Settings at higher-numbered levels override settings of the same variable at lower numbered levels, unless the variable was included in the setting of FINALPREFERENCES at a lower-numbered level, in which case it is locked at the value it has at that level.
The syntax for setting Variables is the same anywhere in TWiki (on its own TWiki bullet line, including nested bullets): [multiple of 3 spaces] * [space] Set [space] VARIABLENAME [space] = [space] value
< <
> >
Spaces between the = sign and the value will be ignored. You can split a value over several lines by indenting following lines with spaces - as long as you don't try to use * as the first character on the following line.
< <
> >
* Set VARIABLENAME = value starts here
Line: 62 to 62
Whatever you include in your Variable will be expanded on display, exactly as if it had been entered directly.
< <
> >
Example: Create a custom logo variable
To place a logo anywhere in a web by typing %MYLOGO%, define the Variable on the web's WebPreferences topic, and upload a logo file, ex: mylogo.gif. You can upload by attaching the file to WebPreferences, or, to avoid clutter, to any other topic in the same web, e.g. LogoTopic. Sample variable setting in WebPreferences:
Special text strings expand on the fly to display user data or system info
Line: 22 to 22
Variables are expanded relative to the topic they are used in, not the topic they are defined in
Type %ALLVARIABLES% to get a full listing of all variables defined for a particular topic
> >
Variable Names
Variable names must start with a letter. The following characters can be letters, numbers and the underscore '_'. You can use both upper-case and lower-case letters and you can mix the characteres. E.g. %MYVAR%, %MyVar%, %My2ndVar%, and %My_Var% are all valid variable names. Variables are case sensitive. %MyVAR% and %MYVAR% are not the same variable.
By convention all settings, predefined variables and variables used by plugins are always UPPER-CASE.
Line: 113 to 117
This version of TWiki - TWiki-4.1.2, Sat, 03 Mar 2007, build 13046 - predefines the following variables:
Note:%<color>% text must end with %ENDCOLOR%. If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with %ENDCOLOR%, e.g. write %RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR%.
Note:%<color>% text must end with %ENDCOLOR%. If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with %ENDCOLOR%, e.g. write %RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR%.
Note:%<color>% text must end with %ENDCOLOR%. If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with %ENDCOLOR%, e.g. write %RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR%.
Note:%<color>% text must end with %ENDCOLOR%. If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with %ENDCOLOR%, e.g. write %RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR%.
Note: When used in a template topic, this variable will be expanded when the template is used to create a new topic. See TWikiTemplates#TemplateTopicsVars for details.
Encode special characters into HTML entities, like a double quote into ". Does not encode \n or \r.
As type="entity" except it also encodes \n and \r
Escape double quotes with backslashes (\"), does not change other characters
Encode special characters for URL parameter use, like a double quote into %22
(this is the default)
Example: %ENCODE{"spaced name"}% expands to spaced%20name
Note: Values of HTML input fields must be entity encoded. Example: <input type="text" name="address" value="%ENCODE{ "any text" type="entity" }%" />
Note: Double quotes in strings must be escaped when passed into other TWiki variables. Example: %SEARCH{ "%ENCODE{ "string with "quotes"" type="quotes" }%" noheader="on" }%
Note:%<color>% text must end with %ENDCOLOR%. If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with %ENDCOLOR%, e.g. write %RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR%.
Type of the section being terminated; supported types "section", "include", "templateonly".
If the STARTSECTION is named, the corresponding ENDSECTION must also be named with the same name. If the STARTSECTION specifies a type, then the corresponding ENDSECTION must also specify the same type. If the section is unnamed, ENDSECTION will match with the nearest unnamed %STARTSECTION%of the same type above it.
Note: When used in a template topic, this variable will be expanded when the template is used to create a new topic. See TWikiTemplates#TemplateTopicsVars for details.
Note: When used in a template topic, this variable will be expanded when the template is used to create a new topic. See TWikiTemplates#TemplateTopicsVars for details.
Note:%<color>% text must end with %ENDCOLOR%. If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with %ENDCOLOR%, e.g. write %RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR%.
Note:%<color>% text must end with %ENDCOLOR%. If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with %ENDCOLOR%, e.g. write %RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR%.
The same as %HTTP% but operates on the HTTPS environment variables present when the SSL protocol is in effect. Can be used to determine whether SSL is turned on.
ICON{"name"} -- small documentation graphic or icon of common attachment types
Generates the HTML img tag of a small graphic image attached to TWikiDocGraphics. Images typically have a 16x16 pixel size. You can select a specific image by name, or you can give a full filename, in which case the type of the file will be used to select one of a collection of common file type icons.
Syntax: %ICON{"name"}%
%ICON{"flag-gray"}% returns
%ICON{"pdf"}% returns
%ICON{"smile.pdf"}% returns
%ICON{"/dont/you/dare/smile.pdf"}% returns
%ICON{""}% returns
Graphic samples: arrowbright, bubble, choice-yes, hand
File type samples: bmp, doc, gif, hlp, html, mp3, pdf, ppt, txt, xls, xml, zip
ICONURL{"name"} -- URL of small documentation graphic or icon
Generates the full URL of a TWikiDocGraphics image, which TWiki renders as an image. The related %ICON{"name"}% generates the full HTML img tag. Specify image name or full filename (see ICON for details on filenames.)
ICONURLPATH{"name"} -- URL path of small documentation graphic or icon
Generates the URL path of a TWikiDocGraphics image, typically used in an HTML img tag. Specify image name or full filename (see ICON for details on filenames.)
The name of a topic located in the current web, i.e. %INCLUDE{"WebNotify"}%
A topic in another web, i.e. %INCLUDE{"TWiki.SiteMap"}%
A full qualified URL, i.e. %INCLUDE{""}%. Supported content types are text/html and text/plain. if the URL resolves to an attachment file on the server this will automatically translate to a server-side include.
Include a subset of a topic or a web page. Specify a RegularExpression that scans from start ('^') to end and contains the text you want to keep in parenthesis, e.g., pattern="^.*?(from here.*?to here).*". IncludeTopicsAndWebPages has more.
Include a previous topic revision; N/A for URLs
top revision
When a page is included, normally TWiki will process it, doing the following: 1) Alter relative links to point back to originating host, 2) Remove some basic HTML tags (html, head, body, script) and finally 3) Remove newlines from HTML tags spanning multiple lines. If you prefer to include exactly what is in the source of the originating page set this to on. raw="on" is short for disableremoveheaders="on", disableremovescript="on", disableremovebody="on", disablecompresstags="on" and disablerewriteurls="on".
While using the raw option will indeed include the raw content, the included content will still be processed and rendered like regular topic content. To disable parsing of the included content, set the literal option to "on".
Bypass stripping headers from included HTML (everything until first </head> tag)
Bypass stripping all <script> tags from included HTML
Bypass stripping the </body> tag and everything around over and below it
Bypass replacing newlines in HTML tags with spaces. This compression step rewrites unmatched <'s into < entities unless bypassed
Bypass rewriting relative URLs into absolute ones
Warn if topic include fails: Fail silently (if off); output default warning (if set to on); else, output specific text (use $topic for topic name)
Includes only the specified named section, as defined in the included topic by the STARTSECTION and ENDSECTION variables. Nothing is shown if the named section does not exists.
PARONE="val 1" PARTWO="val 2"
Any other parameter will be defined as a variable within the scope of the included topic. The example parameters on the left will result in %PARONE% and %PARTWO% being defined within the included topic.
Note: JavaScript in included webpages is filtered out as a security precaution per default (disable filter with disableremovescript parameter)
Returns the language code for the language used as the current user. This is the language actually used by TWiki Internationalization (e.g. in user interface).
The language is detected from the user's browser, unless some site/web/user/session-defined setting overrides it:
If the LANGUAGE preference is set, it's used as user's language instead of any language detected from the browser.
Avoid defining LANGUAGE at a non per-user way, so each user can choose his/her preferred language.
Example: <select>%LANGUAGES{format="<option $marker value='$langtag'>$langname</option>" selection="%LANGUAGE%"}%</select> creates an option list of the available languages with the current language selected
Note:%<color>% text must end with %ENDCOLOR%. If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with %ENDCOLOR%, e.g. write %RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR%.
a comma-separated list of arguments to be interpolated in the string, replacing the [_N] placeholders in it.
%MAKETEXT{string="Notes:"}% expands to Notes:
%MAKETEXT{"If you have any questions, please contact [_1]." args="%WIKIWEBMASTER%"}% expands to If you have any questions, please contact
%MAKETEXT{"Did you want to [[[_1]][reset [_2]'s password]]?" args="%TWIKIWEB%.ResetPassword,%WIKIUSERNAME%"}% expands to Did you want to reset Main.TWikiGuest's password?
TWiki will translate the string to the current user's language only if it has such string in its translation table for that language.
Amperstands (&) followed by one letter (one of a...z, A...Z) (say, X) in the translatable string will be translated to <span class='twikiAccessKey'>X</span>. This is used to implement access keys. If you want to write an actual amperstand that stays just before a letter, write two consecutive amperstands (&&): they will be transformed in just one.
translatable string starting with underscores (_) are reserved. You cannot use translatable phrases starting with an underscore.
Make sure that the translatable string is constant. Specially, do not include %VARIABLES% inside the translatable strings (since they will get expanded before the %MAKETEXT{...}% itself is handled).
Note:%<color>% text must end with %ENDCOLOR%. If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with %ENDCOLOR%, e.g. write %RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR%.
Provided mainly for use in templates, this variable generates the parts of the topic view that relate to meta-data (attachments, forms etc.) The formfield item is the most likely to be useful to casual users.
name="...": name of the field. The field value can be shortened as described in FormattedSearch for $formfield newline="...": by default, each newline character will be rewritten to <br /> to allow metadata that contains newlines to be used in tables, etc. $n indicates a newline character. bar="...": by default, each vertical bar is rewritten to an HTML entity so as to not be mistaken for a table separator.
Show a single form field
Generates the table showing the form fields. See Form Templates
all="on" to show hidden attachments. title="..." to show a title - only if attachments are displayed. template="..." to use a custom template for the rendering of attachments; default attachtables is used.
Generates the list of attachments
Details of any topic moves
dontrecurse="on": By default recurses up tree, this has some cost. nowebhome="on": Suppress WebHome. prefix="...": Prefix that goes before parents, but only if there are parents, default "". format="...": Format string used to display each parent topic where $web expands to the web name, and $topic expands to the topic name; default: "[[$web.$topic][$topic]]" suffix="...": Suffix, only appears if there are parents; default "". separator="...": Separator between parents; default " > ".
What sort of search is required? "topicmoved" if search for a topic that may have been moved "parent" if searching for topics that have a specific parent i.e. its children "field" if searching for topics that have a particular form field value (use the name and value parameters to specify which field to search)
Wiki web to search: A web, a list of webs separated by whitespace, or all webs.
current web
The topic the search relates to, for topicmoved and parent searches
current topic
form field to search, for field type searches. May be a regular expression (see SEARCH).
form field value, for field type searches. May be a regular expression (see SEARCH).
Text that is prefixed to any search results
Default text shown if no search hit
Example: %METASEARCH{type="topicmoved" web="%WEB%" topic="%TOPIC%" title="This topic used to exist and was moved to: "}%
Note:%<color>% text must end with %ENDCOLOR%. If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with %ENDCOLOR%, e.g. write %RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR%.
NOP -- template text not to be expanded in instantiated topics
Syntax: %NOP%
In normal topic text, expands to <nop>, which prevents expansion of adjacent variables and wikiwords
When the topic containing this is used as a template for another topic, it is removed.
Syntax: %NOP{...}%deprecated
In normal topic text, expands to whatever is in the curly braces (if anything).
Note: This is deprecated. Do not use it. Use %STARTSECTION{type="templateonly"}% .. %ENDSECTION{type="templateonly"}% instead (see TWikiTemplates for more details).
Note:%<color>% text must end with %ENDCOLOR%. If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with %ENDCOLOR%, e.g. write %RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR%.
Note:%<color>% text must end with %ENDCOLOR%. If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with %ENDCOLOR%, e.g. write %RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR%.
Note:%<color>% text must end with %ENDCOLOR%. If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with %ENDCOLOR%, e.g. write %RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR%.
Note:%<color>% text must end with %ENDCOLOR%. If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with %ENDCOLOR%, e.g. write %RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR%.
QUERYSTRING -- full, unprocessed string of parameters to this URL
String of all the URL parameters that were on the URL used to get to the current page. For example, if you add ?name=Samantha;age=24;eyes=blue to this URL you can see this in action. This string can be appended to a URL to pass parameter values on to another page.
Note: URLs built this way are typically restricted in length, typically to 2048 characters. If you need more space than this, you will need to use an HTML form and %QUERYPARAMS%.
Note:%<color>% text must end with %ENDCOLOR%. If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with %ENDCOLOR%, e.g. write %RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR%.
Expands to:
Example: To get the authenticated version of the current topic you can write %SCRIPTURL{"viewauth"}%/%WEB%/%TOPIC% which expands to
Note: In most cases you should use %SCRIPTURLPATH{"script"}% instead, as it works with URL rewriting much better
Search term. Is a keyword search, literal search or regular expression search, depending on the type parameter. SearchHelp has more
(Alternative to above)
web="Name" web="Main, Know" web="all"
Comma-separated list of webs to search. You can specifically exclude webs from an all search using a minus sign - for example, web="all,-Secretweb". The special word all means all webs that do not have the NOSEARCHALL variable set to on in their WebPreferences. Note that TWikiAccessControls are respected when searching webs; it is much better to use them than NOSEARCHALL.
Current web
topic="WebPreferences" topic="*Bug"
Limit search to topics: A topic, a topic with asterisk wildcards, or a list of topics separated by comma. Note this is a list of topic names and must not include web names.
Exclude topics from search: A topic, a topic with asterisk wildcards, or a list of topics separated by comma. Note this is a list of topic names and must not include web names.
type="keyword" type="literal" type="regex"
Do a keyword search like soap "web service" -shampoo; a literal search like web service; or RegularExpression search like soap;web service;!shampoo
Sort the results of search by the topic names, topic creation time, last modified time, last editor, or named field of TWikiForms. The sorting is done web by web; if you want to sort across webs, create a formatted table and sort it with TablePlugin's initsort. Note that dates are sorted most recent date last (i.e at the bottom of the table).
Sort by topic name
limit="all" limit="16"
Limit the number of results returned. This is done after sorting if order is specified
All results
limits the results to those pages with latest edit time in the given TimeInterval.
Shorthand for nosummary="on" nosearch="on" nototal="on" zeroresults="off" noheader="on" noempty="on"
Show topic title only
Show topic summary
Suppress search string
Show search string
Suppress default search header Topics: Changed: By:, unless a header is explicitly specified
Show default search header, unless search is inline and a format is specified (Cairo compatibility)
Do not show number of topics found
Show number
Suppress all output if there are no hits
zeroresults="on", displays: "Number of topics: 0"
Suppress results for webs that have no hits.
Show webs with no hits
header="..." format="..."
Custom format results: see FormattedSearch for usage, variables & examples
Results in table
Expand variables before applying a FormattedSearch on a search hit. Useful to show the expanded text, e.g. to show the result of a SpreadSheetPlugin%CALC{}% instead of the formula
Raw text
Multiple hits per topic. Each hit can be formatted. The last token is used in case of a regular expression ";" and search
Only one hit per topic
If on, the search variable does not end in a line by itself. Any text continuing immediately after the search variable on the same line will be rendered as part of the table generated by the search, if appropriate.
Recurse into subwebs, if subwebs are enabled.
separator=", "
Line separator between search hits
"$n" (Newline)
Line separator within a search hit. Useful if the format="" parameter contains a $pattern() that captures more than one line, i.e. contents of a textfield in a form.
Example with format: %SEARCH{"FAQ" scope="topic" nosearch="on" nototal="on" header="| *Topic: * | *Summary: * |" format="| $topic | $summary |"%(displays results in a table with header - details)
Hint: If the TWiki:Plugins.TablePlugin is installed, you may set a %TABLE{}% variable just before the %SEARCH{}% to alter the output of a search. Example: %TABLE{ tablewidth="90%" }%
Note: When used in a template topic, this variable will be expanded when the template is used to create a new topic. See TWikiTemplates#TemplateTopicsVars for details.
Example: %SERVERTIME{"$hou:$min"}% expands to 18:36
Note: When used in a template topic, this variable will be expanded when the template is used to create a new topic. See TWikiTemplates#TemplateTopicsVars for details.
Note:%<color>% text must end with %ENDCOLOR%. If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with %ENDCOLOR%, e.g. write %RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR%.
The separator to put between words e.g. %SPACEOUT{"DogsCatsBudgies" separator=", "}% -> Dogs, Cats, Budgies
' '
Hint: Spaced out WikiWords are not automatically linked. To SPACEOUT a WikiWord but preserve the link use "double bracket" format. For example, [[WebHome][%SPACEOUT{"WebHome"}%]] expands to Web Home
STARTINCLUDE -- start position of topic text if included
If present in included topic, start to include text from this location up to the end, or up to the location of the %STOPINCLUDE% variable. A normal view of the topic shows everything exept the %STARTINCLUDE% variable itself.
Note: If you want more than one part of the topic included, use %STARTSECTION{type="include"}% instead
STARTSECTION -- marks the start of a section within a topic
Section boundaries are defined with %STARTSECTION{}% and %ENDSECTION{}%.
Sections may be given a name to help identify them, and/or a type, which changes how they are used.
type="section" - the default, used for a generic section, such as a named section used by INCLUDE.
type="include" - like %STARTINCLUDE% ... %STOPINCLUDE% except that you can have as many include blocks as you want (%STARTINCLUDE% is restricted to only one).
type="templateonly" - start position of text to be removed when a template topic is used. This is used to embed text that you do not want expanded when a new topic based on the template topic is created. See TWikiTemplates for more information.
Name of the section. Must be unique inside a topic.
Generated name
Type of the section; type "section", "include" or "templateonly"
Note: If a section is not given a name, it will be assigned one. Unnamed sections are assigned names starting with _SECTION0 for the first unnamed section in the topic, _SECTION1 for the second, etc..
Note: You can define nested sections. It is not recommended to overlap sections, although it is valid in TWiki. Use named sections to make sure that the correct START and ENDs are matched. Section markers are not displayed when a topic is viewed.
STOPINCLUDE -- end position of topic text if included
If present in included topic, stop to include text at this location and ignore the remaining text. A normal view of the topic shows everyting exept the %STOPINCLUDE% variable itself.
Note:%<color>% text must end with %ENDCOLOR%. If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with %ENDCOLOR%, e.g. write %RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR%.
Table of Contents. Shows a TOC that is generated automatically based on headings of a topic. Headings in WikiSyntax ("---++ text") and HTML ("<h2>text</h2>") are taken into account. Any heading text after "!!" is excluded from the TOC; for example, write "---+!! text" if you do not want to list a header in the TOC
Hint: TOC will generate links to the headings, so when a reader clicks on a heading it will jump straight where that heading is anchored in the text. If you have two headings with exactly the same text, then their anchors will also be identical and they won't be able to jump to them. To make the anchors unique, you can add an invisible HTML comment to the text of the heading. This will be hidden in normal view, but will force the anchors to be different. For example, ---+ Heading <!--5-->.
List of all topics in a web. The "format" defines the format of one topic item. It may include variables: The $name variable gets expanded to the topic name, $qname to double quoted name, $marker to marker parameter where topic matches selection, and $web to the name of the web.
Format of one line, may include $web (name of web), $name (name of the topic), $qname (name of topic in double quotes), $marker (which expands to marker for the item matching selection only)
(Alternative to above)
separator=", "
line separator
"$n" (new line)
Text for $marker if the item matches selection
selection="TopicA, TopicB"
Current value to be selected in list
Name of web
Current web
Example: %TOPICLIST{" * $web.$name"}% creates a bullet list of all topics
Example: %TOPICLIST{separator=", "}% creates a comma separated list of all topics
Example: %TOPICLIST{" <option>$name</option>"}% creates an option list (for drop down menus)
Example: <select>%TOPICLIST{" <option $marker value='$name'>$name</option>" separator=" " selection="%TOPIC%"}%</select> creates an option list of web topics with the current topic selected
Default value in case parameter is empty or missing
empty string
newline="<br />"
Convert newlines in textarea to other delimiters
no conversion
Encode special characters into HTML entities. See ENCODE for more details.
no encoding
Encode special characters for URL parameter use, like a double quote into %22
no encoding
Escape double quotes with backslashes (\"), does not change other characters; required when feeding URL parameters into other TWiki variables
no encoding
multiple="on" multiple="[[$item]]"
If set, gets all selected elements of a <select multiple="multiple"> tag. A format can be specified, with $item indicating the element, e.g. multiple="Option: $item"
first element
separator=", "
Separator between multiple selections. Only relevant if multiple is specified
"\n" (new line)
Example: %URLPARAM{"skin"}% returns print for a .../view/TWiki/TWikiVariables?skin=print URL
Note: URL parameters passed into HTML form fields must be entity ENCODEd.
Note: Double quotes in URL parameters must be escaped when passed into other TWiki variables. Example: %SEARCH{ "%URLPARAM{ "search" encode="quotes" }%" noheader="on" }%
Note: When used in a template topic, this variable will be expanded when the template is used to create a new topic. See TWikiTemplates#TemplateTopicsVars for details.
Note: There is a risk that this variable could be misused for cross-site scripting.
USERINFO{"WikiName"} -- retrieve details about a user
Syntax: %USERINFO%
Expands to: guest, TWikiGuest, (comma-separated list of the username, wikiusername, and emails)
With formatted output, using tokens $emails, $username, $wikiname, $wikiusername, and $groups:
Example: %USERINFO{ format="$username is really $wikiname" }%
Expands to: guest is really TWikiGuest
Retrieve information about another user:
Example: %USERINFO{ "TWikiGuest" format="$username is really $wikiname" }%
Expands to: guest is really TWikiGuest
Note: The parameter should be the wikiname of a user. You can only get information about another user if the {AntiSpam}{HideUserDetails} configuration option is not enabled, or if you are an admin. (User details are hidden in this TWiki)
TWiki makes names available in three formats: USERNAME like jsmith, WIKINAME like JohnSmith and WIKIUSERNAME like Main.JohnSmith. Un-authenticated users are all TWikiGuest.
Syntax: %USERNAME%
Expands to: guest
Note: When used in a template topic, this variable will be expanded when the template is used to create a new topic. See TWikiTemplates#TemplateTopicsVars for details.
The identifier of the poll. You can have multiple independent votes in the same topic.
Defines the name of a select vote, where you select one from a ranges of options. N is a number that identifies this item within the poll e.g. select1, select2 etc. You must number all select and stars parameters uniquely and sequentially (e.g. select1 stars2 select3
Each selectN must have a corresponding optionsN that defines a comma-separated list of the options that can be selected between.
Defines the name of a rate vote, where you rate something by giving it a number of stars. N is a number that identifies this item within the poll e.g. select1, stars2 etc. You must number all select and stars parameters uniquely and sequentially (e.g. select1 stars2 select3
Each starsN must have a corresponding widthN. This gives the number of stars to show e.g. width1="5" will show 5 stars.
Defines the format of the results display. See formatting results, below.
Defines the format of a single bar in the results bar chart generated for the corresponding select (for select type only). See formatting results, below.
chart="<p>$option $score</p>"
Defines the string to be used to separate each row in the result.
If set to "off", this makes the id local to this topic (the default). If set to "on" it will be a global poll that can be accessed from many topics.
If set to "off" this is a closed vote. If set to "on" it is open (the default)
If set to "off", then the database will record who voted. If set to "on", votes are secret (the default)
If set to the name of a topic, the poll results will be appended to the end of that topic. The results are formatted as a TWiki table for easy post-processing.
If set to "on", rating averages will be computed using the Bayesian average of this item against all the other items that have the same item in their stars field. This requires all the participating %VOTEs to be global, or to save their results to the same place using saveto. See for more information about Bayesian rating.
If set to "off", this makes the %VOTE display the results of the vote without prompting for any input. This is useful when - for example - you want to show the results of a global vote, without permitting more voting.
%WEB% expands to the name of the web where the topic is located. If you are looking at the text of an included topic, it is the web where the included topic is located.
List of all webs. Obfusticated webs are excluded, e.g. webs with a NOSEARCHALL = on preference variable. The "format" defines the format of one web item. The $name variable gets expanded to the name of the web, $qname gets expanded to double quoted name, $marker to marker where web matches selection.
Format of one line, may include $name (the name of the web), $qname (the name of the web in double quotes), $indentedname (the name of the web with parent web names replaced by indents, for use in indented lists), and $marker (which expands to marker for the item matching selection only)
(Alternative to above)
separator=", "
Line separator
"$n" (new line)
Comma separated list of webs, public expands to all non-hidden. NOTE: Administrators will see all webs, not just the public ones
Text for $marker if the item matches selection
Current value to be selected in list
Example: %WEBLIST{" * [[$name.WebHome]]"}% - creates a bullet list of all webs.
Example: <form><select name="web"> %WEBLIST{"<option $marker value=$qname>$name</option>" webs="Trash, public" selection="%WEB%" separator=" "}% </select></form> - creates a dropdown of all public webs + Trash web, with the current web highlighted.
Expands to: white text (shown with a gray background here)
Note:%<color>% text must end with %ENDCOLOR%. If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with %ENDCOLOR%, e.g. write %RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR%.
The WikiName is the same as %USERNAME% if not defined in the TWikiUsers topic
Syntax: %WIKINAME%
Expands to: TWikiGuest
Note: When used in a template topic, this variable will be expanded when the template is used to create new topic. See TWikiTemplates#TemplateTopicsVars for details.
WIKIUSERNAME -- your Wiki username with web prefix
Your %WIKINAME% with Main web prefix, useful to point to your TWiki home page
Expands to: Main.TWikiGuest, renders as TWikiGuest
Note: When used in a template topic, this variable will be expanded when the template is used to create a new topic. See TWikiTemplates#TemplateTopicsVars for details
Note:%<color>% text must end with %ENDCOLOR%. If you want to switch from one color to another one you first need to end the active color with %ENDCOLOR%, e.g. write %RED% some text %ENDCOLOR% %GREEN% more text %ENDCOLOR%.
Special text strings expand on the fly to display user data or system info
< <
TWikiVariables are text strings - %VARIABLE% - that expand into content whenever a page is rendered for viewing. VARIABLES are replaced by data, either user-entered or automatically generated by TWiki (like the date, or the current username). There are predefined variables, and Preference variables that you can configure. You can also define custom variables, with new names and values.
> >
TWikiVariables are text strings - %VARIABLE% or %VARIABLE{ parameter="value" }% - that expand into content whenever a topic is rendered for viewing. There are two types of variables:
Preferences variables: Can be defined and changed by the user
Predefined variables: Defined by the TWiki system or by Plugins (for example, the SpreadSheetPlugin introduces a %CALC{}% variable)
Using Variables
To use a variable type its name. For example,
type %T% to get (a preferences variable)
type %TOPIC% to get TWikiVariables (a predefined variable)
type %CALC{ "$UPPER(Text)" }% to get TEXT (a variable defined by Plugin)
To leave a variable unexpanded, precede it with an exclamation point, e.g. type !%TOPIC% to get %TOPIC%
Variables are expanded relative to the topic they are used in, not the topic they are defined in
Type %ALLVARIABLES% to get a full listing of all variables defined for a particular topic
< <
To leave a variable unexpanded, precede it with an exclamation point, e.g. type !%TOPIC% to get %TOPIC%.
Variables are expanded relative to the topic they are used in, not the topic they are defined in.
< <
Predefined Variables
> >
Preferences Variables
< <
Most predefined variables return values that were either set in the lib/twiki.cfg file, when TWiki was installed, or taken from server info (like current username, or date and time). Many of the variables let you format the appearance of the display results.
> >
Unlike predefined variables, preferences variables can be defined by the user in various places.
< <
Take the time to thoroughly read through ALL preference variables. If you actively configure your site, review variables periodically. They cover a wide range of functions, and it can be easy to miss the one perfect variable for something you have in mind. For example, see %INCLUDINGTOPIC%, %INCLUDE%, and the mighty %SEARCH%.
> >
Setting Preferences Variables
You can set variables in all the following places:
Settings at higher-numbered levels override settings of the same variable at lower numbered levels, unless the variable was included in the setting of FINALPREFERENCES at a lower-numbered level, in which case it is locked at the value it has at that level.
The syntax for setting Variables is the same anywhere in TWiki (on its own TWiki bullet line, including nested bullets): [multiple of 3 spaces] * [space] Set [space] VARIABLENAME [space] = [space] value
Spaces between the = sign and the value will be ignored. You can split a value over several lines by indenting following lines with spaces - as long as you don't try to use * as the first character on the following line.
* Set VARIABLENAME = value starts here
and continues here
< <
This version of TWiki - TWiki-4.1.2, Sat, 03 Mar 2007, build 13046 - expands the following variables (enclosed in % percent signs):
> >
Whatever you include in your Variable will be expanded on display, exactly as if it had been entered directly.
To place a logo anywhere in a web by typing %MYLOGO%, define the Variable on the web's WebPreferences topic, and upload a logo file, ex: mylogo.gif. You can upload by attaching the file to WebPreferences, or, to avoid clutter, to any other topic in the same web, e.g. LogoTopic. Sample variable setting in WebPreferences:
Set MYLOGO = %PUBURL%/%WEB%/LogoTopic/mylogo.gif
< <
Note: Above text is included from TWikiVariablesAtoM? and TWikiVariablesNtoZ?
> >
You can also set preferences variables on a topic by clicking the link Edit topic preference settings under More topic actions. Preferences set in this manner are not visible in the topic text, but take effect nevertheless.
> >
Access Control Variables
< <
Preferences Variables
> >
These are special types of preferences variables to control access to content. TWikiAccessControl explains these security settings in detail.
< <
Additional variables are defined in the preferences topics:
List of users and groups who are allowed to rename topics in the TWiki web. (More in TWikiAccessControl)
Default state of the link check box in the attach file page. Check box is initially checked if value is set to CHECKED , unchecked if empty. If checked, a link is created to the attached file at the end of the topic. Value is:
(any topic)
List of users and groups who are not allowed to change the current topic. (More in TWikiAccessControl)
(any topic)
List of users and groups who are not allowed to rename the current topic. (More in TWikiAccessControl)
List of users and groups who are not allowed to change topics in the TWiki web. (More in TWikiAccessControl)
List of users and groups who are not allowed to rename topics in the TWiki web. (More in TWikiAccessControl)
Default state of the "Minor Changes, Don't Notify" (DontNotify) check box in preview. Check box is initially checked if Set DONTNOTIFYCHECKBOX = checked="checked", or unchecked if empty. Value is:
Vertical size of edit box, is 20
Horizontal size of edit box, is 70
Style of text edit box. Set to width: 99% for full window width (default; overwrites the EDITBOXWIDTH setting), or width: auto to disable. Value is: width: 99%
width: 99%
List of preferences that are not allowed to be overridden by next level preferences
http-equiv meta tags for view, rdiff, attach, search* scripts.
Background color of non existing topic. ( UL needs authentication for topic views )
Font color of non existing topic. ( UL needs authentication for topic views )
Exclude web from a web="all" search (set variable to on for hidden webs)
Default state of the "Release edit lock" (UnlockTopic? ) check box in preview. Checkbox is initially checked if Set RELEASEEDITLOCKCHECKBOX = checked="checked", or unchecked if empty. If checked, make sure to click on Edit to do more changes; do not go back in your browser to the edit page, or you risk that someone else will edit the topic at the same time! Value is: %RELEASEEDITLOCKCHECKBOX%
Background color of web
Copyright notice (bottom right corner of topics)
This site is powered by the TWiki collaboration platform. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. All material marked as authored by Eben Moglen is available under the license terms CC-BY-SA version 4.
Certain topics (a users home topic, web site and default preferences topics) have a problem; variables defined in those topics can have two meanings. For example, consider a user topic. A user may want to use a double-height edit box when they are editing their home topic - but only when editing their home topic. The rest of the time, they want to have a normal edit box. This separation is achieved using Local in place of Set in the variable definition. For example, if the user sets the following in their home topic:
Then when they are editing any other topic, they will get a 10 high edit box. However when they are editing their home topic, they will get a 20 high edit box.
Local can be used wherever a preference needs to take a different value depending on where the current operation is being performed.
Use this powerful feature with great care! %ALLVARIABLES% can be used to get a listing of the values of all variables in their evaluation order, so you can see variable scope if you get confused.
Note: There are some more useful variables defined in the TWikiPreferences like %BR% for line break, colors like %RED% for colored text and small icons like %H% for a Help icon.
The syntax for Preferences Variables is the same anywhere in TWiki (on its own TWiki bullet line, including nested bullets): [multiple of 3 spaces] * [space] Set [space] VARIABLENAME [space] = [value] Examples:
> >
Most predefined variables return values that were either set in the configuration when TWiki was installed, or taken from server info (such as current username, or date and time). Some, like %SEARCH%, are powerful and general tools.
Plugins may extend the set of predefined variables (see individual Plugins topics for details)
Take the time to thoroughly read through ALL preference variables. If you actively configure your site, review variables periodically. They cover a wide range of functions, and it can be easy to miss the one perfect variable for something you have in mind. For example, see %INCLUDINGTOPIC%, %INCLUDE%, and the mighty %SEARCH%.
< <
You can add your own Preference Variables for us across an entire site or a single web, using the standard Preferences syntax. Whatever you include in your Variable will be expanded on display, exactly as if it had been entered directly. You can place formatted text, page links, image paths.
> >
This version of TWiki - TWiki-4.1.2, Sat, 03 Mar 2007, build 13046 - predefines the following variables:
< <
Example: Create a custom logo variable the TWiki web
To place a logo anywhere in a web by typing %MYLOGO%, define the Variable on the web's WebPreferences page, and upload a logo file, ex: mylogo.gif. You can upload by attaching the file to WebPreferences, or, to avoid clutter, to any other topic in the same web, ex: LogoTopic:
Special text strings expand on the fly to display user data or system info
< <
TWikiVariables are text strings - %VARIABLE% - that expand into content whenever a page is opened. When a topic is rendered for viewing, VARIABLES are replaced by data, either user-entered, or info automatically generated by TWiki (like the date, or the current username). There are predefined variables, and Preference variables that you configure. You can also define custom variables, with new names and values.
> >
TWikiVariables are text strings - %VARIABLE% - that expand into content whenever a page is rendered for viewing. VARIABLES are replaced by data, either user-entered or automatically generated by TWiki (like the date, or the current username). There are predefined variables, and Preference variables that you can configure. You can also define custom variables, with new names and values.
< <
Note: To leave a variable unexpanded, preceed it with an exclamation point, e.g. type !%TOPIC% to get %TOPIC%.
> >
To leave a variable unexpanded, precede it with an exclamation point, e.g. type !%TOPIC% to get %TOPIC%.
Variables are expanded relative to the topic they are used in, not the topic they are defined in.
Predefined Variables
Line: 18 to 20
This version of TWiki - TWiki-4.1.2, Sat, 03 Mar 2007, build 13046 - expands the following variables (enclosed in % percent signs):
< <
ATTACHURL -- attachment URL of the current topic
Expands to:
Example: If you attach a file you can refer to it as %ATTACHURL%/image.gif
What sort of search is required? "topicmoved" if search for a topic that may have been moved "parent" if searching for topics that have a specific parent i.e. its children
Wiki web to search: A web, a list of webs separated by whitespace, or all webs.
The topic the search relates to
Text that is prepended to any search results
Example: %METASEARCH{type="topicmoved" web="%WEB%" topic="%TOPIC%" title="This topic used to exist and was moved to: "}%
Expands to:
Example: To get the authenticated version of current topic write %SCRIPTURL%/viewauth%SCRIPTSUFFIX%/%WEB%/%TOPIC% which expands to
Sort the results of search by the topic names, topic creation time, last modified time, last editor, or named field of TWikiForms. The sorting is done web by web; in case you want to sort across webs, create a formatted table and sort it with TablePlugin's initsort
Sort by topic name
limit="all" limit="16"
Limit the number of results returned. This is done after sorting in case order is specified
Custom format results: see FormattedSearch for usage, variables & examples
Results in table
Expand variables before applying a FormattedSearch on a search hit. Useful to show the expanded text, e.g. to show the result of a SpreadSheetPlugin%CALC{}% instead of the formula
Raw text
Multiple hits per topic. Each hit can be formatted. The last token is used in case of a regular expression ";" and search
Example with format: %SEARCH{"FAQ" scope="topic" nosearch="on" nototal="on" header="| *Topic: * | *Summary: * |" format="| $topic | $summary |"%(displays results in a table with header - details)
If the TWiki:Plugins.TablePlugin is installed, you may set a %TABLE{}% variable just before the %SEARCH{}% to alter the output of a search. Example: %TABLE{ tablewidth="90%" }%
STARTINCLUDE -- start position of topic text if included
If present in included topic, start to include text from this location up to the end, or up to the location of the %STOPINCLUDE% variable. A normal view of the topic shows everyting exept the %STARTINCLUDE% variable itself.
STOPINCLUDE -- end position of topic text if included
If present in included topic, stop to include text at this location and ignore the remaining text. A normal view of the topic shows everyting exept the %STOPINCLUDE% variable itself.
Table of Contents. Shows a TOC that is generated automatically based on headings of a topic. Headings in WikiSyntax ("---++ text") and HTML ("<h2>text</h2>") are taken into account. Any heading text after "!!" is excluded from the TOC; for example, write "---+!! text" if you do not want to list a header in the TOC
The "format" defines the format of one topic item. It may include variables: The $name variable gets expanded to the topic name; the $web variable gets expanded to the name of the web.
Default value in case parameter is empty or missing
empty string
newline="<br />"
Convert newlines in textarea to other delimiters
no conversion
Encode special characters into HTML entities, like a double quote into ". This is needed if text is put into an HTML form field
no encoding
Encode special characters for URL parameter use, like a double quote into %22
no encoding
multiple="on" multiple="[[$item]]"
If set, gets all selected elements of a <select multiple="multiple"> tag. A format can be specified, with $item indicating the element, e.g. multiple="Option: $item"
first element
separator=", "
Separator between multiple selections. Only relevant if multiple is specified
"\n" (new line)
Example: %URLPARAM{"skin"}% returns print for a .../view/TWiki/TWikiVariables?skin=print URL. Test this:
TWiki makes names available in three formats: USERNAME like jsmith, WIKINAME like JohnSmith and WIKIUSERNAME like Main.JohnSmith. A user is a TWikiGuest in case the topic is not authenticated
List of all webs. Hidden webs are excluded, e.g. webs with a NOSEARCHALL=on preference variable. The "format" defines the format of one web item. The $name variable gets expanded to the name of the web, $qname gets expanded to double quoted name, $marker to marker where web matches selection.
comma sep list of Web, public expands to all non-hidden
Text for $marker where item matches selection, otherwise equals ""
Current value to be selected in list
Example: %WEBLIST{" * [[$name.WebHome]]"}% creates a bullet list of all webs.
Example: %WEBLIST{"<option $marker value=$qname>$name</option>" webs="Trash,public" selection="TWiki" separator=" "}% Dropdown of all public Webs + Trash Web, current Web highlighted.
Warning: Can't find topic TWiki.TWikiVariablesNtoZ
Note: Above text is included from TWikiVariablesAtoM? and TWikiVariablesNtoZ?
Preferences Variables
< <
Additional variables are defined in the preferences ( site-level ( SL ) in TWikiPreferences, web-level ( WL ) in WebPreferences of each web, and user level ( UL ) preferences in individual user topics):
> >
Additional variables are defined in the preferences topics:
List of users and groups who are allowed to rename topics in the TWiki web. (More in TWikiAccessControl)
> >
Default state of the link check box in the attach file page. Check box is initially checked if value is set to CHECKED , unchecked if empty. If checked, a link is created to the attached file at the end of the topic. Value is:
> >
(any topic)
List of users and groups who are not allowed to change the current topic. (More in TWikiAccessControl)
> >
(any topic)
List of users and groups who are not allowed to rename the current topic. (More in TWikiAccessControl)
> >
List of users and groups who are not allowed to change topics in the TWiki web. (More in TWikiAccessControl)
> >
List of users and groups who are not allowed to rename topics in the TWiki web. (More in TWikiAccessControl)
> >
Default state of the "Minor Changes, Don't Notify" (DontNotify) check box in preview. Check box is initially checked if Set DONTNOTIFYCHECKBOX = checked="checked", or unchecked if empty. Value is:
> >
Vertical size of edit box, is 20
> >
Horizontal size of edit box, is 70
> >
Style of text edit box. Set to width: 99% for full window width (default; overwrites the EDITBOXWIDTH setting), or width: auto to disable. Value is: width: 99%
> >
width: 99%
List of preferences that are not allowed to be overridden by next level preferences
http-equiv meta tags for view, rdiff, attach, search* scripts.
> >
Background color of non existing topic. ( UL needs authentication for topic views )
> >
Font color of non existing topic. ( UL needs authentication for topic views )
> >
Exclude web from a web="all" search (set variable to on for hidden webs)
> >
Default state of the "Release edit lock" (UnlockTopic? ) check box in preview. Checkbox is initially checked if Set RELEASEEDITLOCKCHECKBOX = checked="checked", or unchecked if empty. If checked, make sure to click on Edit to do more changes; do not go back in your browser to the edit page, or you risk that someone else will edit the topic at the same time! Value is: %RELEASEEDITLOCKCHECKBOX%
> >
Background color of web
> >
Copyright notice (bottom right corner of topics)
> >
This site is powered by the TWiki collaboration platform. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. All material marked as authored by Eben Moglen is available under the license terms CC-BY-SA version 4.
This version of TWiki - TWiki-4.1.2, Sat, 03 Mar 2007, build 13046 - expands the following variables (enclosed in % percent signs):
< <
Expanded to:
The base script URL of TWiki, is the link of the Home icon in the upper left corner, is /twiki/bin/view
The script URL of TWiki, is
The path of the script URL of TWiki, is /twiki/bin
The script suffix, ex: .pl, .cgi is
The public URL of TWiki, is Example: You can refer to a file attached to another topic as %PUBURL%/%WEB%/OtherTopic/image.gif
The path of the public URL of TWiki, is /twiki/pub
The attachment URL of the current topic, is Example: If you attach a file you can refer to it as %ATTACHURL%/image.gif
The path of the attachment URL of the current topic, is /twiki/pub/TWiki/TWikiVariables
Small 16x16 pixel icon of common attachment types, like bmp, doc, gif, hlp, html, mp3, pdf, ppt, txt, xls, xml, zip, etc. Specify file type only, file name, or full path name. Example: %ICON{"pdf"}% returns
Returns the value of a URL parameter. Note that there is a risk that this variable could be misused for cross-scripting. Supported parameters:
Default value in case parameter is empty or missing
empty string
newline="<br />"
Convert newlines in textarea to other delimiters
no conversion
Encode special characters into HTML entities, like a double quote into ". This is needed if text is put into an HTML form field
no encoding
Encode special characters for URL parameter use, like a double quote into %22
no encoding
multiple="on" multiple="[[$item]]"
If set, gets all selected elements of a <select multiple="multiple"> tag. A format can be specified, with $item indicating the element, e.g. multiple="Option: $item"
first element
separator=", "
Separator between multiple selections. Only relevant if multiple is specified
"\n" (new line)
Example: %URLPARAM{"skin"}% returns print for a .../view/TWiki/TWikiVariables?skin=print URL. Is
Encodes a string. Supported parameters:
> >
ATTACHURL -- attachment URL of the current topic
Expands to:
Example: If you attach a file you can refer to it as %ATTACHURL%/image.gif
The index topic of all registered users - TWikiUsers
The site-wide preferences topic - TWikiPreferences
The local web preferences topic in each web - WebPreferences
The web statistics topic WebStatistics
The current topic name - TWikiVariables
The name of the topic where a single or nested INCLUDE started - same as %TOPIC% if there is no INCLUDE.
The name of the topic that includes the current topic. Same as %TOPIC% in case there is no include.
The current topic name with added spaces, for regular expression search of Ref-By, is TWiki%20*Variables
Topic index of a web. The "format" defines the format of one topic item. It may include variables: The $name variable gets expanded to the topic name; the $web variable gets expanded to the name of the web.
Parameters are format, separator and web:
Format of one line, may include $name and $web variables
(Alternative to above)
separator=", "
line separator
"\n" (new line)
Name of web
Current web
%TOPICLIST{" * $web.$name"}% creates a bullet list of all topics.
%TOPICLIST{separator=", "}% creates a comma separated list of all topics.
%TOPICLIST{" <option>$name</option>"}% creates an option list (for drop down menus).
Web index, ex: list of all webs. Hidden webs are excluded, e.g. webs with a NOSEARCHALL=on preference variable. The "format" defines the format of one web item. The $name variable gets expanded to the name of the web, $qname gets expanded to double quoted name, $marker to marker where web matches selection.
Parameters are format, separator and web:
comma sep list of Web, public expands to all non-hidden
Text for $marker where item matches selection, otherwise equals ""
Current value to be selected in list
Examples: %WEBLIST{" * [[$name.WebHome]]"}% creates a bullet list of all webs.
%WEBLIST{"<option $marker value=$qname>$name</option>" webs="Trash,public" selection="TWiki" separator=" "}% Dropdown of all public Webs + Trash Web, current Web highlighted.
GM time, is 20 Jan 2025 - 23:36
Formatted GM time based on time variables.
> >
Example: %ENCODE{"spaced name"}% expands to spaced%20name
Variables can be shortened to 3 characters. Example: %GMTIME{"$day $month, $year - $hour:$min:$sec"}% is 20 Jan, 2025 - 23:36:10
Server time, is 20 Jan 2025 - 18:36
Formatted server time. Same format qualifiers as %GMTIME% Example: %SERVERTIME{"$hou:$min"}% is 18:36
Display time, is 20 Jan 2025 - 23:36
Formatted time - either GMT or Local server time, depending on setting in TWiki.cfg. Same format qualifiers as %GMTIME% Example: %DISPLAYTIME{"$hou:$min"}% is 23:36
HTTP_HOST environment variable, is
If present in included topic, start to include text from this location up to the end, or up to the location of the %STOPINCLUDE% variable. A normal view of the topic shows everyting exept the %STARTINCLUDE% variable itself.
If present in included topic, stop to include text at this location and ignore the remaining text. A normal view of the topic shows everyting exept the %STOPINCLUDE% variable itself.
Table of Contents of current topic.
%TOC{"SomeTopic" ...}%
Table of Contents. Shows a TOC that is generated automatically based on headings of a topic. Headings in WikiSyntax ("---++ text") and HTML ("<h2>text</h2>") are taken into account. Any heading text after "!!" is excluded from the TOC; for example, write "---+!! text" if you do not want to list a header in the TOC. Supported parameters:
Inline search, shows a search result embedded in a topic. Parameters are the search term, web, scope, order and many more: [1]
> >
What sort of search is required? "topicmoved" if search for a topic that may have been moved "parent" if searching for topics that have a specific parent i.e. its children
Wiki web to search: A web, a list of webs separated by whitespace, or all webs.
The topic the search relates to
Text that is prepended to any search results
Example: %METASEARCH{type="topicmoved" web="%WEB%" topic="%TOPIC%" title="This topic used to exist and was moved to: "}%
Expands to:
Example: To get the authenticated version of current topic write %SCRIPTURL%/viewauth%SCRIPTSUFFIX%/%WEB%/%TOPIC% which expands to
Sort the results of search by the topic names, topic creation time, last modified time, last editor, or named field of TWikiForms. The sorting is done web by web; in case you want to sort across webs, create a formatted table and sort it with TablePlugin's initsort
Sort by topic name
limit="all" limit="16"
Limit the number of results returned. This is done after sorting in case order is specified
All results
Line: 255 to 244
Expand variables before applying a FormattedSearch on a search hit. Useful to show the expanded text, e.g. to show the result of a SpreadSheetPlugin%CALC{}% instead of the formula
Raw text
Multiple hits per topic. Each hit can be formatted. The last token is used in case of a regular expression ";" and search
Only one hit per topic
separator=", "
Line separator between hits
Newline "$n"
< <
Example: %SEARCH{"wiki" web="Main" scope="topic"}%
Formatted example: %SEARCH{"FAQ" scope="topic" nosearch="on" nototal="on" header="| *Topic: * | *Summary: * |" format="| $topic | $summary |"%(displays results in a table with header - details)
If the TWiki:Plugins.TablePlugin is installed, you may set a %TABLE{}% variable just before the %SEARCH{}% to alter the output of a search. Example: %TABLE{ tablewidth="90%" }%
Example with format: %SEARCH{"FAQ" scope="topic" nosearch="on" nototal="on" header="| *Topic: * | *Summary: * |" format="| $topic | $summary |"%(displays results in a table with header - details)
If the TWiki:Plugins.TablePlugin is installed, you may set a %TABLE{}% variable just before the %SEARCH{}% to alter the output of a search. Example: %TABLE{ tablewidth="90%" }%
STARTINCLUDE -- start position of topic text if included
If present in included topic, start to include text from this location up to the end, or up to the location of the %STOPINCLUDE% variable. A normal view of the topic shows everyting exept the %STARTINCLUDE% variable itself.
STOPINCLUDE -- end position of topic text if included
If present in included topic, stop to include text at this location and ignore the remaining text. A normal view of the topic shows everyting exept the %STOPINCLUDE% variable itself.
Table of Contents. Shows a TOC that is generated automatically based on headings of a topic. Headings in WikiSyntax ("---++ text") and HTML ("<h2>text</h2>") are taken into account. Any heading text after "!!" is excluded from the TOC; for example, write "---+!! text" if you do not want to list a header in the TOC
What sort of search is required? "topicmoved" if search for a topic that may have been moved "parent" if searching for topics that have a specific parent i.e. its children
Wiki web to search: A web, a list of webs separated by whitespace, or all webs.
The topic the search relates to
Text that is prepended to any search results
Example: %METASEARCH{type="topicmoved" web="%WEB%" topic="%TOPIC%" title="This topic used to exist and was moved to: "}%, you may want to use this in WebTopicViewTemplate and WebTopicNonWikiTemplate %METASEARCH{type="parent" web="%WEB%" topic="%TOPIC%" title="Children: "}%
%VAR{"NAME" web="Web"}%
Get a preference value from a web other then the current one. Example: To get %WEBBGCOLOR% of the Main web write %VAR{"WEBBGCOLOR" web="Main"}%, is #FFEFA6
The "format" defines the format of one topic item. It may include variables: The $name variable gets expanded to the topic name; the $web variable gets expanded to the name of the web.
Default value in case parameter is empty or missing
empty string
newline="<br />"
Convert newlines in textarea to other delimiters
no conversion
Encode special characters into HTML entities, like a double quote into ". This is needed if text is put into an HTML form field
no encoding
Encode special characters for URL parameter use, like a double quote into %22
no encoding
multiple="on" multiple="[[$item]]"
If set, gets all selected elements of a <select multiple="multiple"> tag. A format can be specified, with $item indicating the element, e.g. multiple="Option: $item"
first element
separator=", "
Separator between multiple selections. Only relevant if multiple is specified
"\n" (new line)
Example: %URLPARAM{"skin"}% returns print for a .../view/TWiki/TWikiVariables?skin=print URL. Test this:
[1] Note: The search form uses identical names for input fields.
> >
USERNAME -- your login username
TWiki makes names available in three formats: USERNAME like jsmith, WIKINAME like JohnSmith and WIKIUSERNAME like Main.JohnSmith. A user is a TWikiGuest in case the topic is not authenticated
List of all webs. Hidden webs are excluded, e.g. webs with a NOSEARCHALL=on preference variable. The "format" defines the format of one web item. The $name variable gets expanded to the name of the web, $qname gets expanded to double quoted name, $marker to marker where web matches selection.
comma sep list of Web, public expands to all non-hidden
Text for $marker where item matches selection, otherwise equals ""
Current value to be selected in list
Example: %WEBLIST{" * [[$name.WebHome]]"}% creates a bullet list of all webs.
Example: %WEBLIST{"<option $marker value=$qname>$name</option>" webs="Trash,public" selection="TWiki" separator=" "}% Dropdown of all public Webs + Trash Web, current Web highlighted.
[2] Note: A web can be excluded from a web="all" search if you define a NOSEARCHALL=on variable in its WebPreferences.
Preferences Variables
Line: 292 to 448
< <
Webmaster email address (sender of email notifications) , is
List of TWiki webs (in upper right corner of topics)
> >
(any topic)
List of users and groups who are allowed to change the current topic. (More in TWikiAccessControl)
(any topic)
List of users and groups who are allowed to rename the current topic. (More in TWikiAccessControl)
< <
Common links of web (second line of topics)
Copyright notice (bottom right corner of topics)
> >
List of users and groups who are allowed to change topics in the TWiki web. (More in TWikiAccessControl)
< <
Background color of web
> >
List of users and groups who are allowed to rename topics in the TWiki web. (More in TWikiAccessControl)
Default state of the link check box in the attach file page. Check box is initially checked if value is set to CHECKED , unchecked if empty. If checked, a link is created to the attached file at the end of the topic. Value is:
(any topic)
List of users and groups who are not allowed to change the current topic. (More in TWikiAccessControl)
(any topic)
List of users and groups who are not allowed to rename the current topic. (More in TWikiAccessControl)
< <
Exclude web from a web="all" search (set variable to on for hidden webs)
Background color of non existing topic. ( UL needs authentication for topic views )
Font color of non existing topic. ( UL needs authentication for topic views )
> >
List of users and groups who are not allowed to change topics in the TWiki web. (More in TWikiAccessControl)
List of users and groups who are not allowed to rename topics in the TWiki web. (More in TWikiAccessControl)
< <
Horizontal size of edit box, is 70
> >
Default state of the "Minor Changes, Don't Notify" (DontNotify) check box in preview. Check box is initially checked if Set DONTNOTIFYCHECKBOX = checked="checked", or unchecked if empty. Value is:
Vertical size of edit box, is 20
< <
> >
Horizontal size of edit box, is 70
Style of text edit box. Set to width: 99% for full window width (default; overwrites the EDITBOXWIDTH setting), or width: auto to disable. Value is: width: 99%
< <
Default state of the "Release edit lock" (UnlockTopic? ) check box in preview. Checkbox is initially checked if Set RELEASEEDITLOCKCHECKBOX = checked="checked", or unchecked if empty. If checked, make sure to click on Edit to do more changes; do not go back in your browser to the edit page, or you risk that someone else will edit the topic at the same time! Value is: %RELEASEEDITLOCKCHECKBOX%
Default state of the "Minor Changes, Don't Notify" (DontNotify) check box in preview. Check box is initially checked if Set DONTNOTIFYCHECKBOX = checked="checked", or unchecked if empty. Value is:
Default state of the link check box in the attach file page. Check box is initially checked if value is set to CHECKED , unchecked if empty. If checked, a link is created to the attached file at the end of the topic. Value is:
http-equiv meta tags for view, rdiff, attach, search* scripts.
> >
List of preferences that are not allowed to be overridden by next level preferences
http-equiv meta tags for edit script.
< <
> >
http-equiv meta tags for preview script.
< <
List of users and groups who are not allowed to change topics in the TWiki web. (More in TWikiAccessControl)
List of users and groups who are allowed to change topics in the TWiki web. (More in TWikiAccessControl)
(any topic)
List of users and groups who are not allowed to change the current topic. (More in TWikiAccessControl)
(any topic)
List of users and groups who are allowed to change the current topic. (More in TWikiAccessControl)
> >
http-equiv meta tags for view, rdiff, attach, search* scripts.
Background color of non existing topic. ( UL needs authentication for topic views )
Font color of non existing topic. ( UL needs authentication for topic views )
< <
List of users and groups who are not allowed to rename topics in the TWiki web. (More in TWikiAccessControl)
> >
Exclude web from a web="all" search (set variable to on for hidden webs)
Default state of the "Release edit lock" (UnlockTopic? ) check box in preview. Checkbox is initially checked if Set RELEASEEDITLOCKCHECKBOX = checked="checked", or unchecked if empty. If checked, make sure to click on Edit to do more changes; do not go back in your browser to the edit page, or you risk that someone else will edit the topic at the same time! Value is: %RELEASEEDITLOCKCHECKBOX%
< <
List of users and groups who are allowed to rename topics in the TWiki web. (More in TWikiAccessControl)
(any topic)
List of users and groups who are not allowed to rename the current topic. (More in TWikiAccessControl)
(any topic)
List of users and groups who are allowed to rename the current topic. (More in TWikiAccessControl)
> >
Background color of web
< <
List of preferences that are not allowed to be overridden by next level preferences
> >
Copyright notice (bottom right corner of topics)
Common links of web (second line of topics)
List of TWiki webs (in upper right corner of topics)
Webmaster email address (sender of email notifications) , is
Note: There are some more useful variables defined in the TWikiPreferences like %BR% for line break, colors like %RED% for colored text and small icons like %H% for a Help icon.
TWikiVariables are text strings - %VARIABLE% - that expand into content whenever a page is opened. When a topic is rendered for viewing, VARIABLES are replaced by data, either user-entered, or info automatically generated by TWiki (like the date, or the current username). There are predefined variables, and Preference variables that you configure. You can also define custom variables, with new names and values.
> >
Note: To leave a variable unexpanded, preceed it with an exclamation point, e.g. type !%TOPIC% to get %TOPIC%.
Predefined Variables
Most predefined variables return values that were either set in the lib/twiki.cfg file, when TWiki was installed, or taken from server info (like current username, or date and time). Many of the variables let you format the appearance of the display results.
Default value in case parameter is empty or missing
empty string
< <
newline="<br />"
Convert newlines to other delimiters
no conversion
> >
newline="<br />"
Convert newlines in textarea to other delimiters
no conversion
Encode special characters into HTML entities, like a double quote into ". This is needed if text is put into an HTML form field
no encoding
Encode special characters for URL parameter use, like a double quote into %22
no encoding
> >
multiple="on" multiple="[[$item]]"
If set, gets all selected elements of a <select multiple="multiple"> tag. A format can be specified, with $item indicating the element, e.g. multiple="Option: $item"
first element
separator=", "
Separator between multiple selections. Only relevant if multiple is specified
"\n" (new line)
Example: %URLPARAM{"skin"}% returns print for a .../view/TWiki/TWikiVariables?skin=print URL. Is
day of the Week (Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat)
month in ISO format
2 digit month
4 digit year
2 digit year
either "GMT" (if set to gmtime), or "Local" (if set to servertime)
ISO format timestamp
RCS format timestamp
2025/01/20 23:36:11
E-mail & http format timestamp
Mon, 20 Jan 2025 23:36:11 GMT
Variables can be shortened to 3 characters. Example: %GMTIME{"$day $month, $year - $hour:$min:$sec"}% is 20 Jan, 2025 - 23:36:11
Server time, is 20 Jan 2025 - 18:36
< <
Formatted server time. Example: %SERVERTIME{"$hou:$min"}% is 18:36
> >
Formatted server time. Same format qualifiers as %GMTIME% Example: %SERVERTIME{"$hou:$min"}% is 18:36
Display time, is 20 Jan 2025 - 23:36
Formatted time - either GMT or Local server time, depending on setting in TWiki.cfg. Same format qualifiers as %GMTIME% Example: %DISPLAYTIME{"$hou:$min"}% is 23:36
HTTP_HOST environment variable, is
Sort the results of search by the topic names, topic creation time, last modified time, last editor, or named field of TWikiForms. The sorting is done web by web; in case you want to sort across webs, create a formatted table and sort it with TablePlugin's initsort
Sort by topic name
limit="all" limit="16"
Limit the number of results returned. This is done after sorting in case order is specified
All results
Reverse the direction of the search
Ascending search
Case sensitive search
Ignore case
Show topic title only
Show topic summary
Line: 237 to 250
Suppress search header Topics: Changed: By:
Show search header
Do not show number of topics found
Show number
header="..." format="..."
Custom format results: see FormattedSearch for usage, variables & examples
Results in table
> >
Expand variables before applying a FormattedSearch on a search hit. Useful to show the expanded text, e.g. to show the result of a SpreadSheetPlugin%CALC{}% instead of the formula
Raw text
Multiple hits per topic. Each hit can be formatted. The last token is used in case of a regular expression ";" and search
Small 16x16 pixel icon of common attachment types, like bmp, doc, gif, hlp, html, mp3, pdf, ppt, txt, xls, xml, zip, etc. Specify file type only, file name, or full path name. Example: %ICON{"pdf"}% returns
< <
> >
Returns the value of a URL parameter. Note that there is a risk that this variable could be misused for cross-scripting. Supported parameters:
Search term. Is a regular expression or literal, depending on the regex parameter. For regular expressions ";" is used to mean and e.g. "search;agrep" will find all topic containing search and agrep.
> >
Search term. Is a keyword search, literal search or regular expression search, depending on the type parameter. SearchHelp has more
(Alternative to above)
web="Name" web="Main, Know" web="all"
Wiki web to search: A web, a list of webs separated by comma, or all webs. [2]
Current web
topic="WebPreferences" topic="*Bug"
Limit search to topics: A topic, a topic with asterisk wildcards, or a list of topics separated by comma.
Formatted example: %SEARCH{"FAQ" scope="topic" nosearch="on" nototal="on" header="| *Topic: * | *Summary: * |" format="| $topic | $summary |"%(displays results in a table with header - details)
If the TWiki:Plugins.TablePlugin is installed, you may set a %TABLE{}% variable just before the %SEARCH{}% to alter the output of a search. Example: %TABLE{ tablewidth="90%" }%
Line: 273 to 273
Additional variables are defined in the preferences ( site-level ( SL ) in TWikiPreferences, web-level ( WL ) in WebPreferences of each web, and user level ( UL ) preferences in individual user topics):
< <
> >
Line: 383 to 382
List of preferences that are not allowed to be overridden by next level preferences
< <
Note: There are some more useful variables defined in the TWikiPreferences like %BR% for line break, colors like %RED% for colored text and small icons like %H% for a Help icon.
Small 16x16 pixel icon of common attachment types, like bmp, doc, gif, hlp, html, mp3, pdf, ppt, txt, xls, xml, zip, etc. Specify file type only, file name, or full path name. Example: %ICON{"pdf"}% returns
< <
Returns the value of a URL parameter. Note that there is a risk that this variable could be misused for cross-scripting. Parameters are name, default and newline:
> >
Returns the value of a URL parameter. Note that there is a risk that this variable could be misused for cross-scripting. Supported parameters:
Table of Contents. Shows a TOC that is generated automatically based on headings of a topic. Headings in WikiSyntax ("---++ text") and HTML ("<h2>text</h2>") are taken into account. Any heading text after "!!" is excluded from the TOC; for example, write "---+!! text" if you do not want to list a header in the TOC. Parameters are topic name, web and depth:
> >
Table of Contents. Shows a TOC that is generated automatically based on headings of a topic. Headings in WikiSyntax ("---++ text") and HTML ("<h2>text</h2>") are taken into account. Any heading text after "!!" is excluded from the TOC; for example, write "---+!! text" if you do not want to list a header in the TOC. Supported parameters:
The path of the attachment URL of the current topic, is /twiki/pub/TWiki/TWikiVariables
< <
Small 16x16 pixel icon of common attachment types, like bmp, doc, gif, hlp, html, pdf, ppt, txt, wav, xml, zip, etc. Specify file type only, file name, or full path name. Example: %ICON{"pdf"}% returns
> >
Small 16x16 pixel icon of common attachment types, like bmp, doc, gif, hlp, html, mp3, pdf, ppt, txt, xls, xml, zip, etc. Specify file type only, file name, or full path name. Example: %ICON{"pdf"}% returns
Returns the value of a URL parameter. Note that there is a risk that this variable could be misused for cross-scripting. Parameters are name, default and newline:
Search term. Is a regular expression or literal, depending on the regex parameter. For regular expressions ";" is used to mean and e.g. "search;agrep" will find all topic containing search and agrep.
(Alternative to above)
< <
web="Name" web="Main Know" web="all"
Wiki web to search: A web, a list of webs separated by whitespace, or all webs. [2]
Current web
> >
web="Name" web="Main, Know" web="all"
Wiki web to search: A web, a list of webs separated by comma, or all webs. [2]
Current web
topic="WebPreferences" topic="*Bug"
Limit search to topics: A topic, a topic with asterisk wildcards, or a list of topics separated by comma.
Small 16x16 pixel icon of common attachment types, like bmp, doc, gif, hlp, html, pdf, ppt, txt, wav, xml, zip, etc. Specify file type only, file name, or full path name. Example: %ICON{"pdf"}% returns
< <
Returns the value of a URL parameter. Note that there is a risk that this variable could be misused for cross-scripting. Parameters are name and newline:
> >
Returns the value of a URL parameter. Note that there is a risk that this variable could be misused for cross-scripting. Parameters are name, default and newline:
Default value in case parameter is empty or missing
empty string
Line: 227 to 227
Suppress search header Topics: Changed: By:
Show search header
Do not show number of topics found
Show number
header="..." format="..."
Custom format results: see FormattedSearch for usage, variables & examples
Results in table
> >
Multiple hits per topic. Each hit can be formatted. The last token is used in case of a regular expression ";" and search
Only one hit per topic
separator=", "
Line separator between hits
Newline "$n"
Regular example: %SEARCH{"wiki" web="Main" scope="topic"}%
Formatted example: %SEARCH{"FAQ" scope="topic" nosearch="on" nototal="on" header="| *Topic: * | *Summary: * |" format="| $topic | $summary |"%(displays results in a table with header - details)
If the TWiki:Plugins.TablePlugin is installed, you may set a %TABLE{}% variable just before the %SEARCH{}% to alter the output of a search. Example: %TABLE{ tablewidth="90%" }%
Returns the value of a URL parameter. Note that there is a risk that this variable could be misused for cross-scripting. Parameters are name and newline:
Small 16x16 pixel icon of common attachment types, like bmp, doc, gif, hlp, html, pdf, ppt, txt, wav, xml, zip, etc. Specify file type only, file name, or full path name. Example: %ICON{"pdf"}% returns
< <
Returns the value of a URL parameter. Note that there is a low risk that this variable could be misused for cross-scripting. Ex: %URLPARAM{"skin"}% returns print for a .../view/TWiki/TWikiVariables?skin=print URL. Is
> >
Returns the value of a URL parameter. Note that there is a risk that this variable could be misused for cross-scripting. Parameters are name and newline:
The path of the attachment URL of the current topic, is /twiki/pub/TWiki/TWikiVariables
> >
Small 16x16 pixel icon of common attachment types, like bmp, doc, gif, hlp, html, pdf, ppt, txt, wav, xml, zip, etc. Specify file type only, file name, or full path name. Example: %ICON{"pdf"}% returns
Returns the value of a URL parameter. Note that there is a low risk that this variable could be misused for cross-scripting. Ex: %URLPARAM{"skin"}% returns print for a .../view/TWiki/TWikiVariables?skin=print URL. Is
You can add your own Preference Variables for us across an entire site or a single web, using the standard Preferences syntax. Whatever you include in your Variable will be expanded on display, exactly as if it had been entered directly. You can place formatted text, page links, image paths.
< <
Example: Create a custom logo variable the TWiki web
> >
Example: Create a custom logo variable the TWiki web
To place a logo anywhere in a web by typing %MYLOGO%, define the Variable on the web's WebPreferences page, and upload a logo file, ex: mylogo.gif. You can upload by attaching the file to WebPreferences, or, to avoid clutter, to any other topic in the same web, ex: LogoTopic:
Style of text edit box. Set to width: 99% for full window width (default; overwrites the EDITBOXWIDTH setting), or width: auto to disable. Value is: width: 99%
Default state of the "Release edit lock" (UnlockTopic? ) check box in preview. Checkbox is initially checked if Set RELEASEEDITLOCKCHECKBOX = checked="checked", or unchecked if empty. If checked, make sure to click on Edit to do more changes; do not go back in your browser to the edit page, or you risk that someone else will edit the topic at the same time! Value is: %RELEASEEDITLOCKCHECKBOX%
[2] Note: A web can be excluded from a web="all" search if you define a NOSEARCHALL=on variable in its WebPreferences.
> >
Preferences Variables
Additional variables are defined in the preferences ( site-level ( SL ) in TWikiPreferences, web-level ( WL ) in WebPreferences of each web, and user level ( UL ) preferences in individual user topics):
Formatted example: %SEARCH{"FAQ" scope="topic" nosearch="on" nototal="on" header="| *Topic: * | *Summary: * |" format="| $topic | $summary |"%(displays results in a table with header - details)
> >
Formatted example: %SEARCH{"FAQ" scope="topic" nosearch="on" nototal="on" header="| *Topic: * | *Summary: * |" format="| $topic | $summary |"%(displays results in a table with header - details)
If the TWiki:Plugins.TablePlugin is installed, you may set a %TABLE{}% variable just before the %SEARCH{}% to alter the output of a search. Example: %TABLE{ tablewidth="90%" }%
Search term. (Is a regular expression or literal, depending on the regex parameter) [TWikiAlphaRelease - for regular expressions ";" can be used to mean and e.g. "search;agrep" will find all topic containing search and agrep ]
> >
Search term. Is a regular expression or literal, depending on the regex parameter. For regular expressions ";" is used to mean and e.g. "search;agrep" will find all topic containing search and agrep.
(Alternative to above)
web="Name" web="Main Know" web="all"
Wiki web to search: A web, a list of webs separated by whitespace, or all webs. [2]
Current web
scope="topic" scope="text"
Search topic name (title) or in the text (body) of the topic
The path of the attachment URL of the current topic, is /twiki/pub/TWiki/TWikiVariables
< <
Returns the value of a URL parameter. Ex: %URLPARAM{"skin"}% returns print for a .../view/TWiki/TWikiVariables?skin=print URL. Is
> >
Returns the value of a URL parameter. Note that there is a low risk that this variable could be misused for cross-scripting. Ex: %URLPARAM{"skin"}% returns print for a .../view/TWiki/TWikiVariables?skin=print URL. Is
Encodes a string for use as a URL parameter. Ex: %URLENCODE{"spaced name"}% returns spaced%20name
Line: 351 to 351
List of preferences that are not allowed to be overridden by next level preferences
> >
Note: There are some more useful variables defined in the TWikiPreferences like %BR% for line break, colors like %RED% for colored text and small icons like %H% for a Help icon.
Setting Preferences
< <
The syntax for Preferences Variables is the same anywhere in TWiki (on its own TWiki bullet line, including nested bullets): [3 spaces] * [space] Set [space] VARIABLENAME [space] = [value] Examples:
Set VARIABLENAME = =value=
Set VARIABLENAME = =value=
> >
The syntax for Preferences Variables is the same anywhere in TWiki (on its own TWiki bullet line, including nested bullets): [multiple of 3 spaces] * [space] Set [space] VARIABLENAME [space] = [value] Examples:
Examples: %WEBLIST{" * [[$name.WebHome]]"}% creates a bullet list of all webs.
< <
%WEBLIST{"" webs="Trash,public" selection="TWiki" separator=" "}% Dropdown of all public Webs + Trash Web, current Web highlighted.
> >
%WEBLIST{"<option $marker value=$qname>$name</option>" webs="Trash,public" selection="TWiki" separator=" "}% Dropdown of all public Webs + Trash Web, current Web highlighted.
Table of Contents. Shows a TOC that is generated automatically based on headings of a topic. Headings in WikiSyntax ("---++ text") and HTML ("<h2>text</h2>") are taken into account. (But not "<H2>text</H2>", which can be used to exclude a heading from the TOC.) Parameters are topic name, web and depth:
> >
Table of Contents. Shows a TOC that is generated automatically based on headings of a topic. Headings in WikiSyntax ("---++ text") and HTML ("<h2>text</h2>") are taken into account. Any heading text after "!!" is excluded from the TOC; for example, write "---+!! text" if you do not want to list a header in the TOC. Parameters are topic name, web and depth:
The syntax for Preferences Bariables is the same anywhere in TWiki (on its own TWiki bullet line, including nested bullets): [3 spaces] * [space] Set [space] VARIABLENAME [space] = [value] Examples:
> >
The syntax for Preferences Variables is the same anywhere in TWiki (on its own TWiki bullet line, including nested bullets): [3 spaces] * [space] Set [space] VARIABLENAME [space] = [value] Examples:
The public URL of TWiki, is
> >
The public URL of TWiki, is Example: You can refer to a file attached to another topic as %PUBURL%/%WEB%/OtherTopic/image.gif
The path of the public URL of TWiki, is /twiki/pub
Line: 47 to 47
Returns the value of a URL parameter. Ex: %URLPARAM{"skin"}% returns print for a .../view/TWiki/TWikiVariables?skin=print URL. Is
> >
Encodes a string for use as a URL parameter. Ex: %URLENCODE{"spaced name"}% returns spaced%20name
Search term. (Is a regular expression or literal, depending on the regex parameter)
> >
Search term. (Is a regular expression or literal, depending on the regex parameter) [TWikiAlphaRelease - for regular expressions ";" can be used to mean and e.g. "search;agrep" will find all topic containing search and agrep ]
(Alternative to above)
web="Name" web="Main Know" web="all"
Wiki web to search: A web, a list of webs separated by whitespace, or all webs. [2]
Current web
scope="topic" scope="text"
Search topic name (title) or in the text (body) of the topic
Topic text (body)
Line: 225 to 225
children | required |
Wiki web to search: A web, a list of webs separated by whitespace, or all webs.
The topic the search relates to
< <
Text the is prepended to any search results
> >
Text that is prepended to any search results
Example: %METASEARCH{type="topicmoved" web="%WEB%" topic="%TOPIC%" title="This topic used to exist and was moved to: "}%, you may want to use this in WebTopicViewTemplate and WebTopicNonWikiTemplate %METASEARCH{type="parent" web="%WEB%" topic="%TOPIC%" title="Children: "}%
Line: 348 to 348
List of preferences that are not allowed to be overridden by next level preferences
< <
> >
Setting Preferences
< <
The syntax for Preferences variables is the same anywhere in TWiki (on its own TWiki bullet line, including nested bullets): [3 spaces] * [space] Set [space] VARIABLENAME [space] = [value] Examples:
> >
The syntax for Preferences Bariables is the same anywhere in TWiki (on its own TWiki bullet line, including nested bullets): [3 spaces] * [space] Set [space] VARIABLENAME [space] = [value] Examples:
Set VARIABLENAME = =value=
Set VARIABLENAME = =value=
Creating Custom Variables
< <
You can add your own preference variables for an entire site, a single web, or a single topic, using the standard syntax. Whatever you include in your variable will be expanded on display, and treated exactly as if it had been written out. So you can place formatted text, page links, image paths.
> >
You can add your own Preference Variables for us across an entire site or a single web, using the standard Preferences syntax. Whatever you include in your Variable will be expanded on display, exactly as if it had been entered directly. You can place formatted text, page links, image paths.
< <
Example: Create a custom logo variable
To place a logo anywhere in a web by typing %MYLOGO%, simply define the variable on the web's WebPreferences page. You also have to upload logo.gif - this can be done by attaching a file to LogoTopic (any topic name you choose):
Set MYLOGO = %PUBURL%/%MAINWEB%/LogoTopic/logo.gif
> >
Example: Create a custom logo variable the TWiki web
To place a logo anywhere in a web by typing %MYLOGO%, define the Variable on the web's WebPreferences page, and upload a logo file, ex: mylogo.gif. You can upload by attaching the file to WebPreferences, or, to avoid clutter, to any other topic in the same web, ex: LogoTopic:
Table of Contents. Shows a TOC that is generated automatically based on headings of a topic. Headings in WikiSyntax ("---++ text") and HTML ("<h2>text<h2>") are taken into account. (But not "<H2>text</H2>", which can be used to exclude a heading from the TOC.) Parameters are topic name, web and depth:
> >
Table of Contents. Shows a TOC that is generated automatically based on headings of a topic. Headings in WikiSyntax ("---++ text") and HTML ("<h2>text</h2>") are taken into account. (But not "<H2>text</H2>", which can be used to exclude a heading from the TOC.) Parameters are topic name, web and depth:
Text strings expanded on the fly to display data or system info
> >
Special text strings expand on the fly to display user data or system info
TWikiVariables are text strings - %VARIABLE% - that expand into content whenever a page is opened. When a topic is rendered for viewing, VARIABLES are replaced by data, either user-entered, or info automatically generated by TWiki (like the date, or the current username). There are predefined variables, and Preference variables that you configure. You can also define custom variables, with new names and values.
Line: 212 to 210
Suppress search string
Show search string
Suppress search header Topics: Changed: By:
Show search header
Do not show number of topics found
Show number
< <
Flexible custom result formatting: see FormattedSearch for usage
| type="topicmoved" | What sort of search is required? "topicmoved" if search for a topic that may have been moved
< <
"parent" if searcing for topics that have a specific parent i.e. its
> >
"parent" if searching for topics that have a specific parent i.e. its
children | required |
Wiki web to search: A web, a list of webs separated by whitespace, or all webs.
The topic the search relates to
< <
Text the is pre-pended to any search results
> >
Text the is prepended to any search results
Example: %METASEARCH{type="topicmoved" web="%WEB%" topic="%TOPIC%" title="This topic used to exist and was moved to: "}%, you may want to use this in WebTopicViewTemplate and WebTopicNonWikiTemplate %METASEARCH{type="parent" web="%WEB%" topic="%TOPIC%" title="Children: "}%
TWikiVariables are text strings - %VARIABLE% - that expand into content whenever a page is opened. Variables are replaced by their actual values: stored data, or system info (like the date, or the current user). There are predefined variables, and Preference variables that you set. You can also define custom variables, with new names and values.
> >
TWikiVariables are text strings - %VARIABLE% - that expand into content whenever a page is opened. When a topic is rendered for viewing, VARIABLES are replaced by data, either user-entered, or info automatically generated by TWiki (like the date, or the current username). There are predefined variables, and Preference variables that you configure. You can also define custom variables, with new names and values.
Predefined Variables
< <
Most predefined variables return values that were either defined when TWiki was installed, or taken from server info (like current username, or date and time). Many of the variables let you control how the formatted results appear.
> >
Most predefined variables return values that were either set in the lib/twiki.cfg file, when TWiki was installed, or taken from server info (like current username, or date and time). Many of the variables let you format the appearance of the display results.
< <
TWiki expands the following variables (enclosed in % percent signs):
> >
Take the time to thoroughly read through ALL preference variables. If you actively configure your site, review variables periodically. They cover a wide range of functions, and it can be easy to miss the one perfect variable for something you have in mind. For example, see %INCLUDINGTOPIC%, %INCLUDE%, and the mighty %SEARCH%.
This version of TWiki - TWiki-4.1.2, Sat, 03 Mar 2007, build 13046 - expands the following variables (enclosed in % percent signs):
Line: 48 to 50
Returns the value of a URL parameter. Ex: %URLPARAM{"skin"}% returns print for a .../view/TWiki/TWikiVariables?skin=print URL. Is
< <
Name of wiki tool, is TWiki
> >
The name of your TWiki site - TWiki
< <
Wiki tool version is TWiki-4.1.2, Sat, 03 Mar 2007, build 13046
> >
Your current TWiki version - TWiki-4.1.2, Sat, 03 Mar 2007, build 13046
< <
Your login username is guest
> >
Your login username - guest
Your Wiki username. Same as %USERNAME% if not defined in the TWikiUsers topic. Is TWikiGuest
< <
Your %WIKINAME% including the Main web name. Usefull for signatures. Is Main.TWikiGuest
> >
Your %WIKINAME% including the Main web name - always use full signatures - Main.TWikiGuest
The index topic of all registered users. Is TWikiUsers
> >
The index topic of all registered users - TWikiUsers
< <
The web preferences topic. Is TWikiPreferences
> >
The site-wide preferences topic - TWikiPreferences
< <
The web preferences topic. Is WebPreferences
> >
The local web preferences topic in each web - WebPreferences
< <
The web statistics topic. Is WebStatistics
> >
The web statistics topic WebStatistics
< <
The current topic name, is TWikiVariables
> >
The current topic name - TWikiVariables
< <
The name of the topic where the includes started, e.g. the first topic of nested includes. Same as %TOPIC% in case there is no include.
> >
The name of the topic where a single or nested INCLUDE started - same as %TOPIC% if there is no INCLUDE.
The name of the topic that includes the current topic. Same as %TOPIC% in case there is no include.
Line: 121 to 123
%TOPICLIST{" <option>$name</option>"}% creates an option list (for drop down menus).
< <
Web index, e.g. list of all webs. Hidden webs are excluded, e.g. webs with a NOSEARCHALL=on preference variable. The "format" defines the format of one web item. The $name variable gets expanded to the name of the web, $qname gets expanded to double quoted name, $marker to marker where web matches selection.
> >
Web index, ex: list of all webs. Hidden webs are excluded, e.g. webs with a NOSEARCHALL=on preference variable. The "format" defines the format of one web item. The $name variable gets expanded to the name of the web, $qname gets expanded to double quoted name, $marker to marker where web matches selection.
[1] Note: The search form uses identical names for input fields.
< <
[2] Note: A web can be excluded from a web="all" search if you define a NOSEARCHALL=on variable in its WebPreferences.
> >
[2] Note: A web can be excluded from a web="all" search if you define a NOSEARCHALL=on variable in its WebPreferences.
Preferences Variables
Line: 349 to 351
Setting Preferences
< <
The syntax for Preferences variables is the same anywhere in TWiki. In Edit mode, from the start of a new line: [6 spaces] * [space] Set [space] VARIABLENAME [space] = [value] Example:
> >
The syntax for Preferences variables is the same anywhere in TWiki (on its own TWiki bullet line, including nested bullets): [3 spaces] * [space] Set [space] VARIABLENAME [space] = [value] Examples:
Control the formatting of an embedded search. By default, the search result display format is fixed: a table with rows of topic name and topic summary. Use the format="..." parameter to specify a custom format, typically, a bullet list or table row containing variables
Ex: %SEARCH{ "food" format="| $topic | $summary |" }%) Two paramters can be used to specify a customized search result: 1.header="..." parameter
Use the header paramter to specify the header of a search result. It should correspond to the format of the format parameter. This parameter is optional. Ex: header="| *Topic:* | *Summary:* |" 2.format="..." parameter Use the format paramter to specify the format of one search hit.
Ex: format="| $topic | $summary |" Variables that can be used in the format string:
Wiki user name of last topic update, i.e. Main.JohnSmith
Topic summary
The field value of a form field, i.e. $formfield(TopicClassification? ) would get expanded to PublicFAQ. This applies only to topics that have a TWikiForm
A regular expression pattern to extract some text from a topic, i.e. $pattern(.*?\*.*?Email\:\s*([^\n\r]+).*) extracts the email address from a bullet of format * Email: ....
Note: For $pattern(reg-exp), specify a RegularExpression that scans from start to end and contains the text you want to keep in parenthesis, ex: $pattern(.*?(from here.*?to here).*). You need to make sure that the integrity of a web page is not compromised, i.e. if you include a table make sure to include everything including the table end tag. NOTE: Sorting is nicely covered by the TablePlugin. For how-to tips and tricks, see: TWikiVariablesExamples?
Additional variables are defined in the preferences ( site-level ( SL ) in TWikiPreferences, web-level ( WL ) in WebPreferences of each web, and user level ( UL ) preferences in individual user topics):
< <
> >
Line: 377 to 352
The syntax for Preferences variables is the same anywhere in TWiki. In Edit mode, from the start of a new line: [6 spaces] * [space] Set [space] VARIABLENAME [space] = [value] Example:
You can add your own preference variables for an entire site, a single web, or a single topic, using the standard syntax. Whatever you include in your variable will be expanded on display, and treated exactly as if it had been written out. So you can place formatted text, page links, image paths.
Example: Create a custom logo variable
To place a logo anywhere in a web by typing %MYLOGO%, simply define the variable on the web's WebPreferences page. You also have to upload logo.gif - this can be done by attaching a file to LogoTopic (any topic name you choose):
Set MYLOGO = %PUBURL%/%MAINWEB%/LogoTopic/logo.gif
With a couple of notable exceptions, predefined variables return set values that are defined on installation and left alone. Most are directory names and file paths, customized for your server, and only have to be updated once in the main configuration file if your server set-up changes.
> >
Most predefined variables return values that were either defined when TWiki was installed, or taken from server info (like current username, or date and time). Many of the variables let you control how the formatted results appear.
TWiki expands the following variables (enclosed in % percent signs):
Control the formatting of an embedded search. By default, the search result display format is fixed: a table with rows of topic name and topic summary. Use the format="..." parameter to specify a custom format, typically, a bullet list or table row containing variables
Ex: %SEARCH{ "food" format="| $topic | $summary |" }%) Two paramters can be used to specify a customized search result: 1.header="..." parameter
Use the header paramter to specify the header of a search result. It should correspond to the format of the format parameter. This parameter is optional. Ex: header="| *Topic:* | *Summary:* |" 2.format="..." parameter Use the format paramter to specify the format of one search hit.
Ex: format="| $topic | $summary |" Variables that can be used in the format string:
Wiki user name of last topic update, i.e. Main.JohnSmith
Topic summary
The field value of a form field, i.e. $formfield(TopicClassification? ) would get expanded to PublicFAQ. This applies only to topics that have a TWikiForm
A regular expression pattern to extract some text from a topic, i.e. $pattern(.*?\*.*?Email\:\s*([^\n\r]+).*) extracts the email address from a bullet of format * Email: ....
Note: For $pattern(reg-exp), specify a RegularExpression that scans from start to end and contains the text you want to keep in parenthesis, ex: $pattern(.*?(from here.*?to here).*). You need to make sure that the integrity of a web page is not compromised, i.e. if you include a table make sure to include everything including the table end tag. NOTE: Sorting is nicely covered by the TablePlugin. For how-to tips and tricks, see: TWikiVariablesExamples?
[1] Note: The search form uses identical names for input fields.
[2] Note: A web can be excluded from a web="all" search if you define a NOSEARCHALL=on variable in its WebPreferences.
The syntax for Preferences variables is the same anywhere in TWiki. In Edit mode, from the start of a new line: [6 spaces] * [space] Set [space] VARIABLENAME [space] = [value] Example:
< <
Creating Custom Variables
You can add your own preference variables for an entire site, a single web, or a single topic, using the standard syntax. Whatever you include in your variable will be expanded on display, and treated exactly as if it had been written out. So you can place formatted text, page links, image paths.
> >
Customizing Variables
< <
Example: Create a custom logo variable
To place a logo anywhere in a web by typing %MYLOGO%, simply define the variable on the web's WebPreferences page. You also have to upload logo.gif - this can be done by attaching a file to LogoTopic (any topic name you choose):
Set MYLOGO = %PUBURL%/%MAINWEB%/LogoTopic/logo.gif
BookView search, e.g. show complete topic text. [3]
Show topic summary.
Define a FormattedSearch, i.e. " * [[$topic]]: $summary". [3]
Show regular search result with topic summary
Specify header of FormattedSearch, i.e. " * *Topic: Summary:*".
Show regular header
Suppress search string
Show search string
Suppress search header Topics: Changed: By:
Show search header
Do not show number of topics found
Show number
Line: 233 to 235
[1] Note: The search form uses identical names for input fields.
[2] Note: A web can be excluded from a web="all" search if you define a NOSEARCHALL=on variable in its WebPreferences.
Text strings expanded on the fly include predefined, preference-driven and custom-defined data
> >
Text strings expanded on the fly to display data or system info
< <
TWikiVariables are text strings enclosed in percentage signs: %VARIABLE% that represent stored data. When a topic is rendered for viewing, defined variables are replaced by their actual values. TWiki has two types of variable, predefined and Preference-based, where usually you determine the content. Through Preference variables, you can also define custom variables, creating new variable name and value. TWiki variables are as simple to use as they are powerful, and vice versa!
> >
TWikiVariables are text strings - %VARIABLE% - that expand into content whenever a page is opened. Variables are replaced by their actual values: stored data, or system info (like the date, or the current user). There are predefined variables, and Preference variables that you set. You can also define custom variables, with new names and values.
Predefined Variables
< <
With a couple of notable exceptions, predefined variables return set values that are defined one-time on installation and left alone. Most are directory names and file paths, customized for your server, and only have to be updated once in the main configuration file if your server set-up changes.
> >
With a couple of notable exceptions, predefined variables return set values that are defined on installation and left alone. Most are directory names and file paths, customized for your server, and only have to be updated once in the main configuration file if your server set-up changes.
< <
TWiki expands the following variables enclosed in % percent signs:
> >
TWiki expands the following variables (enclosed in % percent signs):
< <
> >
Expanded to:
Line: 88 to 86
The index topic of all registered users. Is TWikiUsers
> >
The web preferences topic. Is TWikiPreferences
The web preferences topic. Is WebPreferences
Line: 238 to 239
Additional variables are defined in the preferences ( site-level ( SL ) in TWikiPreferences, web-level ( WL ) in WebPreferences of each web, and user level ( UL ) preferences in individual user topics):
< <
> >
Line: 353 to 354
You can add your own preference variables for an entire site, a single web, or a single topic, using the standard syntax. Whatever you include in your variable will be expanded on display, and treated exactly as if it had been written out. So you can place formatted text, page links, image paths.
< <
> >
Example: Create a custom logo variable
To place a logo anywhere in a web by typing %MYLOGO%, simply define the variable on the web's WebPreferences page. You also have to upload logo.gif - this can be done by attaching a file to LogoTopic (any topic name you choose):
Set MYLOGO = %PUBURL%/%MAINWEB%/LogoTopic/logo.gif
To place a logo anywhere in a web by typing %MYLOGO%, simply define the variable on the web's WebPreferences page. You also have to upload logo.gif - this can be done by attaching a file to LogoTopic (any topic name you choose):
< <
Set MYLOGO = %PUBURLPATH%/%MAINWEB%/LogoTopic/logo.gif
> >
Set MYLOGO = %PUBURL%/%MAINWEB%/LogoTopic/logo.gif
The path of the public URL of TWiki, is /twiki/pub
< <
The attachment URL of the current topic, is Example: If you attach a file you can refer to it as %ATTACHURL%/image.gif
> >
The attachment URL of the current topic, is Example: If you attach a file you can refer to it as %ATTACHURL%/image.gif
The path of the attachment URL of the current topic, is /twiki/pub/TWiki/TWikiVariables
Line: 114 to 115
separator=", "
line separator
"\n" (new line)
Name of web
Current web
< <
%TOPICLIST{" * $web.$name"}% creates a bullet list of all topics.
%TOPICLIST{separator=", "}% creates a comma separated list of all topics.
%TOPICLIST{" <option>$name</option>"}% creates an option list (for drop down menus).
> >
%TOPICLIST{" * $web.$name"}% creates a bullet list of all topics.
%TOPICLIST{separator=", "}% creates a comma separated list of all topics.
%TOPICLIST{" <option>$name</option>"}% creates an option list (for drop down menus).
Web index, e.g. list of all webs. Hidden webs are excluded, e.g. webs with a NOSEARCHALL=on preference variable. The "format" defines the format of one web item. The $name variable gets expanded to the name of the web, $qname gets expanded to double quoted name, $marker to marker where web matches selection.
Line: 127 to 128
separator=", "
line separator
"\n" (new line)
comma sep list of Web, public expands to all non-hidden
Text for $marker where item matches selection, otherwise equals ""
< <
Current value e.g. current for current Web, =section="%WEB%"
Examples: %WEBLIST{" * [[$name.WebHome]]"}% creates a bullet list of all webs.
> >
Current value to be selected in list
Examples: %WEBLIST{" * [[$name.WebHome]]"}% creates a bullet list of all webs.
%WEBLIST{"" webs="Trash,public" selection="TWiki" separator=" "}% Dropdown of all public Webs + Trash Web, current Web highlighted.
Line: 147 to 148
2 digit month
4 digit year
2 digit year
< <
Variables can be shortened to 3 characters. Example: %GMTIME{"$day $month, $year - $hour:$min:$sec"}% is 20 Jan, 2025 - 23:36:14
> >
Variables can be shortened to 3 characters. Example: %GMTIME{"$day $month, $year - $hour:$min:$sec"}% is 20 Jan, 2025 - 23:36:14
Server time, is 20 Jan 2025 - 18:36
< <
Formatted server time. Example: %SERVERTIME{"$hou:$min"}% is 18:36
> >
Formatted server time. Example: %SERVERTIME{"$hou:$min"}% is 18:36
HTTP_HOST environment variable, is
What sort of search is required? "topicmoved" if search for a topic that may have been moved "parent" if searcing for topics that have a specific parent i.e. its children
Wiki web to search: A web, a list of webs separated by whitespace, or all webs.
The topic the search relates to
Text the is pre-pended to any search results
Example: %METASEARCH{type="topicmoved" web="%WEB%" topic="%TOPIC%" title="This topic used to exist and was moved to: "}%, you may want to use this in WebTopicViewTemplate and WebTopicNonWikiTemplate %METASEARCH{type="parent" web="%WEB%" topic="%TOPIC%" title="Children: "}%
%VAR{"NAME" web="Web"}%
Get a preference value from a web other then the current one. Example: To get %WEBBGCOLOR% of the Main web write %VAR{"WEBBGCOLOR" web="Main"}%, is #FFEFA6
Line: 332 to 346
Setting Preferences
< <
The syntax for Preferences variables is the same anywhere in TWiki. In Edit mode, from the start of a new line: [6 spaces] * [space] Set [space] VARIABLENAME [space] = [value] Example:
> >
The syntax for Preferences variables is the same anywhere in TWiki. In Edit mode, from the start of a new line: [6 spaces] * [space] Set [space] VARIABLENAME [space] = [value] Example:
Creating Custom Variables
Line: 340 to 354
You can add your own preference variables for an entire site, a single web, or a single topic, using the standard syntax. Whatever you include in your variable will be expanded on display, and treated exactly as if it had been written out. So you can place formatted text, page links, image paths.
< <
Example: Create a custom logo variable
> >
Example: Create a custom logo variable
To place a logo anywhere in a web by typing %MYLOGO%, simply define the variable on the web's WebPreferences page. You also have to upload logo.gif - this can be done by attaching a file to LogoTopic (any topic name you choose):
Set MYLOGO = %PUBURLPATH%/%MAINWEB%/LogoTopic/logo.gif
Text strings expanded on the fly include predefined, preference-driven and custom-defined data
TWikiVariables are text strings enclosed in percentage signs: %VARIABLE% that represent stored data. When a topic is rendered for viewing, defined variables are replaced by their actual values. TWiki has two types of variable, predefined and Preference-based, where usually you determine the content. Through Preference variables, you can also define custom variables, creating new variable name and value. TWiki variables are as simple to use as they are powerful, and vice versa!
< <
Predefined Variables
> >
Predefined Variables
With a couple of notable exceptions, predefined variables return set values that are defined one-time on installation and left alone. Most are directory names and file paths, customized for your server, and only have to be updated once in the main configuration file if your server set-up changes.
Line: 214 to 218
[2] Note: A web can be excluded from a web="all" search if you define a NOSEARCHALL=on variable in its WebPreferences.
< <
Preferences Variables
> >
Preferences Variables
Additional variables are defined in the preferences ( site-level ( SL ) in TWikiPreferences, web-level ( WL ) in WebPreferences of each web, and user level ( UL ) preferences in individual user topics):
Line: 324 to 328
List of preferences that are not allowed to be overridden by next level preferences
< <
Setting Preferences
> >
Setting Preferences
The syntax for Preferences variables is the same anywhere in TWiki. In Edit mode, from the start of a new line: [6 spaces] * [space] Set [space] VARIABLENAME [space] = [value] Example:
< <
Creating Custom Variables
> >
Creating Custom Variables
You can add your own preference variables for an entire site, a single web, or a single topic, using the standard syntax. Whatever you include in your variable will be expanded on display, and treated exactly as if it had been written out. So you can place formatted text, page links, image paths.
You can add your own preference variables for an entire site, a single web, or a single topic, using the standard syntax. Whatever you include in your variable will be expanded on display, and treated exactly as if it had been written out. So you can place formatted text, page links, image paths.
< <
HOW-TO: Create a custom logo variable
To place a logo anywhere in a web by typing %MYLOGO%, simply define the variable on the web's WebPreferences page. In this case, you also have to upload logo.gif to the same directory.:
> >
Example: Create a custom logo variable
To place a logo anywhere in a web by typing %MYLOGO%, simply define the variable on the web's WebPreferences page. You also have to upload logo.gif - this can be done by attaching a file to LogoTopic (any topic name you choose):
Set MYLOGO = %PUBURLPATH%/%MAINWEB%/LogoTopic/logo.gif
TWikiVariables are text strings enclosed in percentage signs: %VARIABLE% that represent stored data. When a topic is rendered for viewing, defined variables replaced by their actual values. TWiki has two types of variable, predefined, and Preference-based, where you can change settings. Through Preference variables, you can even define custom variables. Clearly, they are a power TWiki feature.
> >
TWikiVariables are text strings enclosed in percentage signs: %VARIABLE% that represent stored data. When a topic is rendered for viewing, defined variables are replaced by their actual values. TWiki has two types of variable, predefined and Preference-based, where usually you determine the content. Through Preference variables, you can also define custom variables, creating new variable name and value. TWiki variables are as simple to use as they are powerful, and vice versa!
Predefined Variables
> >
With a couple of notable exceptions, predefined variables return set values that are defined one-time on installation and left alone. Most are directory names and file paths, customized for your server, and only have to be updated once in the main configuration file if your server set-up changes.
TWiki expands the following variables enclosed in % percent signs:
< <
Expanded to:
> >
Expanded to:
The base script URL of TWiki, is the link of the Home icon in the upper left corner, is /twiki/bin/view
Line: 203 to 206
%VAR{"NAME" web="Web"}%
Get a preference value from a web other then the current one. Example: To get %WEBBGCOLOR% of the Main web write %VAR{"WEBBGCOLOR" web="Main"}%, is #FFEFA6
< <
> >
[1] Note: The search form uses identical names for input fields.
[2] Note: A web can be excluded from a web="all" search if you define a NOSEARCHALL=on variable in its WebPreferences.
> >
Preferences Variables
Additional variables are defined in the preferences ( site-level ( SL ) in TWikiPreferences, web-level ( WL ) in WebPreferences of each web, and user level ( UL ) preferences in individual user topics):
< <
> >
Line: 318 to 323
List of preferences that are not allowed to be overridden by next level preferences
< <
Setting Variable Preferences
> >
Setting Preferences
The syntax for Preferences variables is the same anywhere in TWiki. In Edit mode, from the start of a new line: [6 spaces] * [space] Set [space] VARIABLENAME [space] = [value] Example:
Creating Custom Variables
< <
You can add your own preference variables for an entire site, a single web, or a single topic, using the standard syntax. Whatever you include in your variable will be expanded on display, and treated exactly as if it had been written out. So you can place formatted text, page links, image paths. Example: To place a logo anywhere in a web by typing %MYLOGO%, define the variable in the web's WebPreferences topic, like this (in this case, you also have to upload logo.gif to the same directory):
> >
You can add your own preference variables for an entire site, a single web, or a single topic, using the standard syntax. Whatever you include in your variable will be expanded on display, and treated exactly as if it had been written out. So you can place formatted text, page links, image paths.
HOW-TO: Create a custom logo variable
To place a logo anywhere in a web by typing %MYLOGO%, simply define the variable on the web's WebPreferences page. In this case, you also have to upload logo.gif to the same directory.:
Set MYLOGO = %PUBURLPATH%/%MAINWEB%/LogoTopic/logo.gif
TWikiVariables are text strings enclosed in percentage signs: %VARIABLE% that represent stored data. When a topic is rendered for viewing, defined variables replaced by their actual values. TWiki has two types of variable, predefined, and Preference-based, where you can change settings. Through Preference variables, you can even define custom variables. Clearly, they are a power TWiki feature.
TWikiVariables are text strings enclosed in percentage signs: %VARIABLE% that represent stored data. When a topic is rendered for viewing, defined variables replaced by their actual values. TWiki has two types of variable, predefined, and Preference-based, where you can change settings. Through Preference variables, you can even define custom variables. Clearly, they are a power TWiki feature.
Predefined Variables
Line: 24 to 24
The path of the script URL of TWiki, is /twiki/bin
< <
The script suffix, i.e. .pl, is
> >
The script suffix, ex: .pl, .cgi is
The public URL of TWiki, is
Line: 39 to 39
The path of the attachment URL of the current topic, is /twiki/pub/TWiki/TWikiVariables
< <
Returns the value of a URL parameter. I.e. %URLPARAM{"skin"}% returns print for a .../view/TWiki/TWikiVariables?skin=print URL. Is
> >
Returns the value of a URL parameter. Ex: %URLPARAM{"skin"}% returns print for a .../view/TWiki/TWikiVariables?skin=print URL. Is
Name of wiki tool, is TWiki
< <
Wiki tool version, is TWiki-4.1.2, Sat, 03 Mar 2007, build 13046
> >
Wiki tool version is TWiki-4.1.2, Sat, 03 Mar 2007, build 13046
< <
Your login username, is guest
> >
Your login username is guest
Your Wiki username. Same as %USERNAME% if not defined in the TWikiUsers topic. Is TWikiGuest
The web containing all documentation and configuration of TWiki. Is TWiki
> >
The web containing all documentation and configuration of TWiki is TWiki
< <
The current web, is TWiki
> >
The current web is TWiki
The web name where the includes started, e.g. the web of the first topic of nested includes. Same as %WEB% in case there is no include.
Line: 320 to 320
List of preferences that are not allowed to be overridden by next level preferences
< <
Setting and Creating New Preferences
> >
Setting Variable Preferences
The syntax for Preferences variables is the same anywhere in TWiki. In Edit mode, from the start of a new line: [6 spaces] * [space] Set [space] VARIABLENAME [space] = [value] Example:
< <
You can add your own preference variables for an entire site, a single web, or a single topic, using the standard syntax. Whatever you include in your variable will be expanded on display, and treated exactly as if it had been written out. So you can place formatted text, page links, images. Example: To place a logo anywhere in a web by typing %MYLOGO%, define the variable in the web's WebPreferences topic, like this (in this case, you also have to upload logo.gif to the same directory):
> >
Creating Custom Variables
You can add your own preference variables for an entire site, a single web, or a single topic, using the standard syntax. Whatever you include in your variable will be expanded on display, and treated exactly as if it had been written out. So you can place formatted text, page links, image paths. Example: To place a logo anywhere in a web by typing %MYLOGO%, define the variable in the web's WebPreferences topic, like this (in this case, you also have to upload logo.gif to the same directory):
Set MYLOGO = %PUBURLPATH%/%MAINWEB%/LogoTopic/logo.gif
TWiki expands the following variables enclosed in % percent signs:
Line: 317 to 321
List of preferences that are not allowed to be overridden by next level preferences
< <
> >
Setting and Creating New Preferences
< <
Preferences variables ( on site-level, web-level and user level ) are defined by bullet lines with this syntax:
Additional preferences variables can be defined on all three level as needed. Example:
Set MYLOGO = %PUBURLPATH%/%MAINWEB%/LogoTopic/logo.gif
> >
The syntax for Preferences variables is the same anywhere in TWiki. In Edit mode, from the start of a new line: [6 spaces] * [space] Set [space] VARIABLENAME [space] = [value] Example:
You can add your own preference variables for an entire site, a single web, or a single topic, using the standard syntax. Whatever you include in your variable will be expanded on display, and treated exactly as if it had been written out. So you can place formatted text, page links, images. Example: To place a logo anywhere in a web by typing %MYLOGO%, define the variable in the web's WebPreferences topic, like this (in this case, you also have to upload logo.gif to the same directory):
Set MYLOGO = %PUBURLPATH%/%MAINWEB%/LogoTopic/logo.gif
If present in included topic, stop to include text at this location and ignore the remaining text. A normal view of the topic shows everyting exept the %STOPINCLUDE% variable itself.
< <
Table of Content of current topic.
> >
Table of Contents of current topic.
%TOC{"SomeTopic" ...}%
< <
Table of Content. Shows a TOC that is generated automatically based on headings of a topic. Headings in WikiSyntax ("---++ text") and HTML ("<h2>text<h2>") are taken into account. (But not "<H2>text<H2>", which can be used to exclude a heading from the TOC.) Parameters are topic name, web and depth:
> >
Table of Contents. Shows a TOC that is generated automatically based on headings of a topic. Headings in WikiSyntax ("---++ text") and HTML ("<h2>text<h2>") are taken into account. (But not "<H2>text</H2>", which can be used to exclude a heading from the TOC.) Parameters are topic name, web and depth:
Table of Content. Shows a TOC that is generated automatically based on headings of a topic. Headings in WikiSyntax ("---++ text") and HTML ("<h2>text<h2>") are taken into account. Parameters are topic name, web and depth:
> >
Table of Content. Shows a TOC that is generated automatically based on headings of a topic. Headings in WikiSyntax ("---++ text") and HTML ("<h2>text<h2>") are taken into account. (But not "<H2>text<H2>", which can be used to exclude a heading from the TOC.) Parameters are topic name, web and depth:
%TOPICLIST{" <option>$name</option>"}% creates an option list (for drop down menus).
< <
Web index, e.g. list of all webs. Hidden webs are excluded, e.g. webs with a NOSEARCHALL=on preference variable. The "format" defines the format of one web item. The $name variable gets expanded to the name of the web.
> >
Web index, e.g. list of all webs. Hidden webs are excluded, e.g. webs with a NOSEARCHALL=on preference variable. The "format" defines the format of one web item. The $name variable gets expanded to the name of the web, $qname gets expanded to double quoted name, $marker to marker where web matches selection.
Example: %WEBLIST{" * [[$name.WebHome]]"}% creates a bullet list of all webs.
> >
comma sep list of Web, public expands to all non-hidden
Text for $marker where item matches selection, otherwise equals ""
Current value e.g. current for current Web, =section="%WEB%"
Examples: %WEBLIST{" * [[$name.WebHome]]"}% creates a bullet list of all webs.
%WEBLIST{"" webs="Trash,public" selection="TWiki" separator=" "}% Dropdown of all public Webs + Trash Web, current Web highlighted.
GM time, is 20 Jan 2025 - 23:36
Line: 287 to 293
(any topic)
List of users and groups who are allowed to change the current topic. (More in TWikiAccessControl)
> >
List of users and groups who are not allowed to rename topics in the TWiki web. (More in TWikiAccessControl)
List of users and groups who are allowed to rename topics in the TWiki web. (More in TWikiAccessControl)
(any topic)
List of users and groups who are not allowed to rename the current topic. (More in TWikiAccessControl)
(any topic)
List of users and groups who are allowed to rename the current topic. (More in TWikiAccessControl)
List of preferences that are not allowed to be overridden by next level preferences
The current topic name with added spaces, for regular expression search of Ref-By, is TWiki%20*Variables
< <
Topic index of a web. Parameter is composed of the format, followed by an optional web="Name". The "format" defines the format of one topic item; use it to create any formatting you need. The $name variable is expanded to the topic name; the $web variable is expanded to the name of the web.
> >
Topic index of a web. The "format" defines the format of one topic item. It may include variables: The $name variable gets expanded to the topic name; the $web variable gets expanded to the name of the web.
Parameters are format, separator and web:
Format of one line, may include $name and $web variables
(Alternative to above)
separator=", "
line separator
"\n" (new line)
Name of web
Current web
%TOPICLIST{" * $web.$name"}% creates a bullet list of all topics.
> >
%TOPICLIST{separator=", "}% creates a comma separated list of all topics.
%TOPICLIST{" <option>$name</option>"}% creates an option list (for drop down menus).
< <
Web index, e.g. list of all webs. Hidden webs are excluded, e.g. webs with a NOSEARCHALL=on preference variable. The "format" defines the format of one web item. The $name variable is expanded to the name of the web.
> >
Web index, e.g. list of all webs. Hidden webs are excluded, e.g. webs with a NOSEARCHALL=on preference variable. The "format" defines the format of one web item. The $name variable gets expanded to the name of the web.
Parameters are format, separator and web:
Example: %WEBLIST{" * [[$name.WebHome]]"}% creates a bullet list of all webs.
Line: 116 to 128
REMOTE_USER environment variable, is
%INCLUDE{"page" ...}%
< <
Server side include to IncludeTopicsAndWebPages. The parameter is composed of the page name, followed by an optional pattern="(reg-exp)" pair. The page name is:
> >
Server side include to IncludeTopicsAndWebPages. Parameters are page name, and an optional pattern="(reg-exp)". The page name is:
The name of a topic located in the current web, i.e. %INCLUDE{"WebNotify"}%
A topic in another web, i.e. %INCLUDE{"TWiki.TWikiWebsTable"}%
A full qualified URL, i.e. %INCLUDE{""}%
Line: 132 to 144
Table of Content of current topic.
%TOC{"SomeTopic" ...}%
< <
Table of Content. Shows a TOC that is generated automatically based on headings of a topic. Headings in WikiSyntax ("---++ text") and HTML ("<h2>text<h2>") are taken into account. Parameter is composed of the topic name, followed by optional name="value" pairs:
Table of Content. Shows a TOC that is generated automatically based on headings of a topic. Headings in WikiSyntax ("---++ text") and HTML ("<h2>text<h2>") are taken into account. Parameters are topic name, web and depth:
Inline search, shows a search result embedded in a topic. Parameter is composed of the search term (enclosed in double quotes), followed by optional name="value" pairs: [1]
Search term. (Is a regular expression or literal, depending on the regex parameter)
(Alternative to above)
web="Name" web="Main Know" web="all"
Wiki web to search: A web, a list of webs separated by whitespace, or all webs. [2]
Current web
scope="topic" scope="text"
Search topic name (title) or in the text (body) of the topic
Topic text (body)
order="topic" order="modified" order="editby"
Sort the results of search by the topic names, last modified time, or last editor
Sort by topic name
Line: 212 to 226
Vertical size of edit box, is 20
> >
Default state of the "Release edit lock" (UnlockTopic? ) check box in preview. Checkbox is initially checked if Set RELEASEEDITLOCKCHECKBOX = checked="checked", or unchecked if empty. If checked, make sure to click on Edit to do more changes; do not go back in your browser to the edit page, or you risk that someone else will edit the topic at the same time! Value is: %RELEASEEDITLOCKCHECKBOX%
Default state of the "Minor Changes, Don't Notify" (DontNotify) check box in preview. Check box is initially checked if Set DONTNOTIFYCHECKBOX = checked="checked", or unchecked if empty. Value is:
Default state of the link check box in the attach file page. Check box is initially checked if value is set to CHECKED , unchecked if empty. If checked, a link is created to the attached file at the end of the topic. Value is:
Line: 256 to 278
Additional preferences variables can be defined on all three level as needed. Example:
Set MYLOGO = %PUBURLPATH%/%MAINWEB%/LogoTopic/logo.gif
Server side include, includes another topic. The current Wiki web is searched by default. Example: %INCLUDE{"TWiki.TWikiWebsTable"}%
> >
%INCLUDE{"page" ...}%
Server side include to IncludeTopicsAndWebPages. The parameter is composed of the page name, followed by an optional pattern="(reg-exp)" pair. The page name is:
The name of a topic located in the current web, i.e. %INCLUDE{"WebNotify"}%
A topic in another web, i.e. %INCLUDE{"TWiki.TWikiWebsTable"}%
A full qualified URL, i.e. %INCLUDE{""}%
If present in included topic, start to include text from this location up to the end, or up to the location of the %STOPINCLUDE% variable. A normal view of the topic shows everyting exept the %STARTINCLUDE% variable itself.
Line: 134 to 138
Inline search, shows a search result embedded in a topic. Parameter is composed of the search term (enclosed in double quotes), followed by optional name="value" pairs: [1]
The current topic name with added spaces, for regular expression search of Ref-By, is TWiki%20*Variables
> >
Topic index of a web. Parameter is composed of the format, followed by an optional web="Name". The "format" defines the format of one topic item; use it to create any formatting you need. The $name variable is expanded to the topic name; the $web variable is expanded to the name of the web.
%TOPICLIST{" * $web.$name"}% creates a bullet list of all topics.
%TOPICLIST{" <option>$name</option>"}% creates an option list (for drop down menus).
Web index, e.g. list of all webs. Hidden webs are excluded, e.g. webs with a NOSEARCHALL=on preference variable. The "format" defines the format of one web item. The $name variable is expanded to the name of the web.
Example: %WEBLIST{" * [[$name.WebHome]]"}% creates a bullet list of all webs.
Inline search, shows a search result embedded in a topic. Parameter is composed of the search string, followed by optional name="value" pairs:
> >
Inline search, shows a search result embedded in a topic. Parameter is composed of the search term (enclosed in double quotes), followed by optional name="value" pairs: [1]
Wiki web to search: A web, a list of webs separated by whitespace, or all webs [1]
Current web
> >
Search term, (either regex or literal, depending on the regex parameter)
(used if initial search term is missing)
web="Name" web="Main Know" web="all"
Wiki web to search: A web, a list of webs separated by whitespace, or all webs [2]
Current web
scope="topic" scope="text"
Search topic name (title) or in the text (body) of the topic
Topic text (body)
order="topic" order="modified" order="editby"
Sort the results of search by the topic names, last modified time, or last editor
Sort by topic name
limit="all" limit="16"
Limit the number of results returned
All results
Line: 139 to 140
< <
[1] Note: A web can be excluded from a web="all" search if you define a NOSEARCHALL=on variable in its WebPreferences.
> >
[1] Note: The search form uses identical names for input fields.
[2] Note: A web can be excluded from a web="all" search if you define a NOSEARCHALL=on variable in its WebPreferences.
Preferences Variables
Line: 232 to 235
Additional preferences variables can be defined on all three level as needed. Example:
Set MYLOGO = %PUBURLPATH%/%MAINWEB%/LogoTopic/logo.gif
Get a preference value from another web then the current one. Example: To get %WEBBGCOLOR% of the Main web write %VAR{"WEBBGCOLOR" web="Main"}%, is #FFEFA6
> >
Get a preference value from a web other then the current one. Example: To get %WEBBGCOLOR% of the Main web write %VAR{"WEBBGCOLOR" web="Main"}%, is #FFEFA6
[1] Note: A web can be excluded from a web="all" search if you define a NOSEARCHALL=on variable in its WebPreferences.
> >
Preferences Variables
Additional variables are defined in the preferences ( site-level ( SL ) in TWikiPreferences, web-level ( WL ) in WebPreferences of each web, and user level ( UL ) preferences in individual user topics):
Line: 226 to 232
Additional preferences variables can be defined on all three level as needed. Example:
Set MYLOGO = %PUBURLPATH%/%MAINWEB%/LogoTopic/logo.gif
If present in included topic, stop to include text at this location and ignore the remaining text. A normal view of the topic shows everyting exept the %STOPINCLUDE% variable itself.
> >
Table of Content of current topic.
%TOC{"SomeTopic" ...}%
Table of Content. Shows a TOC that is generated automatically based on headings of a topic. Headings in WikiSyntax ("---++ text") and HTML ("<h2>text<h2>") are taken into account. Parameter is composed of the topic name, followed by optional name="value" pairs:
The web name where the includes started, e.g. the web of the first topic of nested includes. Same as %WEB% in case there is no include.
The web name of the topic that includes the current topic. Same as %WEB% in case there is no include.
The current topic name, is TWikiVariables
> >
The name of the topic where the includes started, e.g. the first topic of nested includes. Same as %TOPIC% in case there is no include.
The name of the topic that includes the current topic. Same as %TOPIC% in case there is no include.
The current topic name with added spaces, for regular expression search of Ref-By, is TWiki%20*Variables
Line: 52 to 64
GM time, is 20 Jan 2025 - 23:36
< <
Formatted GM time based on keywords (first three characters needed.) Example: %GMTIME{"day month, year - hour:min:sec"}% is day month, year - hour:min:sec
Server side include, includes another topic. The current Wiki web is searched by default. Example: %INCLUDE{"TWiki.TWikiWebsTable"}%
> >
If present in included topic, start to include text from this location up to the end, or up to the location of the %STOPINCLUDE% variable. A normal view of the topic shows everyting exept the %STARTINCLUDE% variable itself.
If present in included topic, stop to include text at this location and ignore the remaining text. A normal view of the topic shows everyting exept the %STOPINCLUDE% variable itself.
%SEARCH{"str" ...}%
Inline search, shows a search result embedded in a topic. Parameter is composed of the search string, followed by optional name="value" pairs:
Your Wiki username, if defined in TWikiUsers. Same as %USERNAME% if not defined. Is Main.TWikiGuest
> >
Your Wiki username, if defined in TWikiUsers. Same as %USERNAME% if not defined. Is Main.TWikiGuest
The current web, is TWiki
Line: 93 to 93
< <
[1] Note: A web can be excluded from a web="all" search if you define a NOSEARCHALL=on variable in its WebPreferences.
> >
[1] Note: A web can be excluded from a web="all" search if you define a NOSEARCHALL=on variable in its WebPreferences.
Additional variables are defined in the preferences ( site-level ( SL ) in TWikiPreferences, web-level ( WL ) in WebPreferences of each web, and user level ( UL ) preferences in individual user topics):
TWiki expands the following variables enclosed in % percent signs:
> >
TWiki expands the following variables enclosed in % percent signs:
Expanded to:
< <
The base script URL of TWiki, link of Home icon in upper left corner, is /twiki/bin/view
> >
The base script URL of TWiki, is the link of the Home icon in the upper left corner, is /twiki/bin/view
< <
The script URL of TWiki, is
> >
The script URL of TWiki, is
< <
The path of the script URL of TWiki, is /twiki/bin
> >
The path of the script URL of TWiki, is /twiki/bin
The public URL of TWiki, is
< <
The path of the public URL of TWiki, is /twiki/pub
> >
The path of the public URL of TWiki, is /twiki/pub
The attachment URL of the current topic, is Example: If you attach a file you can refer to it as %ATTACHURL%/image.gif
Line: 70 to 70
REMOTE_USER environment variable, is
< <
Server side include, includes another topic. The current Wiki web is searched by default. Example: %INCLUDE{"TWiki.TWikiWebsTable"}%
> >
Server side include, includes another topic. The current Wiki web is searched by default. Example: %INCLUDE{"TWiki.TWikiWebsTable"}%
%SEARCH{"str" ...}%
Inline search, shows a search result embedded in a topic. Parameter is composed of the search string, followed by optional name="value" pairs:
Get a preference value from another web then the current one. Example: To get %WEBBGCOLOR% of the Main web write %VAR{"WEBBGCOLOR" web="Main"}%, is #FFEFA6
> >
Get a preference value from another web then the current one. Example: To get %WEBBGCOLOR% of the Main web write %VAR{"WEBBGCOLOR" web="Main"}%, is #FFEFA6
Line: 155 to 155
http-equiv meta tags for preview script.
> >
List of users and groups who are not allowed to change topics in the TWiki web. (More in TWikiAccessControl)
List of users and groups who are allowed to change topics in the TWiki web. (More in TWikiAccessControl)
(any topic)
List of users and groups who are not allowed to change the current topic. (More in TWikiAccessControl)
(any topic)
List of users and groups who are allowed to change the current topic. (More in TWikiAccessControl)
List of preferences that are not allowed to be overridden by next level preferences
Line: 164 to 184
Additional preferences variables can be defined on all three level as needed. Example:
Set MYLOGO = %PUBURLPATH%/%MAINWEB%/LogoTopic/logo.gif
Get a preference value from another web then the current one. Example: To get %WEBBGCOLOR% of the Main web write %VAR{"WEBBGCOLOR" web="Main"}%, is #FFEFA6
[1] Note: A web can be excluded from a web="all" search if you define a NOSEARCHALL=on variable in its WebPreferences.
[1] Note: A web can be excluded from a web="all" search if you define a NOSEARCHALL=on variable in its WebPreferences.
Additional variables are defined in the preferences ( site-level ( SL ) in TWikiPreferences, web-level ( WL ) in WebPreferences of each web, and user level ( UL ) preferences in individual user topics):
Line: 107 to 113
Background color of web
> >
Exclude web from a web="all" search (set variable to on for hidden webs)
Horizontal size of edit box, is 70
Line: 118 to 128
Default state of the link check box in the attach file page. Check box is initially checked if value is set to CHECKED , unchecked if empty. If checked, a link is created to the attached file at the end of the topic. Value is:
> >
http-equiv meta tags for view, rdiff, attach, search* scripts.
Your Wiki username, if defined in TWikiUsers? . Same as %USERNAME% if not defined. Is Main.TWikiGuest
> >
Your Wiki username, if defined in TWikiUsers. Same as %USERNAME% if not defined. Is Main.TWikiGuest
The current web, is TWiki
Line: 42 to 42
The current topic name, is TWikiVariables
< <
Todays date (local server time), is 20 Jan 2025
< <
Todays date (GM time), is 20 Jan 2025 - 23:36
> >
GM time, is 20 Jan 2025 - 23:36
Formatted GM time based on keywords (first three characters needed.) Example: %GMTIME{"day month, year - hour:min:sec"}% is day month, year - hour:min:sec
Server time, is 20 Jan 2025 - 18:36
Formatted server time. Example: %SERVERTIME{"hou:min"}% is hou:min
HTTP_HOST environment variable, is
Additional variables are defined in the preferences ( site-level ( SL ) in TWikiPreferences, web-level ( WL ) in WebPreferences of each web, and user level ( UL ) preferences in individual user topics):
> >
Additional variables are defined in the preferences ( site-level ( SL ) in TWikiPreferences, web-level ( WL ) in WebPreferences of each web, and user level ( UL ) preferences in individual user topics):
HTTP_HOST environment variable, is
Line: 111 to 114
Default state of the link check box in the attach file page. Check box is initially checked if value is set to CHECKED , unchecked if empty. If checked, a link is created to the attached file at the end of the topic. Value is: