Law in Contemporary Society
I did not expect for Eben to be so blatantly vindicated. -- NonaFarahnik - 23 Apr 2010

Are you referring to Petal Modeste's response to your question, which I summarize as follows: "They would not be interviewing you if they did not intend to hire you." It reminded me of one of the wrong answers in an LSAT logic games section.

-- KalliopeKefallinos - 23 Apr 2010

I suspect that they could not tell us a lot of things because they don't want to burn bridges with certain firms. If they were completely transparent with us, it would have ended up on above the law tomorrow and the relationships that they are trying to re-build would be gone. From their reaction to some of our questions, it also felt as though they thought they were being attacked. I'm going to reserve judgment until I sit down with them on a one-on-one basis but after today, I'm a bit nervous about the entire process. -- AshleySimpson - 23 Apr 2010

Yea, I agree with Ashley and think that firm relationships are a valid concern.

Kal- I think I was referring to absurdity of the whole thing, especially when I stuck around for a while afterwards. They all got really antsy around me at the end and I was shocked at how defensive they were. They also knew that I am drunk on the Eben kool aid because his name came up pretty quick. Funny how they know Eben's arguments but don't think about how to actually incorporate them into their own approach. Though my question was maybe a slight shot across the bow, it wasn't so strange to ask if they had the numbers about who had been furloughed...

WHY IS IT CALLED THE OFFICE OF CAREER SERVICES????????? If it was the office of CAREER services, then Ilene and Ellen should be part of it too. The Meeting was crazy because they are soooooooo tone deaf. I think 1Ls deserve a little affirmation and some big-picture thinking too. BLAH.

-- NonaFarahnik - 23 Apr 2010

I was also referring to Eben's characterization about the way the whole process is launched on the unsuspecting 1L. For the hour you sit in there, you forget that there are lawyers who work in other places than the law firm whose hires are 74% Kent Scholars.

-- NonaFarahnik - 23 Apr 2010

LOL @ this. My only question is : why lie to us? If you're nervous, say so. If you're not sure, say so. Tell us we need to start thinking in new ways about the field to make our mark. We know what's happening around us and I kind of find it offensive that they think we aren't "tracking" this ourselves and could even begin to believe some of the statements. "Layoffs don't indicate that firms are in economic [struggle]" (or something like that) WHAT?!?! I LOL'd at that in the meeting. It was a blatant lie. If layoffs don't indicate a firm's stability (or lack thereof)...what do they indicate? I also found it interesting how many law students who were leaving called "bullsh!t" on that whole meeting. The Kent Scholars comment was hilarity. Most of us aren't Kent ummm...where does that leave the rest of us?!

All in all...good times. Typical law school moment. I'm unimpressed.

Oh Nona, I also laughed when you asked your question. I couldn't hear what you were saying but I knew it was a "give 'em hell" moment.

-- KrystalCommons - 23 Apr 2010

Oh one more thing:


I think that SOMEONE has to grow a pair and start telling the truth. I'm not sure if I'll partake in EIP, more likely than not I will because I'd like to keep my options open. However, who cares if it winds up on What would the headline be? "COLUMBIA LAW SCHOOL TELLS STUDENTS THE TRUTH?!" The problem is that they are blatantly lying to us. I know they are just doing their jobs, keeping their connections to firms, etc. But this is Columbia Law School. How much will their relationships be effected? The name speaks for itself. We shouldn't have to go one by one into the office to beg for real information. This is our lives. Aren't they "career services"? Shouldn't they be helping us build careers in whatever area it is that we want? I just think there was way too much nonsense being spewed. Whether or not they felt attacked, they should've been prepared for it. People are NERVOUS.I'm not so concerned about their nerves, they have jobs. People who are paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to be here. It was almost sad -- the other day I saw the Class Gift table and there was a 3L (I assume) standing there saying to someone who was tabling- "If I give, will they actually read my comment about how ridiculous I think it is for them to still be asking us to give money when many of us don't even have jobs and they won't give us any honest answers?". I mean...come ooonnnnnn...let's live in reality for a moment. Even if it's just one, I'd be present. I don't care about their nerves or sensitive feelings or their "fragile" relationships, I don't believe the hype. ( I'm done)

-- KrystalCommons - 23 Apr 2010

I thought the whole thing was a joke. Aside from the fact that you could have found all the information on their website, it was outrageous to have to sit through an hour long lie. I just wonder if they know they are misrepresenting the truth when they get up there and tell us those things, or if they really believe what they are saying.

@Krystal - right on with the comment about the layoffs. Maybe layoffs make a firm more profitable for the equity partners, but it sure doesn't make it a more attractive option for 1Ls looking to get hired.

@Nona - totally agree with you about the "Career Services" name. If they were actually Career Services they would help students with ALL kinds of job searches, not just trying to funnel us into the same firms year after year. Why is somebody who helps students find jobs with government/NGOs/non-profits excluded from working for Career Services?

One last thing - has anyone seen those fliers around JG encouraging people to donate one day of summer pay to public interest? I thought that money was guaranteed by Columbia and I thought THEY were going to pay for it instead of asking students to contribute to the fund on top of the $50K we already pay them. Isn't it ridiculous that public interest has to beg people to give them money to pay for guaranteed funding?

-- NathanStopper - 23 Apr 2010



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