Law in Contemporary Society

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StephenSeveroIntro 2 - 13 Jan 2012 - Main.IanSullivan
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META TOPICPARENT name="PersonalIntros"
META TOPICPARENT name="PersonalIntros2010"
 Why law school is not important. To steal a line from Yeats, “A lonely impulse of delight drove to this tumult in the clouds.” I always slouched towards law school, and majoring in math provided the appropriate gravitational slingshot. The important question is what I hope to gain. I want one last fling with academia, the less pragmatic the better. I want a lucrative career. I want to master sophistry, so that I may place my thumb adroitly on the scales and ensure a favorable outcome. "I beheld that the meaning of life was to make a living; its goal, to become Chief Justice."

StephenSeveroIntro 1 - 14 Jan 2010 - Main.StephenSevero
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META TOPICPARENT name="PersonalIntros"
Why law school is not important. To steal a line from Yeats, “A lonely impulse of delight drove to this tumult in the clouds.” I always slouched towards law school, and majoring in math provided the appropriate gravitational slingshot. The important question is what I hope to gain. I want one last fling with academia, the less pragmatic the better. I want a lucrative career. I want to master sophistry, so that I may place my thumb adroitly on the scales and ensure a favorable outcome. "I beheld that the meaning of life was to make a living; its goal, to become Chief Justice."

-- StephenSevero - 14 Jan 2010

Revision 2r2 - 13 Jan 2012 - 23:19:03 - IanSullivan
Revision 1r1 - 14 Jan 2010 - 18:23:13 - StephenSevero
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