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TWikiForms 6 - 04 Sep 2001 - Main.JohnTalintyre
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  • The topic can be protected in the usual manner so that not everybody can change the form template - see TWikiAccessControl
  • ...? can be used for force a link, at present ...? format is not supported
  • The "Tooltip message:" column is used as a tool tip for the field name (only if field name is a WikiName) - you only see the tooltip on edit
  • The first item in the list is the default item. Alternative initial values can be given in a topic template such as WebTopicEditTemplate or using fieldFLD=value or for checkboxes fieldFLDcheckbox=1 in URL
  • The first item in the list is the default item. Alternative initial values can be given in a topic template such as WebTopicEditTemplate or using field=value or for checkboxes field=1
  • The topic definition is not read when a topic is viewed

Enabling Forms by Web

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 A default form template (i.e. new topics get this default form) can be provided by creating the WebTopicEditTemplate topic in a Web and adding a form to it. Initial form values can be set here.

Addtionaly a new topic can be given a form using the formtemplate parameter in the URL. Initial values can then be provided in the URLs or as form values. Names being:

  • Not checkboxs - nameFLD e.g. ?BugPriorityFLD=1
  • Checkbox - nameFLDvalue=1 e.g. ?ColourFLDRed=1. Note that all boxes with a tick must be specified.
  • Not checkboxes - name e.g. ?BugPriority=1
  • Checkbox - namevalue=1 e.g. ?ColourRed=1. Note that all boxes with a tick must be specified.

Creating New Topics with Forms

Revision 6r6 - 04 Sep 2001 - 09:53:16 - JohnTalintyre?
Revision 5r5 - 01 Sep 2001 - 12:08:41 - MikeMannix?
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