Patent law is a huge problem that faces our society faces. While most people merely accept that patents are a part of our lives, a select group of people are abusing and profiting off of the patent laws in this country. I admit that I was guilty of the former; merely following the crowd and not challenging the idea that our patent laws were seriously stunting the growth of creativity in our country. However, once I became aware of the serious adverse effect of patent laws, I knew that they must be changed to reflect our growing technological society. Patent laws in the United States allow patents to last too long and can greatly reduce the amount of technological innovation from young companies.
Under our current laws, patents last 20 years subject to an extension ( On the surface, this appears to be a reasonable amount of time. It gives time for the creators of inventions to profit off of them, while not lasting long enough to adversely affect society. Another key point is that patents usually last the shortest amount of time out of all the forms of intellectual property. If investigated further however, it is easily discovered that patent length does in fact hurt our society. |