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PatternSkin 11 - 28 Aug 2004 - Main.ArthurClemens
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Pattern skin

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  • Change the layout.css and style.css attachment files for this topic (upload updated versions)
  • In TWikiPreferences, point the variables TWIKILAYOUTURL and TWIKISTYLEURL to other attachments, perhaps in another topic (your new skin topic?)
If you want to change colors and white space of screen elements, modify style.css.
If you want to change the positioning of screen elements, modify layout.css.
 See for practical details: PatternSkinCustomization
The CSS classes that PatternSkin uses are documented in PatternSkinCss.


See: PatternSkinCustomization
See: PatternSkinCustomization, PatternSkinPalette?

Further reading

  • PatternSkinPalette? - How to change the colors only
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Screenshot: Click for full screen image
Base Name: pattern
Skin Author: TWiki:Main/ArthurClemens
Skin Version: 24 Aug 2004 (v1.0.8)
Skin Version: 28 Aug 2004 (v1.0.9)
<-- specify latest version first -->
28 Aug 2004: v.1.0.9 - CAIRO RELEASE VERSION - Removed twikiTopic div from attach template
24 Aug 2004: v.1.0.8 - Fix for disabled TablePlugin; added plain.pattern.tmpl
23 Aug 2004: v.1.0.7 - Change to checkboxes in edit and preview screen; removed REVINFO at bottom; style changes
22 Aug 2004: v.1.0.6b - Removed files from zip that are now part of the TWiki distribution; removed .DS_Store files
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 Leave remarks, suggestions and other feedback in TWiki:Plugins.PatternSkinDev.
-- TWiki:Main/ArthurClemens - 24 Aug 2004
-- TWiki:Main/ArthurClemens - 28 Aug 2004
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Icon: down arrow; used for Table Of Contents" date="1092634909" name="i_arrow_down.gif" path="i_arrow_down.gif" size="56" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Layout: positioning of page elements" date="1093436449" name="layout.css" path="layout.css" size="1823" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Style: appearance: margins, fonts, colors" date="1093599077" name="style.css" path="style.css" size="26189" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.5"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="" comment="Style: appearance: margins, fonts, colors" date="1093734622" name="style.css" path="style.css" size="26514" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.6"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1092762581" name="patternskin_screenshot.gif" path="patternskin_screenshot.gif" size="8898" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.2"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" date="1092762639" name="patternskin_screenshot_full.gif" path="patternskin_screenshot_full.gif" size="63480" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1"

Revision 11r11 - 28 Aug 2004 - 23:11:49 - ArthurClemens?
Revision 10r10 - 27 Aug 2004 - 09:31:18 - ArthurClemens?
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