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AustinLeachFirstPaper 2 - 26 Oct 2011 - Main.AustinLeach
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The Rage Over Streets of Rage Remake
 It is strongly recommended that you include your outline in the body of your essay by using the outline as section titles. The headings below are there to remind you how section and subsection titles are formatted.

Paper Title


The Rage Over Streets of Rage Remake

 -- By AustinLeach - 25 Oct 2011

Section I




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Streets of Rage (SOR), known in Japan as Bare Knuckle, is a videogame that was released in 1991 and spawned sequels Streets of Rage 2 and Streets of Rage 3 in 1992 and 1994 respectively. SEGA, the once powerful console manufacturer and software developer that rivaled Nintendo in the late 1980s and 1990s, developed the game in-house for its SEGA Genesis console. These games have since been ported to arcade machines, other game consoles, and handheld devices, including the iPhone in April 2011.

Subsub 2

SOR is an action game in the “Beat ’em up” genre akin to Double Dragon and Final Fight. Players control characters through various levels, beating up criminals, fighting bosses, and picking up items along the way. The original game featured three characters who, as it is explained in the game’s introduction, vowed to combat the crime syndicate plaguing their city. There is no further dialogue or story. The sequels feature similar gameplay with slight enhancements and new characters. SOR 2 has a similar bare-bones story, but SOR 3’s plot is expanded and features cut-scenes and dialogue explaining the story between levels. Music for the SOR franchise was composed by Yuzo Koshiro.
Streets of Rage Remake (Remake) is an unofficial game for PC created by developer BoMbErLiNk? through the website The project started in March 17, 2003 with over 20 designers and musicians working on the project, and was completed and released April 3, 2011. According to Bombergames, Remake is not reverse engineered and does not use a single line of code from the original games. It was developed from the ground up based on “visual interpretation, logic, and comparison of states.” While the game itself is free to the public, but the resources (the custom sprites, remixes, artwork, etc.) are not and belong to their respective artists. Remake looks and plays like a modern throwback to the original games. The character models have been updated, the stages resemble mix and use images from the original games, and the music contains remixes of Koshiro’s “house” music. Remake’s story is completely original, but is told through cut-scenes resembling SOR 3.
According to BoMbErLiNk? , Bombergames contacted SEGA about the project in 2007 by email and sent a formal letter notifying them of the game’s development. It is unclear what the response was, but Bombergames continued developing Remake. Within a week of Remake’s release in April 2011, SEGA contacted Bombergames and requested that the site cease distribution of its game. SEGA released the following statement to a number of videogame websites such as “SEGA is committed to supporting any fans that take an interest in our games, and where possible we do so by involving them in Beta tests and other development, marketing or research opportunities… However we need to protect our intellectual property rights and this may result in us requesting that our fans remove online imagery, videos or games in some instances."

Section II


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AustinLeachFirstPaper 1 - 25 Oct 2011 - Main.AustinLeach
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META TOPICPARENT name="FirstPaper"
The Rage Over Streets of Rage Remake It is strongly recommended that you include your outline in the body of your essay by using the outline as section titles. The headings below are there to remind you how section and subsection titles are formatted.

Paper Title

-- By AustinLeach - 25 Oct 2011

Section I

Subsection A

Subsub 1

Subsection B

Subsub 1

Subsub 2

Section II

Subsection A

Subsection B

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Revision 2r2 - 26 Oct 2011 - 21:15:24 - AustinLeach
Revision 1r1 - 25 Oct 2011 - 07:00:48 - AustinLeach
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