tuesday and Thursday, my mind eagerly anticipates the moment it can surrender to its right hemisphere. TuneIn: Now that we have had a few classes, we have acquired a certain degree of Moglenese. Other students recognize Moglenese when it starts and seem baffled by this curious process of thinking we are undertaking. I feel that the space he creates: real, emotional and virtual, gives us the room to tune in.

-- NonaFarahnik - 04 Feb 2010


-- MatthewZorn - 03 Feb 2010