Law in Contemporary Society

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Law in Contemporary Society


Professor Eben Moglen
Columbia Law School, Spring 2021


Professor Eben Moglen
Columbia Law School, Spring 2022


For our last week together, 12 and 14 April, we will discuss one more lawyer's practice: mine. Please read or listen to my talk, Die Gendanken Sind Frei, given in Berlin, 2004. Review the websites of SFLC and, paying particular attention to the roster of publications, and the programs of SFLC's annual conferences at CLS.

In addition, please

  1. Listen to the week's class audio and the supplementary audio for Wednesday. See ClassAudio for previous classes.
  2. Check what's On the Radar.

You should be prepared to ask at least one question at the class meeting, which will be held on our Etherpad. For past week's pads, see ClassPads.


Writing Schedule:

  • First drafts of second essays will be due close of business Friday 16 April, and will be edited by Friday 30 April if submitted timely. See SecondEssay for instructions and template.

  • Second drafts of both first and second essays may then be submitted anytime before Wednesday 19 May. If you want more time for the submission of second drafts, you may request an extension by email before that date.
Welcome prospective students.
  • To revise a draft, simply remove everything on the page above the permissions material and insert your new draft. Remember that History contains all versions of the topic, so nothing is lost.
Please see the CourseIntroduction. Or you could start with the audio trailer.
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Office hours are now by appointment, conducted via Etherpad or video conference.

If you need an appointment, please write, or consult my assistant, Jerrica Sosa, at 212-461-1905.

My office hours in spring 2021 are not yet determined.
Wednesdays 4:10-5:50pm and Thursdays
10:30-12n and 3-5pm (usually reserved for 1L students), via Etherpad.  If you need
to see me but cannot make office hours, please email for an appointment,
or consult my assistant, Jerrica Sosa, at 212-461-1905.

On the Radar

Revision 359r359 - 04 Nov 2021 - 15:45:14 - EbenMoglen
Revision 358r358 - 26 Apr 2021 - 10:28:52 - EbenMoglen
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