Law in the Internet Society

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MotazArshiedFirstEssay 6 - 10 Oct 2019 - Main.MotazArshied
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META TOPICPARENT name="FirstEssay"

It is strongly recommended that you include your outline in the body of your essay by using the outline as section titles. The headings below are there to remind you how section and subsection titles are formatted.

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Explaining Password Manager

"A password should contain at least one letter, one number, one special character..." and on and on it goes!

We all been through this and it seems everyone created endless variations of personal passwords. Passwords manager seeks to put an end to this situation. It is a software relying on its users to store their credentials and sensitive information, to be retrieved later on when needed. Basically, it requires the user to remember one master password in order to decrypt the passwords manager database.
We all been through it and it seems everyone created endless variations of personal passwords. Passwords manager seeks to put an end to this situation. It is a software relying on its users to store their credentials and sensitive information, to be retrieved later on when needed. Basically, it requires the user to remember one master password in order to decrypt the passwords manager database.
 The passwords manager stores full URLs next to the stored passwords and it does not log in automatically to those browsers, presumably out of creating another safety layer.

Revision 6r6 - 10 Oct 2019 - 18:07:52 - MotazArshied
Revision 5r5 - 10 Oct 2019 - 01:43:51 - MotazArshied
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