Law in Contemporary Society

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RonMazorSecondPaper 12 - 13 May 2010 - Main.DavidGoldin
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 In relation to the broader issue of accountability, especially since we don't have good evidence of what is happening, we must make our voices heard. We want ethical behavior by our military, and when things go wrong, we want full impartial investigations. Perhaps we should take Eben's advice, and do this the old fashioned way, by protesting. Perhaps we should try something new - online petitions and email campaigns are two quick examples. But if we want to prevent incidents like these in the future, we need to make it clear to the U.S. government that we won't stand by idly after one takes place.

A quick note - Ron: after our discussion, I reconsidered my earlier comments and have taken another approach to editing your paper. Please don't hesitate to contact me - either on this page or by email - if you have concerns about the direction I have taken this paper in or if you have additional tips. Many thanks for the explanation, and congratulations on completing the school year. Best wishes for a great summer! -David \ No newline at end of file

This article came out in the New York Times today and involved a discussion of the use of video evidence in the incidents involving NYPD officers pushing Critical Mass riders of bicycles. One of the assertions is that the video evidence was key in securing the charges against/conviction of Patrick Pogan. Not exactly on point, but related both to Ron's original paper and my rewrite, so I figured I'd post it for all who are interested. Best, -David
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Revision 12r12 - 13 May 2010 - 13:29:10 - DavidGoldin
Revision 11r11 - 12 May 2010 - 18:22:20 - DavidGoldin
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