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TWikiHistory 22 - 23 Jul 2000 - Main.PeterThoeny
Line: 67 to 67
  • PeterThoeny? - 21 Jun 2000: Fixed problem that a page redirect on some server environments is not working (host name is needed in URL).
  • PeterThoeny? - 07 Jul 2000: Fixed problem of losing carriage returns when editing topics with KDE KFM browser or W3M? browser.
  • PeterThoeny? - 07 Jul 2000: Added an "Unlock topic" checkbox in preview to let other people edit the topic immediately without the one hour lock.
  • PeterThoeny? - 22 Jul 2000: Split the TWiki.Main web into TWiki.Main (users, company data) and TWiki.TWiki (TWiki related documentation, registration)
  • PeterThoeny? - 22 Jul 2000: More forgiving syntax for *bold*, italic, __bold italic__ and fixed , where it is not necessary anymore to have a trailing space before .,;:?! characters.
  • PeterThoeny? - 23 Jul 2000: BookView search allows you show a set of topics for easy printing.
  • PeterThoeny? - 23 Jul 2000: Changed include syntax from %INCLUDE{"Web/TopicName.txt"}% to %INCLUDE{"Web.TopicName"}%
 Related Topics
-- PeterThoeny? - 07 Jul 2000
-- PeterThoeny? - 23 Jul 2000

Revision 22r22 - 23 Jul 2000 - 09:35:44 - PeterThoeny?
Revision 21r21 - 08 Jul 2000 - 00:21:51 - PeterThoeny?
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