Law in Contemporary Society

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ClassNotes16April08 1 - 17 Apr 2008 - Main.ChristinaYoun
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-- ChristinaYoun - 17 Apr 2008

Most urgent: news about grading • Hopefully done by the end of the week • Continue to work on the papers even if Eben already graded them. Class schedule: Chief Justice Roberts is visiting so school is making us cancel class • We will see Rehnquist clerks – superficial smart, fast but not accurate • They’re like modern law firm partners. • Think of Roberts as a good Washington lawyer, a good tennis player. • They want us to look at Roberts. He won’t answer any questions, but we’re supposed to look at him and admire him.

There was a long lawsuit over the insurance of the Towers. 1 incident or 2? It was an important subject because there are per incident insurance claim allowances. • The year before their destruction, the towers were leased. Mr. Silverstein – can get $1 billion per incident. • What happens to the lawsuits that Day’s thinking of? Socialism – government decides who gets how much. • Simple solution to what happened: lock the cockpits so that nobody can get into them. The FAA could have ordered this, but it didn’t because it was coddling it. Instead, the FAA traded off the economic wellbeing of airlines and the safety of people. o Everyone understood the dangers of someone flying planes into buildings. There was a study done under the direction of Peter Strauss to study the possibility of flying planes into nuclear facilities – this was during the Carter Admin. o But they had to save the President and save the airlines’ money instead of saving lives. o The firefighters going in weren’t informed of the intelligence that the building was near collapse. o There are many things to sue for, but the courts are not to be relied upon. • Day: Don’t look to the courts, that’s not where the power is. • The truth is out there. It’s not hard to find. You just have to be a lawyer and look around. • Ordinance passed this weekend: it’s illegal to monitor pollution in NYC without police permission. They want to implement it for national use. They say it’s useful for controlling panic. • What’s the revolution that the judge talking about? o When she first starts talking about a report deploring unregulated criticisms of the court in relation to the decline in civility of society. o Where do her ideas connect? It’s the stuff in between that’s important. If you don’t believe in the courts, then they won’t work. If we figure out that there’s no power in the courts, then what will happen? o Incivility → lawyer and the girl in the middle of the morning. The dashing officer of the court, out of his uniform, picking up a girl in the subway. If your officer isn’t of high integrity, then your office is a mob. o Vietnam soldier “fragging” – putting a grenade in the officer’s tent. Eventually, there’s a fight between the soldiers and the officers if the officers don’t care about the lives of the soldiers. o How is the court to go on if the officers don’t believe in the power of the court? o State of civil wars • 70% of CLS students work for the “best heeled” interests • Order comes from civility, self-restrained order. She has always been a good girl and wants everyone to be like that. Tell the truth rigorously, respect civility and morality, and remain upright at all times. • Was there a revolution against revolution? 1870-1920 when people began immigrating to the US? • She has a problem: she’s trying to get to the place where her mind is hovering above the world, just observing. She’s trying to get to that place before the case, but she can’t get there and the sentencing is tomorrow. o Imagine yourself in her position as The Sentencer. You’re telling the person and her family that she’s going to the dungeon for X years. You’re the one who has to come up with the number. How are you going to feel as a person, someone beyond all the guidelines? • Note that the harshest sentencing comes from TX where sentencing is done by the jury. • We take all kinds of data at all different times and we process a stable, uniform image. Additionally, we have to slow down the video and audio movements to put them in sync and process. • Lawyers split. They stay one position while moving onto another.

HOMEWORK • “Stuff I need to know if I’m not going to end up in the NLJ…” • come up with a page of questions


Revision 1r1 - 17 Apr 2008 - 02:54:10 - ChristinaYoun
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