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CoronavirusTracker 2 - 12 Mar 2020 - Main.EbenMoglen
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-- AsherKalman - 11 Mar 2020
When offering links, it is good to offer context as well. If you describe what you are suggesting we read, and why, you begin the conversation in a useful place, rather than leaving it to someone else to do so.
It is good to keep digital as well as biological hygiene in mind. As the New York times reports today:

Chinese hackers exploit virus fears.

Over the past two weeks, two well-known Chinese state hacking groups have been baiting employees at large telecommunications companies and government agencies in Asia into downloading fake documents that purport to contain critical coronavirus information, three cybersecurity firms said.

Two California companies, CrowdStrike and FireEye, and the Israeli company Check Point confirmed this week that the Chinese groups were sending out coronavirus-themed documents loaded with malware. For now, the breaches have focused on targets in Vietnam, Mongolia and the Philippines.

FireEye reported that Russian hackers have been using legitimate coronavirus update documents to target entities in Ukraine, and North Korea hackers have used coronavirus information as bait to target a South Korean nongovernmental organization.

Security researchers worry the campaigns are an early warning for cyberattacks that could hit the United States. “We’re seeing cybercriminals and Chinese groups jump on coronavirus,” said Adam Meyers, the head of threat intelligence at CrowdStrike. “People need to be aware of what is coming.”

Before linking to coronavirus-related sites, please consider relaying information from trusted sources instead.


Can we link to public sources? This URL contains tracking information allowing Lexis to surveil the readers.

-- AsherKalman - 11 Mar 2020
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CoronavirusTracker 1 - 11 Mar 2020 - Main.AsherKalman
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-- AsherKalman - 11 Mar 2020



Revision 2r2 - 12 Mar 2020 - 12:04:18 - EbenMoglen
Revision 1r1 - 11 Mar 2020 - 15:04:49 - AsherKalman
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