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TWikiAccessControl 10 - 29 Aug 2001 - Main.MikeMannix
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TWiki Access Control

TWiki allows you to define restrictions of who is allowed to view a TWiki web, make changes to topics or attach files.

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  • It is not recommended to restrict view access to individual topics since all content is searchable within a web.
  • The view restriction is not suitable for very sensitive content since there is a way to circumvent the read access restriction.
-- PeterThoeny - 16 Mar 2001
Related topics: TWikiPreferences, WebPreferences (in every web), TWikiAdminGroup, TWikiGroups
-- PeterThoeny - 16 Mar 2001
The above schema can lock completely a topic in case of a typing error of the ALLOWTOPICCHANGE setting (see UnchangeableTopicBug). To avoid this:
  • set the $superAdminGroup variable in TWiki.cfg to the name of a group of users that are always allowed to edit/view topics. E.g.:
$superAdminGroup = "TWikiAdminGroup";
  • the default setting is not to have superusers

-- AndreaSterbini? - 11 Apr 2001

Related topics: TWikiPreferences, WebPreferences (in every web), TWikiAdminGroup, TWikiGroups

Revision 10r10 - 29 Aug 2001 - 09:54:36 - MikeMannix?
Revision 9r9 - 07 Aug 2001 - 15:44:30 - JohnTalintyre?
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