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WikiSyntax 14 - 04 Jan 2003 - Main.PeterThoeny
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TWikiShorthand Basics

If you can enter text, you're ready for TWiki. With a few simple, intuitive TWikiShorthand rules, you'll be able to use plain text to create well-styled postings, instantly. Here's a fast-track guide to shorthand basics...

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  • If you enter a WikiWord for a topic that doesn't exist, it'll appear highlighted, with question mark at the end, prompting you (or someone else) to start off the new topic by clicking the ? - NewTopic? (click the ?, but don't save, to preserve the example!).

  • When entering WikiName signatures - like, guest - include the Main as a prefix, since all TWiki member pages are in the Main web: Main.YourName.
  • When entering WikiName signatures - like, guest - include "Main." as a prefix, since all TWiki member pages are in the Main web: Main.YourName.
  • For an external link, type the full URL: http://twiki.org.
  • For an external link, type the full URL: http://twiki.org/.
  • To prevent a WikiWord from becoming a link, type <nop> first, <nop>NoLinkPlease.
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      • That's 3-6-9-...
  1. Start items in a numbered list with [space][space][space][1][space].
  2. The "1" (or any number) will be replaced by the correct number, in order.
  1. To add a new paragraph without restarting list numbering, use the %BR% variable, like below:
    Text added (in new paragraph)
  2. and list numbering continues.
  • Start counting spaces for bullets from the beginning of a new line.
  • Always start counting spaces for bullets and such from the beginning of a new line.
  • To include an image, type its URL. You also can Attach an image to the page and display it with text

  • To display a word or phrase in MONOSPACED TYPE, put it in equal signs: =like this=.
    Use ==two== for bold: bold mono.
  • Use <pre> to enclose code excerpts, filenames, and other unformatted text, with the opening and closing tags on their own separate lines:
  • Use <verbatim> to enclose code excerpts, filenames, and other unformatted text, with the opening and closing tags on their own separate lines:

 unformatted text!
  • Three (or more) consecutive hyphens expand into a horizontal rule: ---

  • Three (or more) consecutive hyphens expand into a horizontal rule:

Revision 14r14 - 04 Jan 2003 - 21:29:00 - PeterThoeny?
Revision 13r13 - 21 Apr 2002 - 05:46:52 - PeterThoeny?
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