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TWikiForms 3 - 29 Aug 2001 - Main.JohnTalintyre
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Form Templates

Topics allow for flexible free format data, sometimes you want to ensure strucutre to some of the topic information, this can be done with Forms e.g. saying what type of topic it is (e.g. Bug, Feature, FAQ entry etc) and then filling in fields using dropdowns, radio buttons etc.

If forms are enabled for a Web and a topic has a form you will see it as a table when viewing the page. When you edit you will see the various edit controls below the normal text area. There will be a button at the top of the form marked Change which allows you to change to a different form, or remove the form. If you edit a topic without a form, there will be a button Add Form, that let's you associate a form with the topic; note that changes you have made to the topic are not lost when you select this option.

Topics allow for flexible free format data, sometimes you want to ensure strucutre to some of the topic information, this can be done with Forms e.g. saying what type of topic it is (Bug, Feature, FAQ entry etc).
You can search for topics with specific form data using the %SEARCH% variable - see TWikiVariables.


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OsVersion? text 16   blah blah...

Defining form in multiple topics


Defining a form in multiple topics

 The form template can also be defined in an alternative way by using more then one topic:
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Topic meta data

See TWikiMetaDataDefinition? .
See MetaDataDefinition? .
 The form template topic name and all form fields/values are stored in the topic meta data. The form template topic name is needed for edit and save.
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 This is a more general replacement for the TWikiCategoryTable? capability, in particular Forms are defined by special topics, where as categories were defineind using special templates.
-- JohnTalintyre? - 16 Aug 2001
-- JohnTalintyre? - 16 Aug 2001

Revision 3r3 - 29 Aug 2001 - 16:30:22 - JohnTalintyre?
Revision 2r2 - 16 Aug 2001 - 12:43:30 - JohnTalintyre?
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