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All work and no play may make my life boring and dull. So every now and then, I go out to drink and chill out with friends to take away the stress of my job. I work as a freelance business writer for a fashion magazine where I have to do several editing and writing jobs at the same time just to beat the deadline for the printing of our magazine.

There is only one planet that we live in and we better take care of it. That's my motto for environment awareness that I use in my web content freelance writer work for the website of a non-government organization involved in raising awareness for environmental and nature preservation issues. Our NGO is involved in issues for climate change, endangered plants and animals, pollution and other issues.

I like sports and arts alot. Whenever I create sample essays I often attach my interest and knowledge about arts and sports as examples. I was also able to apply my experiences in sports and art as my guide.

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Trash.FirstName: Keith
LastName: Garcia
ColumbiaCourses: Computers, Privacy & the Constitution, Other
