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Maybe Med School Is Less Suffocating?

I finally get it. I wish someone would have told me that when I accepted a seat at Columbia Law School, I would be assigned my very own elephant to follow me into any room which I occupy. I made my decision to come here with my ideals in tow, fueled by the endless list of career options boasted in the school brochure. “The great thing about the first year is that I get to survey nearly all the different types of law,” I once said. But it recently became apparent to me that all of these “core” courses are just an instance of window-shopping while on a conveyer belt toward Corporations, Financial Accounting, and all the other aspects of law that I couldn’t be less interested in. In my opinion, the “golden handcuffs” aren’t latched to one’s wrists when he accepts a full-time offer at a law firm. They’re already beginning to appear on mine, and I haven’t even finished two semesters.

At the beginning of the semester, my reason for still drinking the Kool-Aid rather than following my own interests was because of student loans. While this is still a significant consideration in what I decide to do for the first ten years after law school, I’m discovering that there are other, more entrenched forces at work.

As I mentioned before, Columbia prides itself on an entire department dedicated to public interest law and its ability to subsidize those who decide to spend a summer in that field. But this dedication pales and shrivels in comparison to the effort expended to draw my attention away from public interests (not to mention away from my class work) and toward the glittering image that is private practice. A testimony to Veblen’s observations, firms clamor for the attention of 1Ls as early as October. Despite the fact that we know little to nothing about the law at this point (or perhaps because of it), we are bombarded with their waste, their trash quickly becoming our treasure. My lack of sleep was intensified by numerous additional cups of coffee, compliments of free Starbucks gift cards mailed out my potential employers. My stomach growled and my mouth watered at the various delicacies served at the cocktail receptions held for us on a weekly basis. And it gets worse. Literally one week after I had secured a job for this summer, I was already feeling the pressure to prepare for next summer. Twelve thousand interview opportunities are present at the Early Interest Program that will occur in August. Nerves will be stretched and smiles will be fabricated, all in the hope of securing a job that won’t even begin until the fall of 2010.

It’s no wonder why I find it so difficult to make room in my course schedule for next year to take any family law. As Martha said, “lawyers don’t learn anything other than what puts money in their pockets.” Already I am feeling the pressure to take several classes “requisite” for a career in corporate law, just so my summer employers don’t doubt my passion for the field. Before I have even had the opportunity to decide what aspect of law best suits my interests and personality, an anonymous figure is compelling me to take courses on a “track” toward corporate law.

All of the waste and conspicuous consumption common to corporate law only perpetuates my (tragically) developing addiction to elitism. I am not proud of this. I am proud that I was able to overcome stereotypes in my small-minded hometown and attend a stellar undergraduate institution, and that I was able to test my way into yet another stellar graduate institution. But now I am addicted. My preference for top ten US News schools has turned into a disapproval of anything less. Naturally, this has been carried into my search for employment. All of the shining brilliance of the world of corporate law, superficial or not, has me convinced that to continue to appear to the world as one of the leaders of my generation, I need to associate myself with one of these high-profile law firms. What saddens me is that this elitism now begins as early as elementary school for some children (per our discussion of New York’s elementary school “interviews”). At least I was able to make it until high school.

Finally, despite a growing desire to retire from the world of higher education and devote myself to being a “housewife” to my boyfriend, I feel increasingly compelled to realize the dreams of my female predecessors and take advantage of this opportunity to make more in my first year at a firm than my parents make now, combined. A woman is finally being taken seriously as a candidate for president, and all I want to do is sit at home, clean, read, start a family and enjoy my life as I see fit. “Clearly,” there must be something wrong with me.

All of this is not to say that I am left without agency in the situation. The powers-that-be at this institution would hardly say that I have no choice in what I do with my education. I have the agency in choosing which door to open, and Columbia boasts the great number of doors available. My point is that a few of those doors, made of marble and gold, Dean Schizer is practically offering me a piggy-back ride toward and will even escort me through it. The rest of those doors are splintering and become more unattractive by the minute. I finally get it. But that’s not to say that I’m equipped to overcome it.

-- WhytneBrooks - 04 Apr 2008


Revision 1r1 - 04 Apr 2008 - 19:53:56 - WhytneBrooks
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