TWiki Installation Guide
Installation instructions for the TWiki 01-Dec-2001 production release. Update notes for the new RCS configuration are marked Dataframework. |
< < | These installation steps are based on the Apache Web server on Linux. TWiki runs on other Web servers and Unix systems, and should be fine with any OS and server that meet the system requirements? . Documentation for other platforms is currently limited. For Windows, check TWiki:Codev/TWikiOnWindows. Search the TWiki:Codev web for other intallation notes. |
> > | These installation steps are based on the Apache web server on Linux. TWiki runs on other web servers and Unix systems, and should be fine with any web server and OS that meet the system requirements? . Documentation for other platforms is somewhat limited:
Standard Installation |
| Step 1: Create & Configure the Directories |
< < | NOTE: If you don't have access to your Web server configuration files - for example, if you're installing on an ISP-hosted account - use the alternative Step 1 instead. |
> > | NOTE: If you don't have access to your Web server configuration files - for example, if you're installing on an ISP-hosted account, or you don't have administrator privileges on your intranet server - use the alternative Step 1 instead. |
- Create directory
/home/httpd/twiki and unzip the TWiki distribution into this directory.
- The
twiki/bin directory of TWiki must be set as a cgi-bin directory. Add /home/httpd/twiki/bin to file /etc/httpd/httpd.conf with only ExecCGI option.
Step 1 for Non-Root Accounts |
< < | To install TWiki on a system where you don't have server administrator privileges, for example, on a hosted Web account: |
> > | To install TWiki on a system where you don't have Unix/Linux root (administrator) privileges, for example, on a hosted Web account or an intranet server administered by someone else: |
- Download and unzip TWiki on your local PC
- Using the table below, create a directory structure on your host server
twiki/templates | web templates | dir secure from public access | /home/smith/twiki/templates |
> > | If you are not able to create the twiki/lib directory at the same level as the twiki/bin directory (e.g. because CGI bin directories can't be under your home directory and you don't have root access), you can create this directory elsewhere and edit the setlib.cfg file in the bin directory:
# -------------- Change these settings if required
$twikiLibPath = '/some/other/path/lib'; # Path to lib directory containing TWiki.pm
You can also edit $localPerlLibPath in the setlib.cfg file if you are not root and need to install additional CPAN modules, but can't update the main Perl installation files on the server. Just set this variable to the full pathname to your local lib directory, typically under your home directory. |
Step 2: Set File Permissions |
cd twiki/data
< < | perl -pi -e 's/nobody:/www-data:/' /,v |
> > | perl -pi~ -e 's/nobody:/www-data:/' /,v |
- Edit the file
twiki/lib/TWiki.cfg , setting the variables to your needs.
- Set the file extension in the
$scriptSuffix variable to cgi or pl if required.
< < |
- RCS - revision control system to store revsion of topics and attachments. You can use RCS executables or a version of RCS written in Perl, note that as the time of writing (Apr 2002) the Perl version has not been widely tested, so if you want to put up a live site the RCS executables are recommended. (Dateframework - prior version of TWiki only support the RCS executables and do not have the config setting
$storeTopicImpl )
> > |
- RCS - revision control system to store revision of topics and attachments. You can use RCS executables or a version of RCS written in Perl, note that as the time of writing (Apr 2002) the Perl version has not been widely tested, so if you want to put up a live site the RCS executables are recommended.
- Set
$storeTopicImpl = "RcsWrap"; for the RCS executables and make sure RCS is installed. Set $rcsDir in twiki/lib/TWiki.cfg to match the location of your RCS binaries. You can check this by issuing the command rcs at the prompt, it should result in something like "rcs: no input file" .
- Check that you have GNU
diff , by typing diff -v - an error indicates you have a non-GNU diff, so install the GNU diffutils package and make sure that diff is on the PATH used by TWiki (see $safeEnvPath in the TWiki.cfg file).
- Set
$storeTopicImpl = "RcsLite"; for the Perl based RCS
< < |
- Set
$storeTopicImpl = "RcsWrap"; for the RCS execuatbles and make sure RCS is installed. Set $rcsDir in twiki/lib/TWiki.cfg to mach the location of your RCS binaries. You can check this by issuing the comand rcs at the prompt, it should result in something like "rcs: no input file" .
- Security issue: Directories
twiki/data , twiki/templates and all its subdirectories should be set so that they are not visible as a URL. (Alternatively, move the directories to a place where they are not visible, and change the variables in twiki/lib/TWiki.cfg accordingly)
> > |
- Security issue: Directories
twiki/data , twiki/templates and all their subdirectories should be set so that they are not visible through URLs. (Alternatively, move the directories to a place where they are not visible, and change the variables in twiki/lib/TWiki.cfg accordingly)
- Test your settings by running the
testenv script from your browser: http://yourdomain.com/twiki/bin/testenv . Check if your twiki/lib/TWiki.cfg configuration file settings are correct.
< < | Step 4: Finish Up from Your Browser |
> > | Step 4: Configure Site-Wide Email Preferences
- From your web browser, edit the TWikiPreferences topic in the TWiki:TWiki web to set the
WIKIWEBMASTER email address, and other email settings required for registration and WebChangesAlert to work:
WIKIWEBMASTER should be set to the email address of the TWiki administrator
SMTPMAILHOST is typically set on Windows or other non-Unix/Linux systems, where sendmail or similar is not available. When this is set and the Perl module Net::SMTP is installed, TWiki will connect to this SMTP server (e.g. mail.yourdomain.com ) to send email for user registration and WebChangesAlerts. If you do have a sendmail-type program, leave SMTPMAILHOST unset so that the external sendmail program is used instead (defined by $mailProgram in TWiki.cfg ).
SMTPSENDERHOST is optional, and set to the domain name sending the email (e.g. twiki.yourdomain.com ). For use where the SMTP server requires that you identify the TWiki server sending mail. If not set, Net::SMTP will guess it for you.
- You may want to set up other TWikiPreferences later on.
Step 5: Finish Up from Your Browser |
- Point your Web browser at
http://yourdomain.com/twiki/bin/view and start TWiki-ing away!
Or, point to http://yourdomain.com/twiki/ to get the pre-TWiki index.html page, with a link to the view script. Customize this page if you want a public intro screen with a login link, instead of immediately calling up the .htaccess login dialog by going directly to view .
< < | |
- Edit the WebPreferences topic in each web, if necessary: set individual
WEBCOPYRIGHT messages, and other preferences.
- Enable email notification of topic changes, TWikiSiteTools has more.
- Edit the WebNotify topic in all webs and add the users you want to notify.
| With your new TWiki installation up and running, you can manage most aspects of your site from the browser interface. Only a few functions require access to the server file system, via Telnet or FTP. You can make these server-level changes during installation, and at any time afterwards. |
> > | |
| Enabling Authentication of Users
- If TWiki is installed on a non-authenticated server - not using SSL - and you'd like to authenticate users:
- This applies only if you have root access: on hosted accounts, you shouldn't have this problem - otherwise, email tech support.
NOTE: In the TWiki distribution package, the twiki/data/.htpasswd.txt file contains several TWiki core team user accounts and a guest user account. You probably want to remove those accounts by deleting the entries in .htpasswd . Do not remove the guest user if you want to allow guest logins.
- Copy the TWikiRegistrationPub? topic to TWikiRegistration, overwriting old version of TWikiRegistration. Do that by either editing the topics in theTWiki web, or by renaming the
.txt and .txt,v files in the twiki/data/TWiki directory.
< < |
HINT: You can customize the registration form by deleting or adding input tags. The name="" parameter of the input tags must start with: "Twk0..." (if this is an optional entry), or "Twk1..." (if this is a required entry). This ensures that the fields are processed correctly.
> > |
- Customization:
- You can customize the registration form by deleting or adding input tags. The
name="" parameter of the input tags must start with: "Twk0..." (if this is an optional entry), or "Twk1..." (if this is a required entry). This ensures that the fields are carried over into the user home page correctly.
- You can customize the default user home page in NewUserTemplate.
- Register yourself in the TWikiRegistration topic.
NOTE: When a user registers, a new line with the username and encrypted password is added to the data/.htpasswd file. The .htpasswd file that comes with the TWiki installation includes user accounts for TWiki core team members that are used for testing on TWiki.org. You can edit the file and delete those lines.
- Create a new topic to check if authentication works.
| TWiki File System Info |
< < | See Appendix A: TWiki File System? for an installed system snapshot and descriptions of all files in the TWiki 01-Dec-2001 distribution. |
> > | See Appendix A: TWiki File System? for an installed system snapshot and descriptions of all files in the TWiki 01-Sep-2001 distribution. |
| |
< < | -- PeterThoeny - 13 Sep 2001
> > | -- PeterThoeny - 28 Dec 2002
| -- MikeMannix? - 16 May 2002
META TOPICMOVED | by="MikeMannix" date="999319650" from="TWiki.TWikiInstallationNotes" to="TWiki.TWikiInstallationGuide" |