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The Columbia Society for Comparative Philosophy (CSCP) is a University Seminar dedicated to the advancement of projects that draw on both western and non-western philosophy. The CSCP meets monthly on the campus of Columbia University and occasionally hosts conferences.


Columbia University Science Fiction Society

"Science fiction has been part of Columbia University since Isaac Asimov graduated from the College with a B.A. in Chemistry in 1939," said Noah Fulmor, CC'99, curator of the new library that opened April 18 in 505A Lerner Hall. "Over the years, such SF titans as Robert Silverberg and Roger Zelazny would spend time here, giving Columbia one of the richest science fiction traditions of any university in the world."

Operated by the Columbia University Science Fiction Society, the collection will have 3,000 volumes of popular works as well as rare magazines dating to the 1940s. Non-circulating items will include a signed copy of Isaac Asimov's Second Foundation and an 1887 edition of Jules Verne's 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea.

"As far as we know, Earth and we humans with out dreams and ideas--embodied in our science and technology--are the spearhead of cosmic evolution," said Paul Levinson, president of the Science Fiction Writers of America, who spoke at the opening reception. "New York City and Manhattan in particular are clearly the gleaming tip of that spear. Columbia University is its cutting edge of thought. What better reason to have a science fiction library--presenting the best of that thought--at Columbia University in Manhattan?"



Revision 3r3 - 18 Jul 2010 - 19:18:03 - DevinMcDougall
Revision 2r2 - 18 Jul 2010 - 03:03:29 - DevinMcDougall
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