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TWikiSiteTools 12 - 13 Jul 2005 - Main.TWikiContributor
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TWiki Site Tools

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    • Attention: The script must run as the same user as the CGI scripts are running, which is user nobody on many systems. Example crontab entry:
      0 0 * * * (cd /path/to/twiki/bin; ./statistics >/dev/null 2>&1)
    • There is a workaround in case you can't run the script as user nobody : Run the utility twiki/bin/geturl in your cron job and specify the URL of the twiki/bin/statistics script as a parameter. Example:
      0 0 * * * (cd /path/to/twiki/bin; ./geturl mydomain.com /urlpath/to/twiki/bin/statistics >/dev/null 2>&1)
When running from the command line or a cron job, you can pass parameters to the script like this:
./statistics -logdate 200605 -webs TWiki,Sandbox

Generating statistics manually by URL

  • The twiki/bin/statistics script can also be executed as a CGI script, just enter the URL in your browser. Examples:
    • Update current month for all webs:
    • Update current month for all webs you have access to:
    • Update current month for Main web only:
    • Update January 2000 for Main web:
    • Update Jul 2024 for Main web:
    • Update Jul 2024 for the ProjectX, ProjectY and ProjectZ webs:

Log Files

Revision 12r12 - 13 Jul 2005 - 23:14:56 - TWikiContributor
Revision 11r11 - 13 Jul 2005 - 23:14:56 - TWikiContributor
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