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TWikiHistory 49 - 14 Sep 2001 - Main.PeterThoeny
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  TWiki History: The Dev Timeline




01-Sep-2001 Release

  • Apr-Aug 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
  • 30 Aug 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
    • Easier install for Windows, including auto detection in TWiki.cfg
  • 30 Aug 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
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    • New %TOPICLIST{"format"}% and %WEBLIST{"format"}% variables to get a formatted topic index and web index, respectively. More in TWikiVariables.
  • 01 Jun 2001 - PeterThoeny
    • New %URLPARAM{"name"}% variable to query URL parameters. More in TWikiVariables.
  • Apr/Jun 2001 - AndreaSterbini?
  • 01 Jun 2001 - AndreaSterbini?
  • Jun 2001 - KlausWriessnegger? , AndreaSterbini?
  • 01 Jun 2001 - KlausWriessnegger? , AndreaSterbini?
  • May 2001 - AndreaSterbini?
  • 01 May 2001 - AndreaSterbini?
  • Apr/May 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
  • 01 May 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
  • Mar/May 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
  • 01 May 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
  • Mar/May 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
  • 01 May 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
  • 27 Mar 2001 - PeterThoeny
    • The table syntax has been enhanced to (i) render =  *bold*  = cells as table headers, (ii) render space padded cells =   center aligned   = and =    right aligned  =, (iii) span multiple columns using =  empty cells    =. More in TextFormattingRules.
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01-Dec-2000 Release

  • 03 Nov 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • Flag $doHidePasswdInRegistration in wikicfg.pm to hide plain text password in registration email.
  • 01 Nov 2000 - PeterThoeny
Line: 120 to 120
    • Each topic can have its own template file. TWikiTemplatesVer1? has more.
  • 02 May 2000 - KevinKinnell? , PeterThoeny
    • Advanced search features like search multiple webs; sort by topic name / modified time / author; limit the number of results returned. More in TWikiVariables.

01-May-2000 Release

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  • 10 Jan 2000 - PeterThoeny
    • No more escaping for '%' percent characters. (Number of consecutive '%' entered and displayed is identical.)


  • 03 Oct 1999 - PeterThoeny
    • Limit the number of revisions shown at the bottom of the topic. Example
      Topic TWikiHistory . { ..... Diffs r1.10 > r1.9 > r1.8 > r1.7 >... }
      Additional revisions can be selected by pressing the >... link.

01-Sep-1999 Release

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    • Search path for include files in %INCLUDE:"file.inc"% variable. Search first in the current web, then in parent data directory. Useful to overload default include text in the data directory by web-specific text, like for example webcopyright.inc text.
  • 07 Jul 1999 - ChristopheVermeulen?
    • Link a plural topic to a singular topic in case the plural topic does not exist. Example TestVersion / TestVersions , TestPolicy / TestPolicies , TestAddress / TestAddresses , TestBox / TestBoxes .

01-Jul-1999 Release

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  • 04 Jan 1999 - PeterThoeny
    • Fixed bug when viewing differences between topic revisions that include HTML table tags like <table>, <tr>, <td>.



1998 Releases

  • 08 Dec 1998 - PeterThoeny
    • Signature is shown below the text area when editing a topic. Use this to easily copy & paste your signature into the text.

Revision 49r49 - 14 Sep 2001 - 06:33:02 - PeterThoeny?
Revision 48r48 - 12 Sep 2001 - 06:51:29 - MikeMannix?
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