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TWikiAccessControl 3 - 14 Dec 2000 - Main.PeterThoeny
Line: 40 to 40
 You can define some restrictions of who is allowed to make changes and attach files to topics or create new topics in a TWiki web.
Define one or both of these variable in the WebPreferences topic:
Define one or both of these variable in the WebPreferences topic:
  • Set DENYWEBCHANGE = < list of users and groups >
  • Set ALLOWWEBCHANGE = < list of users and groups >

The same rules apply like the one for Access Control for Individual Topics; with these additions:

  • DENYTOPICCHANGE (in topic) overrides DENYWEBCHANGE (in WebPreferences)
  • ALLOWTOPICCHANGE (in topic) overrides ALLOWWEBCHANGE (in WebPreferences)
  • DENYTOPICCHANGE (in topic) overrides DENYWEBCHANGE (in WebPreferences)
  • ALLOWTOPICCHANGE (in topic) overrides ALLOWWEBCHANGE (in WebPreferences)
Related topics: TWikiPreferences, WebPreferences (in every web), TWikiAdminGroup, TWikiGroups
Related topics: TWikiPreferences, WebPreferences (in every web), TWikiAdminGroup, TWikiGroups
 -- PeterThoeny? - 28 Oct 2000

Revision 3r3 - 14 Dec 2000 - 03:01:38 - PeterThoeny?
Revision 2r2 - 08 Nov 2000 - 08:15:37 - PeterThoeny?
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