Admin tools
Manage whole
TWiki site from one screen.
Documentation: TWiki Reference Manual
Site Tools: Configure, TWikiPreferences, InterWikis, Variables, Doc Graphics
Manage Users: Register, NewUserTemplate, UserForm, ResetPassword, ChangePassword
Manage Content: Topics, Webs, YouAreHere
Webs: Web | Tools | Use to... |
AmLegalHist |  | ...collaborate on learning and making resources for learning American Legal History from 1607 |
CompPrivConst |  | ...a collaborative discussion of Computers, Privacy & the Constitution |
EngLegalHist |  | ... learn about and participate in the study of English Legal History |
LawContempSoc |  | ...collaborate on discussing the role of Law in contemporary society |
LawNetSoc |  | ...collaborate on discussing the role of law in a networked society |
Main |  | Read About the Wiki and Basic Policies |
TWiki |  | TWiki details, and how to start your own site. |
This table is updated automatically based on WebPreferences settings of the individual webs. |
Legend: | | WebHome | WebSearch | WebChanges | WebNotify |
| | WebPreferences | WebStatistics | WebTopicList | WebIndex |
All Admin Tools Category topics
- BulkRegistration: The .TWikiAdminGroup can use BulkRegistration to register (i.e. create logins and UserTopics) for a group ...
- ChangeEmailAddress: Security Note : Set Email user #64; Registered e mail addresses for currently ...
- ChangePassword: : : : : ResetPassword, ChangeEmailAddress ...
- InstalledPlugins: Plugins are mainly user contributed add ons that enhance and extend TWiki features and capabilities. ...
- ManagingWebs: # Managing Webs Adding, renaming and deleting webs are all web based operations. Overview A TWikiSite ...
- ResetPassword: : ChangePassword, ChangeEmailAddress, UserToolsCategory, AdminToolsCategory :
- SiteMap: Web TWiki Site Map Use to... You can use color coding by web for identification ...
- SitePermissions: Web Sitemap VIEW CHANGE RENAME ^ Listed DENY ALLOW DENY ALLOW ...
- TWikiReferenceManual: Documentation for webmasters, system administrators, project managers, team leaders, and all other users ...
- TWikiSiteTools: # TWiki Site Tools Utilities for searching, navigation, and monitoring site activity TWiki Site Tools ...
- WebHome: The official TWiki site is Welcome to the TWiki Web The place to learn about TWiki features ...
- WebLeftBar: " warn "off"}% ATasteOfTWiki ...
Administrators can enable and disable plugins using
- SpreadSheetPlugin (any TWiki, 10197): Add spreadsheet calculation like
"$SUM( $ABOVE() )"
to TWiki tables and other topic text - ActionTrackerPlugin (21 May 2007, $Rev: 14969 (20 Sep 2007) $): Adds support for action tags in topics, and automatic notification of action statuses
- AttachmentListPlugin (1.0.1, $Rev: 15921 (07 Dec 2007) $): Displays a formattable list of topic attachments, anywhere in a topic.
- BreadCrumbsPlugin (v1.00, $Rev: 13657 (08 May 2007) $): A flexible way to display breadcrumbs navigation
- CalendarPlugin (Dakar, 9113): Show a monthly calendar with highlighted events
- CommentPlugin (Dakar, 11359): Allows users to quickly post comments to a page without an edit/preview/save cycle
- CompareRevisionsAddonPlugin (Dakar, $Rev: 9808$):
- EditTablePlugin (any TWiki, 11646): Edit TWiki tables using edit fields, date pickers and drop down boxes
- FilterPlugin? (1.40, $Rev: 15932 (07 Dec 2007) $): Substitute and extract information from content by using regular expressions
- FlexWebListPlugin (v1.21, $Rev: 16132 (03 Jan 2008) $): Flexible way to display hierarchical weblists
- FootNotePlugin (2.006): Footnotes are notes placed at the end of a topic.
- GluePlugin (2.00, $Rev: 15708 (23 Nov 2007) $): Enable markup to span multiple lines
- IfDefinedPlugin (v1.01, $Rev: 15157 (05 Oct 2007) $): Render content conditionally
- InterwikiPlugin (Dakar, $Rev: 11935$): Link
text to external sites based on aliases defined in a rules topic - JQueryPlugin (v0.4, $Rev: 15608 (15 Nov 2007) $): jQuery JavaScript library for TWiki
- NatSkinPlugin (3.00-pre17, $Rev: 15581 (13 Nov 2007) $): Supplements the bare bones NatSkin theme for TWiki
- PreferencesPlugin (Dakar, 9839): Allows editing of preferences using fields predefined in a form
- RedDotPlugin (1.40, $Rev: 16137 (03 Jan 2008) $): Renders edit-links as little red dots
- RenderListPlugin (any TWiki, 1.034): Render bullet lists in a variety of formats
- SlideShowPlugin (Any TWiki, $Rev: 12847$): Create web based presentations based on topics with headings.
- SmiliesPlugin (Dakar, 8154): Render smilies as icons, like
for :-)
for = :eek:= - TablePlugin (1.020, 12339): Control attributes of tables and sorting of table columns
- TreeBrowserPlugin (v1.8): Renders a list as a collapsable/expandable tree.
- TreePlugin (1.7): Dynamic generation of TWiki topic trees
- TwistyPlugin (1.2.0, $Rev: 12154$): Twisty section JavaScript library to open/close content dynamically
- VotePlugin (1.33, $Rev: 14312 (01 Jul 2007) $): Simple way to count votes
- WysiwygPlugin (Dakar, 12422): Translator framework for Wysiwyg editors
see also:
TWiki Version
- TWiki engine: TWiki-4.1.2, Sat, 03 Mar 2007, build 13046
- Plugin API: 1.11
Related Topics: AdminDocumentationCategory