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TWikiHistory 14 - 07 Feb 2000 - Main.PeterThoeny
Line: 47 to 47
  • PeterThoeny? - 03 Oct 1999: Limit the number of revisions shown at the bottom of the topic. Example:
    Topic TWikiHistory . { ..... | Diffs | r1.10 | > | r1.9 | > | r1.8 | > | r1.7 | >... }
    Additional revisions can be selected by pressing the >... link.
  • PeterThoeny? - 10 Jan 2000: No more escaping for '%' percent characters. (Number of consecutive '%' entered and displayed is identical.)
  • PeterThoeny? - 24 Jan 2000: Fixed bug where an email address starting with a WikiName was rendered as an internal Wiki link instead of an email address, i.e. SomeWikiName@somewhere.test .
  • PeterThoeny? - 04 Feb 2000: Usage statistics. Each web has a WebStatistics topic that shows monthy statistics with number of topic views and changes, most popular topics, and top contributors. (It needs to be enabled, TWikiDocumentation has more.)
  • PeterThoeny? - 29 Jan 2000: Fixed bug where TWiki would not initialize correctly under certain circumstances, i.e. when running it under mod_perl. Sub initialize in wiki.pm did not handle $thePathInfo correctly.
  • PeterThoeny? - 04 Feb 2000: Access statistics. Each web has a WebStatistics topic that shows monthy statistics with number of topic views and changes, most popular topics, and top contributors. (It needs to be enabled, TWikiDocumentation has more.)
  • PeterThoeny? - 07 Feb 2000: Inline search. New variable %SEARCH{"str" ...}% to show a search result embedded in a topic text. TWikiVariables has more on the syntax. Inline search combined with the category table feature can be used for example to create a simple bug tracking system.
  • PeterThoeny? - 07 Feb 2000: Changed the syntax for server side include variable from %INCLUDE:"filename.ext"% to %INCLUDE{"filename.ext"}% . (Previous syntax still supported. Change was done because of inline search syntax)
 Related Topics
-- PeterThoeny? - 04 Feb 2000
-- PeterThoeny? - 07 Feb 2000

Revision 14r14 - 07 Feb 2000 - 10:11:49 - PeterThoeny?
Revision 13r13 - 04 Feb 2000 - 21:44:08 - PeterThoeny?
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