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TWikiHistory 42 - 05 Sep 2001 - Main.MikeMannix
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TWiki History: The Dev Timeline

TWiki History: The Dev Timeline


  • JohnTalintyre • 30 Aug 2001 (Mar/May 2001) • Ability to move attachments between topics, see FileAttachments MM
  • PeterThoeny • 21 Aug 2001 • Convert to XHTML 1.0 goal is to XHTML-ify TWiki. ConvertToXHTML10? MM
  • JohnTalintyre • 26 Jun 2001 • Category information to form using MetaDataDefinition? format MM
  • PeterThoeny • 07 Jun 2001 • New topic templates are now topics instead of templates, e.g. can be customized by editing a topic. Retired notedited.tmpl, notext.tmpl and notwiki.tmpl templates. More in TWikiTemplates.
  • 30 Aug 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
  • 21 Aug 2001 - PeterThoeny
    • Convert to XHTML 1.0 goal is to XHTML-ify TWiki. ConvertToXHTML10? MM
  • 26 Jun 2001 - JohnTalintyre?
    • Category information to form using MetaDataDefinition? format MM
  • 07 Jun 2001 - PeterThoeny
    • New topic templates are now topics instead of templates, e.g. can be customized by editing a topic. Retired notedited.tmpl, notext.tmpl and notwiki.tmpl templates. More in TWikiTemplates.
  • PeterThoeny • 07 Jun 2001 • New %TOPICLIST{"format"}% and %WEBLIST{"format"}% variables to get a formatted topic index and web index, respectively. More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny • 01 Jun 2001 • New %URLPARAM{"name"}% variable to query URL parameters. More in TWikiVariables.
  • AndreaSterbini • Apr/Jun 2001 • API to extend TWiki, see TWikiPluginAPI? MM

Revision 42r42 - 05 Sep 2001 - 03:56:06 - MikeMannix?
Revision 41r41 - 03 Sep 2001 - 04:01:26 - MikeMannix?
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