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TWikiHistory 25 - 19 Sep 2000 - Main.PeterThoeny
Line: 74 to 74
  • PeterThoeny - 29 Jul 2000: New variables %GMTIME{"..."}% and %SERVERTIME{"..."}% . More in TWikiVariables.
  • PeterThoeny - 16 Aug 2000: New TWikiPreferences variables %HTTP_EQUIV_ON_VIEW% , %HTTP_EQUIV_ON_EDIT% and %HTTP_EQUIV_ON_PREVIEW% that define the <meta http-equiv="..."> meta tags for the TWiki templates. This can be used for example to set a document expiration time.
  • PeterThoeny - 19 Aug 2000: Ref-By link searches all webs (not just the current web.)
 Related Topics
-- PeterThoeny? - 20 Aug 2000
-- PeterThoeny? - 18 Sep 2000

Revision 25r25 - 19 Sep 2000 - 08:08:15 - PeterThoeny?
Revision 24r24 - 20 Aug 2000 - 08:44:12 - PeterThoeny?
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