Law in Contemporary Society

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LeoFarbmanFirstEssay 6 - 19 Apr 2015 - Main.LeoFarbman
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META TOPICPARENT name="FirstEssay"
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 -- By LeoFarbman - 05 Mar 2015

Technology & The Modern World


Technological Impact on Social Psychology

The Internet, paired alongside the smart phone, has expanded the spread of information in truly amazing ways; the world is at our fingertips. This instantaneous availability and rapid reaction has left a population with so many answers, yet not the answer on how to live alongside these innovations. It seems the more connected we become, the less connected we actually are. America's obsessive use of smart phones and tracking of lives through social media is suffocating our culture and its development.
The Internet, paired alongside the smart phone, has expanded the spread of information in truly amazing ways; the world is at our fingertips. However, America's obsessive use these technologies has been suffocating our awareness, our culture, and our development.

Thoughts Need Space Too


The Dissociation Problem

As I sit here writing this essay, outwardly frustrated by these mind-consuming devices, I will likely get distracted and check my phone countless times; I just can’t resist. Check, post, text, search, etc., I’m constantly in two or three places at the same time and it almost feels out of my control. Maybe I’m alone in this, but I don't think that's the case. We are trained to bury our heads in the world of our phones whenever there’s a stressor or dull moment. Thinking is now less essential to day-to-day life; simple pondering is a lost art. We have become a generation obsessed with high score games, pushed notifications, emojis, and selfies; unable to ignore the constant flood of information and actually focus on our thoughts. Our thoughts need this time and space. We are losing out on an unprecedented amount of opportunities to grow.
As I sit here writing this essay, outwardly frustrated by these mind-consuming devices, I will likely get distracted and check my phone countless times; I just can’t resist. I’m constantly in two or three places at the same time and it almost feels out of my control. Maybe I’m alone in this, but I don’t think that’s the case. We have become a generation obsessed with high score games, pushed notifications, emojis, and selfies; unable to ignore the constant flood of information and actually focus on what is in front of us. Our thoughts and emotions are being suppressed without time and space to grow outside of our devises and aliases.

The Non-Experienced Life

Our culture has always been relative in nature; people concerned with those around them to help define and quantify their own existence. Unfortunately, this common and debilitating trait has been greatly intensified by the digital revolution. People have become more and more alienated by this incessant visibility. Mental escape is harder than ever. The genius, reclusive-type now has a much harder time finding comfort in isolation to do his work. Taking the individual path has become even harder due to the walls of this peer pressure surrounding us at all times. Everything is tracked and judged in relation to what our friends are doing. Ideally, yes, this all can all be avoided with some effort, but not everyone has that courage.
Our appreciation of the current moment has deteriorated; everything is now instantaneously documented into "memories" (the appropriate and slightly hypnotic term for iPhone photos). The experience comes and goes through photos, videos, texts, Snap-Chats and Instagrams; we exist to be seen, to show off, no longer to experience. This lack of engagement permeates through our society and it is cause for concern as appreciation continues to dwindle. I recently went to a sold-out concert and each minute a glow would pull me out of the essence of the song. I understand a few photos, but nearly the whole show? It is no longer enough to just be somewhere, to feel the moment. Days later, I was at a nice family dinner and it happened again. The table next to us had Mom on her iPhone, Dad on his Sony camera, and their two young boys watching cartoons on their iPad. I just sat there, again awe struck, contemplating, “Is this how the next generation is learning how to converse and engage with others?” Even table manners are at stake.
Furthermore, we now tailor ourselves to depict how we want the world to see us (See: Facebook, LinkedIn? ,, etc.). _Lawyerland_’s dissociation problem, which we have discussed in class, is now an accepted practice throughout our society and it begins at a very young age. One can digitally presents themselves as they like, but simultaneously lead a totally different life. To me, this only expands on the disassociation problem for the next crop of young lawyers.
Engaged discussion and experience are no longer necessary or even desired by the masses. Online commenting is revolutionary, but not a replacement. We need undisrupted moments of human interaction to cognitively and socially progress; to facilitate growth between minds. Being taken out of the moment, whether it is a meeting or a song, has become accepted practice in our culture. Interruptions – or should I say notifications – are no longer considered disruptions. As experience is lost, our development will start to crumble.

When Table Manners are at Stake


The Relative Explosion

Picture this: You’re at a friend’s house warming party. The apartment is only half-full, but you know a few people and have met a handful more. The party is currently less-than-exciting and the music is less-than-great, but it is still good to be out around people. Unfortunately, the party isn’t going so well; everyone feels the dullness of the slow party. One after another people start to check their phones to avoid the awkwardness, to make other plans, to talk with someone else. This intuitive reaction to the slow party aggregates to our society at large and brings light to a problematic social norm. Just the other week, I was at dinner and the table next to us had Mom on her iPhone, Dad on his Sony camera, and their two young boys watching cartoons on their iPad. When table manners are at stake, we know there is a societal problem. How will those kids behave in society when they are adults?
This modern disconnection only starts with the instant moment and expands exponentially with our alternate, social media personas. Our culture has always been relative in nature; people concerned with those around them to help define and quantify their own existence. Unfortunately, this common and debilitating trait has been greatly intensified by the digital revolution. We now must tailor ourselves to depict how we want the world to see us (See: Facebook, Linked-In,, etc.).Everyone is constantly forced to peer over each other’s shoulders, scared to stand out, yet simultaneously hoping to. Social media has estranged people from their physical existence and American confidence is suffering because of it. Mental escape is harder than ever. The genius, reclusive artist or writer has a much harder time finding comfort and isolation; his work must be blogged, posted, liked, shared.
As Joshua Horowitz mentioned in class, presence is half the battle. Or better yet, “90% of life is just showing up”. What does it mean to show up in 2015? Mentally disengaged presence doesn’t seem to fit the bill. Being taken out of the moment, whether it is a meeting or a song, has become accepted practice in our culture. Interruptions – or should I say notifications – are no longer considered disruptions. It is no longer enough to just be somewhere, to feel the moment. Whenever we want to check out, we can fill the lull with a phone, not with human interaction or the engagement with the world. This social behavior is curbing our cultural growth and its development.
People have become more and more alienated by this incessant visibility. Ideally, yes, this all can all be avoided with some effort, but not everyone has that courage, especially those at the more impressionable ages. Time, energy and passion are wasted everyday on, and because of, these avatars.

Education & Beyond

Modern technologies have changed the way we think and interact, but not much is being done to approach this societal problem. The technology is here to stay and it is long overdue for changes in education. 70% of parents agree.

Currently, Internet and social media education in schools of all levels is low to nonexistent. There is no nationally recognized standard or training system to teach kids how to understand the Internet. There are also no nationally sponsored education conferences. Only a few high schools in the country have implemented a semester-long course on Internet use (and even in that area the head of the teacher union is trying to get it removed). Those classes are based around the Common Sense Education Curriculum, which focuses on potential dangers from youth Internet usage, not on how to help understand what it means to be an active Internet user and how to behave responsibly with this technology always on your hip. However important they are, this problem does not end with cyber-bullying and kids giving away private information.
Currently, Internet and Social Media education in schools of all levels is low to nonexistent. There is no nationally recognized standard or training system to teach kids how to understand the Internet. There are also no nationally sponsored education conferences. Only a few high schools in the country have implemented a semester-long course on Internet use (and even in that area the head of the teacher union is trying to get it removed). Those classes are based around the Common Sense Education Curriculum, which focuses on potential dangers from youth Internet usage, not on how to help understand what it means to be an active Internet user and how to behave responsibly with this technology always on your hip. However important they are, this problem does not end with cyber-bullying and kids giving away private information.
I believe education needs to be implemented in a similar fashion to that of Sexual Education after the AIDS crisis in the 1980’s. Sex-Ed rightfully focuses on safe sex and how to use contraception, but also importantly on broader questions like what it means to be sexually active and when is it appropriate to start having sex. Similarly, a practical yet theoretical approach to the use of technology must be implemented.
I believe education needs to be implemented in a similar fashion to that of Sexual Education after the AIDS crisis in the 1980’s. SexEd? rightfully focuses on safe sex and how to use contraception, but also importantly on broader questions like what it means to be sexually active and when is it appropriate to start having sex. Similarly, a practical yet theoretical approach to the use of technology must be implemented.
Society’s obsessive use of technology is a worrisome movement especially as generations are brought up without much, if any, guidance.
Furthermore, the use and understanding of technology is quite disparately spread across the country and it is important we make it an even playing field across the board. Congress should take up this issue and it should be taught equally throughout the country, similarly to the Mathematics Common Core, which was just implemented through the Spending Clause. This issue is too important to be left up to the states to individually mandate over a long period of time.
 The advances are not stopping; it’s time we collaborate, let’s say on a wiki, and discuss where to turn next.

LeoFarbmanFirstEssay 5 - 14 Apr 2015 - Main.EbenMoglen
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META TOPICPARENT name="FirstEssay"
It is strongly recommended that you include your outline in the body of your essay by using the outline as section titles. The headings below are there to remind you how section and subsection titles are formatted.

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

Line: 41 to 40
 The advances are not stopping; it’s time we collaborate, let’s say on a wiki, and discuss where to turn next.
From my point of view the essay's most important problem is that it doesn't know there's an off-switch.
I live my life in the Net. I have been using email for forty years. I know as much about how to build, program, use and understand the social implications of computing as anyone else I know, and I know the people in this world.
Comment(Matt Burke): I can see how modern technologies have changed the things that we do: We spend a lot of time using devices that once did not exist. But have these devices changed our underlying psychological motivations? Our social psychological constitutions? What is the difference, on these views, between, say, those who take instagram photos of a concert today and those who made bootleg tapes of concerts 35 years ago? The difference, whatever it is, seems somewhat cosmetic to me.
But I don't use an Internet-connected phone in my hand. I'm surrounded by computers that I run, and they do everything for me, but they do not demand my attention in return.
Or, differently, what if you assumed not only that modern technologies have changed the way we think and interact, but, broadly, that there is nothing to be done about it? On this view, what does it mean to be educated about society's obsessive use of technology?
You're not talking about the consequences of technology. You are talking about the consequences of using it badly, as a result of habit-formation that was convenient for the sellers of mobile bandwidth and surveilling-you "services," but which as you see are not good for the cognitive development of human beings.
ToddDensen Comment: I enjoyed your piece, I think we can all relate to the pull technology has on us. The mastery over technology and human psychology allows companies to turn consumers into addicts who need their game, in-app purchase, device, whatever.
If you learn to use technology more wisely, you will grow wiser and better connected, instead of less wise and more isolated. In the meantime, Sherry Turkle's 2011 book Alone Together will interest you.
I wrote a longer comment that I failed to properly save (more evidence for the necessity of increased education on technology). I think you correctly identify that education on responsible use is a modern need that is yet to be addressed. But the need for education on technology must go further. We ought to be teaching children about programming, typing, research, photo/music/video editing/creation. Technology can be a tool of immense creativity and children who learn these skills young will think with the mindset needed to create with them effectively.
Comments are still available in the "History" of this page. But the next draft will be clean, overwriting my comments here as well, leaving coherent history in the wiki as well.
Additionally, the current regime only works to further widen the achievement gap between the classes. Technology is more accessible for children in middle and upper middle class homes. But those without access do not learn these skills in school and fall behind. I tutor at a middle school in Harlem. It's a charter school and they have some resources. I was working with a 7th grader on a report he needed to type up on the schools laptop computer. He struggled mightily with even the most basic tasks - typing, using the shift key, saving a word document, using email. Now, I cannot say what economic class this particular student comes from, but what is clear is that he was not acquiring skills on using technology at home. I asked him if he ever was taught in school how to type - once, in 3rd grade - and never again. What kind of modern education system allows for that? Do we take use of technology for granted?
You are entitled to restrict access to your paper if you want to. But we all derive immense benefit from reading one another's work, and I hope you won't feel the need unless the subject matter is personal and its disclosure would be harmful or undesirable. To restrict access to your paper simply delete the "#" character on the next two lines:

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LeoFarbmanFirstEssay 4 - 07 Apr 2015 - Main.ToddDensen
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META TOPICPARENT name="FirstEssay"

It is strongly recommended that you include your outline in the body of your essay by using the outline as section titles. The headings below are there to remind you how section and subsection titles are formatted.

Line: 47 to 47
 Or, differently, what if you assumed not only that modern technologies have changed the way we think and interact, but, broadly, that there is nothing to be done about it? On this view, what does it mean to be educated about society's obsessive use of technology?
ToddDensen Comment: I enjoyed your piece, I think we can all relate to the pull technology has on us. The mastery over technology and human psychology allows companies to turn consumers into addicts who need their game, in-app purchase, device, whatever.

I wrote a longer comment that I failed to properly save (more evidence for the necessity of increased education on technology). I think you correctly identify that education on responsible use is a modern need that is yet to be addressed. But the need for education on technology must go further. We ought to be teaching children about programming, typing, research, photo/music/video editing/creation. Technology can be a tool of immense creativity and children who learn these skills young will think with the mindset needed to create with them effectively.

Additionally, the current regime only works to further widen the achievement gap between the classes. Technology is more accessible for children in middle and upper middle class homes. But those without access do not learn these skills in school and fall behind. I tutor at a middle school in Harlem. It's a charter school and they have some resources. I was working with a 7th grader on a report he needed to type up on the schools laptop computer. He struggled mightily with even the most basic tasks - typing, using the shift key, saving a word document, using email. Now, I cannot say what economic class this particular student comes from, but what is clear is that he was not acquiring skills on using technology at home. I asked him if he ever was taught in school how to type - once, in 3rd grade - and never again. What kind of modern education system allows for that? Do we take use of technology for granted?

You are entitled to restrict access to your paper if you want to. But we all derive immense benefit from reading one another's work, and I hope you won't feel the need unless the subject matter is personal and its disclosure would be harmful or undesirable. To restrict access to your paper simply delete the "#" character on the next two lines:

LeoFarbmanFirstEssay 3 - 06 Apr 2015 - Main.MattBurke
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META TOPICPARENT name="FirstEssay"

It is strongly recommended that you include your outline in the body of your essay by using the outline as section titles. The headings below are there to remind you how section and subsection titles are formatted.

Line: 43 to 43
Comment(Matt Burke): I can see how modern technologies have changed the things that we do: We spend a lot of time using devices that once did not exist. But have these devices changed our underlying psychological motivations? Our social psychological constitutions? What is the difference, on these views, between, say, those who take instagram photos of a concert today and those who made bootleg tapes of concerts 35 years ago? The difference, whatever it is, seems somewhat cosmetic to me.
Or, differently, what if you assumed not only that modern technologies have changed the way we think and interact, but, broadly, that there is nothing to be done about it? On this view, what does it mean to be educated about society's obsessive use of technology?
You are entitled to restrict access to your paper if you want to. But we all derive immense benefit from reading one another's work, and I hope you won't feel the need unless the subject matter is personal and its disclosure would be harmful or undesirable.

LeoFarbmanFirstEssay 2 - 09 Mar 2015 - Main.LeoFarbman
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META TOPICPARENT name="FirstEssay"

It is strongly recommended that you include your outline in the body of your essay by using the outline as section titles. The headings below are there to remind you how section and subsection titles are formatted.


Questioning Engagement


With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

 -- By LeoFarbman - 05 Mar 2015

Technology & The Modern World


Technophobia: The Fear of Advanced Technology

The Internet, paired alongside the smart phone, has expanded the spread of information in truly amazing ways; the world is at our fingertips. This instantaneous availability and rapid reaction has left a population with so many answers, yet not the answer on how to live alongside these innovations. It seems the more connected we become, the less connected we actually are. America's obsessive use of smart phones and tracking of lives through social media is suffocating our culture and its development.

The Disconnection

Dual Existence


Thoughts Need Space Too

As I sit here writing this essay, outwardly frustrated by these mind-consuming devices, I will likely get distracted and check my phone countless times; I just can’t resist. Check, post, text, search, etc., I’m constantly in two or three places at the same time and it almost feels out of my control. Maybe I’m alone in this, but I don't think that's the case. We are trained to bury our heads in the world of our phones whenever there’s a stressor or dull moment. Thinking is now less essential to day-to-day life; simple pondering is a lost art. We have become a generation obsessed with high score games, pushed notifications, emojis, and selfies; unable to ignore the constant flood of information and actually focus on our thoughts. Our thoughts need this time and space. We are losing out on an unprecedented amount of opportunities to grow.

The Non-Experienced Life


A New Frontier

Our appreciation of the current moment has deteriorated; everything is now instantaneously documented into "memories" (the appropriate and slightly hypnotic term for iPhone photos). The experience comes and goes through photos, videos, texts, Snap-Chats and Instagrams; we exist to be seen, to show off, no longer to experience. This lack of engagement permeates through our society and it is cause for concern as appreciation continues to dwindle. I recently went to a sold-out concert and each minute a glow would pull me out of the essence of the song. I understand a few photos, but nearly the whole show? It is no longer enough to just be somewhere, to feel the moment. Days later, I was at a nice family dinner and it happened again. The table next to us had Mom on her iPhone, Dad on his Sony camera, and their two young boys watching cartoons on their iPad. I just sat there, again awe struck, contemplating, “Is this how the next generation is learning how to converse and engage with others?” Even table manners are at stake.

Engaged discussion and experience are no longer necessary or even desired by the masses. Online commenting is revolutionary, but not a replacement. We need undisrupted moments of human interaction to cognitively and socially progress; to facilitate growth between minds. Being taken out of the moment, whether it is a meeting or a song, has become accepted practice in our culture. Interruptions – or should I say notifications – are no longer considered disruptions. As experience is lost, our development will start to crumble.

The Relative Explosion

This modern disconnection only starts with the instant moment and expands exponentially with our alternate, social media personas. Our culture has always been relative in nature; people concerned with those around them to help define and quantify their own existence. Unfortunately, this common and debilitating trait has been greatly intensified by the digital revolution. We now must tailor ourselves to depict how we want the world to see us (See: Facebook, Linked-In,, etc.).Everyone is constantly forced to peer over each other’s shoulders, scared to stand out, yet simultaneously hoping to. Social media has estranged people from their physical existence and American confidence is suffering because of it. Mental escape is harder than ever. The genius, reclusive artist or writer has a much harder time finding comfort and isolation; his work must be blogged, posted, liked, shared.

People have become more and more alienated by this incessant visibility. Ideally, yes, this all can all be avoided with some effort, but not everyone has that courage, especially those at the more impressionable ages. Time, energy and passion are wasted everyday on, and because of, these avatars.

Education & Beyond

Modern technologies have changed the way we think and interact, but not much is being done to approach this societal problem. The technology is here to stay and it is long overdue for changes in education. 70% of parents agree.

Currently, Internet and social media education in schools of all levels is low to nonexistent. There is no nationally recognized standard or training system to teach kids how to understand the Internet. There are also no nationally sponsored education conferences. Only a few high schools in the country have implemented a semester-long course on Internet use (and even in that area the head of the teacher union is trying to get it removed). Those classes are based around the Common Sense Education Curriculum, which focuses on potential dangers from youth Internet usage, not on how to help understand what it means to be an active Internet user and how to behave responsibly with this technology always on your hip. However important they are, this problem does not end with cyber-bullying and kids giving away private information.

I believe education needs to be implemented in a similar fashion to that of Sexual Education after the AIDS crisis in the 1980’s. Sex-Ed rightfully focuses on safe sex and how to use contraception, but also importantly on broader questions like what it means to be sexually active and when is it appropriate to start having sex. Similarly, a practical yet theoretical approach to the use of technology must be implemented.

Society’s obsessive use of technology is a worrisome movement especially as generations are brought up without much, if any, guidance.

The advances are not stopping; it’s time we collaborate, let’s say on a wiki, and discuss where to turn next.


Education & Beyond


LeoFarbmanFirstEssay 1 - 05 Mar 2015 - Main.LeoFarbman
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META TOPICPARENT name="FirstEssay"
It is strongly recommended that you include your outline in the body of your essay by using the outline as section titles. The headings below are there to remind you how section and subsection titles are formatted.

Questioning Engagement

-- By LeoFarbman - 05 Mar 2015

Technophobia: The Fear of Advanced Technology

The Disconnection

Dual Existence

A New Frontier

Education & Beyond

You are entitled to restrict access to your paper if you want to. But we all derive immense benefit from reading one another's work, and I hope you won't feel the need unless the subject matter is personal and its disclosure would be harmful or undesirable. To restrict access to your paper simply delete the "#" character on the next two lines:

Note: TWiki has strict formatting rules for preference declarations. Make sure you preserve the three spaces, asterisk, and extra space at the beginning of these lines. If you wish to give access to any other users simply add them to the comma separated ALLOWTOPICVIEW list.

Revision 6r6 - 19 Apr 2015 - 18:13:34 - LeoFarbman
Revision 5r5 - 14 Apr 2015 - 17:18:28 - EbenMoglen
Revision 4r4 - 07 Apr 2015 - 02:05:59 - ToddDensen
Revision 3r3 - 06 Apr 2015 - 09:52:18 - MattBurke
Revision 2r2 - 09 Mar 2015 - 23:47:23 - LeoFarbman
Revision 1r1 - 05 Mar 2015 - 18:31:32 - LeoFarbman
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