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TextFormattingRules 38 - 16 Jul 2003 - Main.PeterThoeny
TWiki Text Formatting | | | |
< < | Note: Make sure to "stick" the * _ = == signs to the words, that is, take away spaces. | > > | Note: Make sure there is no space between the text and the bold, italic, or other indicators (* _ __ = == ). | | | | | |
< < | This works, | > > | This works,
| | | | | |
< < | | > > | | | | |
< < | | > > | | | | | | |
< < | Optional spaces followed by the cells enclosed in vertical bars.
Note: | *bold* | cells are rendered as table headers.
Note: | spaced | cells are rendered center aligned.
Note: | spaced | cells are rendered right aligned.
Note: | 2 colspan || cells are rendered as multi-span columns.
Note: In case you have a long row and you want it to be more readable when you edit the table you can split the row into lines that end with a '\' backslash character.
| > > | Any number of lines of text. Each line is one row of the table consisting of one or more cells. Each cell starts and ends with a vertical bar '|'. Any spaces at the beginning of a line are ignored.
Notes: •
| *bold* | cells are displayed as table headers. •
| center-spaced | cells are displayed center aligned. •
| right-spaced | cells are displayed right aligned. •
| 2 colspan || cells are displayed as multi-span columns (i.e., a cell with no text spans a column). •
|^| cells with a caret indicate follow-up rows of multi-span rows. •
If a row contains a large amount of text, and you want it to be more readable while editing the table, split the row into multiple text lines by ending each line with a backslash character '\' . •
Table cells wrap automatically as determined by the browser. | | | |
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< < |
| > > |
A4-6 | four | four |
five | five |
six | six |
| | | |
| |
< < |
| > > |
A4-6 | four | four |
five | five |
six | six |
| | | |
- TWiki converts shorthand notation to XHTML 1.0 for display. To copy a fully marked-up page, simply view source in your browser and save the contents.
If you need to save HTML frequently, you may want to check out TWiki:Plugins/GenHTMLAddon - it will "generate a directory containing rendered versions of a set of TWiki pages together with any attached files."
NOTE: The opening and closing angle brackets - <...> - of an HTML tag must be on the same line, or the tag will be broken.
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< < |
- This feature allows you to enter an unclosed angle bracket - as a greater than or less than symbol - and have it automatically rendered as if you had entered its HTML character,
< , ex: a > b
| > > |
- This feature allows you to enter an unclosed angle bracket - as a greater than or less than symbol - and have it automatically rendered as if you had entered its HTML character,
< , ex: a < b
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If you're pasting in preformatted HTML text and notice problems, check the file in a text processor with no text wrap. Also, save without hard line breaks on text wrap, in your HTML editing program.
Hyperlinks | |
- A: The
'&' character has a special meaning in HTML, it starts a so called character entity, i.e. '©' is the © copyright character. You need to escape '&' to see it as it is, so write '&' instead of '&' . Example: Type 'This & that' to get 'This & that' .
-- MikeMannix? - 02 Dec 2001
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< < | -- PeterThoeny? - 01 Feb 2003 | > > | -- PeterThoeny? - 15 Jul 2003 |
Revision 38 | r38 - 16 Jul 2003 - 23:57:00 - PeterThoeny? |
Revision 37 | r37 - 01 Feb 2003 - 20:47:48 - PeterThoeny? |
This site is powered by the TWiki collaboration platform. All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. All material marked as authored by Eben Moglen is available under the license terms CC-BY-SA version 4.
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