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TWikiHistory 51 - 15 Sep 2001 - Main.PeterThoeny
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  TWiki History: The Dev Timeline
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    • The table syntax has been enhanced to (i) render =  *bold*  = cells as table headers, (ii) render space padded cells =   center aligned   = and =    right aligned  =, (iii) span multiple columns using =  empty cells    =. More in TextFormattingRules.
    • The table syntax has been enhanced to (i) render | *bold* | cells as table headers, (ii) render space padded cells |   center aligned   | and |   right aligned |, (iii) span multiple columns using | empty cells |||. More in TextFormattingRules.
    • Security fix Questionable files like PHP scripts (executables) and .htaccess files that are attached to a topic get a .txt suffix appended to the file name. See also [[http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Codev/FileAttachmentFilterSecurityAlert][TWiki:Codev.FileAttachmentFilterSecurityAlert
  • 28 Feb 2001 - AndreaSterbini? , PeterThoeny
    • New Wiki rule for headings, i.e. ---++ My Title; and new %TOC% variable to build a table of content from headings in a topic. More in TWikiVariables.
  • 28 Feb 2001 - PeterThoeny
    • New Wiki rule to specify arbitrary text for external links (i.e. [[http://TWki.org][TWiki) and internal links (i.e [[WikiSyntax][syntax). More in TWikiVariables.
    • New Wiki rule to specify arbitrary text for external links (i.e. [[http://TWki.org][TWiki]]) and internal links (i.e [[WikiSyntax][syntax]]). More in TWikiVariables.
    • New Wiki rule for named anchors, e.g. links within a topic. Define a named anchor with #MyAnchor at the beginning of a line, and link to it with [[#MyAnchor. More in TWikiVariables.
    • New Wiki rule for named anchors, e.g. links within a topic. Define a named anchor with #MyAnchor at the beginning of a line, and link to it with [[#MyAnchor]]. More in TWikiVariables.
  • 25 Feb 2001 - NicholasLee? , PeterThoeny
    • Use Net::SMTP module instead of sendmail if installed.
  • 01 Feb 2001 - PeterThoeny
    • Added <verbatim> ... </verbatim> tags to show source code "as is". Unlike the <pre> ... </pre> tags, it also shows <, >, & characters "as is".
  • 01 Feb 2001 - PeterThoeny
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    • TWiki skins Define a different page layout with a customized header and footer layout, i.e. a print skin for a printable view of a topic. More in TWikiSkins and TWiki:Codev.TWikiSkins.
    • TWiki skins Define a different page layout with a customized header and footer layout, i.e. a print skin for a printable view of a topic. More in TWikiSkins and TWiki:Codev/TWikiSkins.
  • 07 Jan 2001 - StanleyKnutson?
    • Better error handling when saving a topic.
  • 05 Jan 2001 - PeterThoeny
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  • 01 Nov 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • Added a "Cancel" link in edit that releases the edit lock.
  • 23 Oct 2000 - PeterThoeny
  • 26 Sep 2000 - HaroldGottschalk? , AndreaSterbini? , PeterThoeny
  • 20 Sep 2000 - ManpreetSingh?
    • New -q switch in mailnotify to suppress all normal output.
  • 19 Sep 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • Added forced internal links. Write [[text formatting FAQ to get the link [[text formatting FAQ that points to topic TextFormattingFAQ.
  • 19 Aug 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • Ref-By link searches all webs (not just the current web.)
  • 16 Aug 2000 - PeterThoeny
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 The typical TWiki development flow...

Revision 51r51 - 15 Sep 2001 - 19:04:47 - PeterThoeny?
Revision 50r50 - 15 Sep 2001 - 10:22:22 - MikeMannix?
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