Computers, Privacy & the Constitution

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DaljaeParkSecondPaper 07 May 2024 - 14:16 DaljaePark
DaljaePark 23 Apr 2024 Framework for Overseas Transfer of Personal Data in South Korea Is it really enough to protect right of privacy? I. Background In the ...
DanCarlstonFirstPaper 30 Apr 2022 - 22:04 DanCarlston
Spotify: The Trade Off Between Data Privacy and Personalization By Dan Carlston 11 Mar 2022 (edited 30 Apr 2022) Introduction In an industry facing rampant piracy ...
DanaDelgerFirstPaper 14 Jan 2015 - 22:44 IanSullivan
DanaDelger 15 Feb 2009 I was thirteen when I killed my first deer, the shot flying forth from my hands, an incantation to crumple cities and knees. My father ...
DanaDelgerSecondPaper 05 Jan 2010 - 22:31 IanSullivan
The Grand Inquisitor Meets Free Information the end they will lay their freedom at our feet, and say to us, #8216;Make us your slaves, but feed us. #8217; They will ...
DanielHarrisFirstPaper 05 Jan 2010 - 22:30 IanSullivan
In Defense of RFID By DanielHarris 8 Mar 2009 Introduction RFID and related technologies in the form of the smart card have taken a beating, often literally. ...
DanielHarrisSecondPaper 05 Jan 2010 - 22:31 IanSullivan
A second paper will be here in a while. DanielHarris 22 June 2009 Information war lessons from Iran mobile phones Internet anonymization social media ...
DanielHawleyFirstPaper 04 Jun 2024 - 17:44 DanielHawley
Free Money By DanielHawley 20 Mar 2024 Reflections on My Privacy I haven't yet given up the smart ass phone. I did ditch Google Chrome in favor of Brave. ...
DanielShinerFirstPaper 30 Jun 2016 - 22:18 DanielShiner
Transcending Balance: Mass Surveillance and the Fourth Amendment DanielShiner 07 May 2016 Across both major political parties, the word #8220;balance #8221 ...
DanielaWeerasingheFirstPaper 10 May 2022 - 12:38 EbenMoglen
Social Animals VS Digital Feudalists By DanielaWeerasinghe 15 April 2022 My previous essay #8220;Freedom of Thought VS Democracy #8221; analyzed and depicted ...
DanielleTomsonFirstPaper 30 Apr 2017 - 20:52 EbenMoglen
Feeding Us Ourselves: How Using Voter Data to Target Readers Threatens Truth, Choice, and Journalism By DanielleTomson 22 Mar 2017 I. Introduction If you are ...
DanielleTomsonSEcondPaper 11 May 2018 - 17:14 DanielleTomson
DanielleTomson 11 May 2018 Transparency International: Finding Relief Abroad in Data Privacy and Protection? Ours is a world that is both everywhere and nowhere ...
DannyStempFirstPaper 12 May 2016 - 00:13 EbenMoglen
It is a poorly kept secret that big companies use consumer data without consumer knowledge or consent. Information about the items people buy, the websites they visit ...
DarrenHaberFirstPaper 14 Jan 2015 - 22:44 IanSullivan
To say the the internet has changed how we communicate and share information would be an incredible understatement. The ability for anyone to easily communicate with ...
DarrenHaberSecondPaper 14 Jan 2015 - 22:44 IanSullivan
I recently watched "The Lives of Others", a movie set in 1984 East Berlin which follows the life of an East German writer and the agent of the secret police tasked ...
DataMiningAndTheBaseRateFallacy 10 Apr 2021 - 19:58 NevfelAkkasoglu
"Better to Put People, Not Computers, in Charge of Investigating Potential Plots" I found this essay educative: Giving Up Privacy and Getting Little in Return NevfelAkkasoglu ...
DataSelfieApp 13 May 2016 - 18:43 LizzieOShea
Take a Data Selfie Interesting app project launched by two students at Parsons. App will make predictions and personalized profiles based on our browsing history. ...
DavidHammondFirstPaper 05 May 2017 - 18:14 DavidHammond
Is the Storing of Metadata by the United States Government a Search in Violation of the 4th Amendment? By DavidHammond 02 Mar 2017 Introduction What if I had ...
DavidMehlFirstPaper 17 Jan 2012 - 17:48 IanSullivan
Virtual Child Pornography and The Constitution Historical Background In v. California, the Supreme Court held that obscene speech does not receive First Amendment ...
DavidMehlSecondPaper 17 Jan 2012 - 17:48 IanSullivan
The Certegy Data Misappropriation Case Introduction Created in 2001, Certegy sought to empower check users by insuring checks written to merchants. Certegy did not ...
DeletionIllusion 14 Jan 2015 - 22:36 IanSullivan
This post on the New Yorker's website today by Matt Buchanan has some interesting observations about our generation's proclivity for sharing. Not much will be new ...
DianaSidakisFirstPaper 17 Jan 2012 - 17:48 IanSullivan
DianaSidakis 19 May 2010 Constructing Truth: Technology and Ritual Technology, as a product of science, has the ability to appear neutral, as if existing outside of ...
DianaSidakisSecondPaper 17 Jan 2012 - 17:48 IanSullivan
DianaSidakis 26 May 2010 Identity: Sameness or Difference Identity is sameness; sharing its root with identical. Etymologically, the formation of the word is unclear ...
DoJ 26 Feb 2024 - 21:16 KeanuWan KeanuWan 26 Feb 2024
DoWeNeedANewInternet 05 Jan 2010 - 21:52 IanSullivan
I don't know if people saw Markoff's article, "Do We Need A New Internet?" in this weekend's NY Times, but I thought it was an interesting piece. Though not completely ...
DuckDuckGo--AnAnonymousSearchEngine 14 Jan 2015 - 22:36 IanSullivan
I recently came across an advertisement for an online search engine titled DuckDuckGo that says it does not track you. In very plain english explains how your search ...
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