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Teen Court

-- By YvetteFerrer - 16 Feb 2012
-- By YvetteFerrer - 16 Feb 2012. Edited 29 April 2012


In high school I did something called Plano Teen Court. Basically, minors who had committed a misdemeanor were able to get it taken off their record if they participated in this program and did community service. By being in the program the defendants had to plead guilty, so all that was left was how many community service hours they would get and maybe writing letters of apology. The cases were tried by high school students, judged by high school students, and juried by high school students. I was an attorney. To become an attorney you first had to sit on a few jury panels. Listen to kid defendants’ stories about how they got in a fight at school, shoplifted, or if you were really lucky, got a DUI. Sitting on the jury we would listen to the attorney’s cross-examine the defendant and give their closing arguments. Then head back to the little jury room and discuss. Immediately I’d take charge of the room with some theory about how the defendant should get X amount of hours because this case of being out passed curfew was REALLY bad… or not that bad. Then I’d get some blank stares. Then someone would suggest giving the minimum or the maximum. The thing was that everyone else on the jury was doing their community service hours for misdemeanors they committed, not to become student attorneys.

Soon I became an attorney. And started to work my way up to totem pole for the “big” cases, drug paraphernalia and DUIs. Before a trial, if were the defense counsel, we’d meet with our “clients.” While each case had small variations, I always said the same thing. Say “yes, sir/mam,” “yes” not “yea”, look like your paying attention, say your sorry and what you’ve learned from the experience. Essentially, I was coaching on how to be a sympathetic defendant. But really who knows if we attorneys made any difference since the verdict always came back somewhat arbitrary. But we would track our “wins and losses” religiously. Secretly gloating when we started “winning” the big cases against the more experience attorneys. But we weren’t really winning or losing cases, all the defendants had already plead guilty. So what was left?

In high school I did something called Plano Teen Court. Basically, minors who had committed a misdemeanor were able to get it taken off their record through community service. By being in the program, the defendants had to plead guilty, so the program just allocated community service hours. The cases were tried by high school students, judged by high school students, and juried by high school students. I was an attorney, but first had to sit on a few jury panels and listen to kid defendants’ stories about how they got in a fight at school or shoplifted.
Soon I became an attorney and started to work my way up the totem pole for the “big” cases -- drug paraphernalia and, if you were really lucky, DUIs. Before each trial, I’d meet with my “clients” and always recommended the same thing: say “sir and mam,” “yes” not “yea”, look like you are paying attention, and pretend to be remorseful. Then during trail, we attorneys would spin facts to create stories that made driving past legal curfew sound like a death penalty-worthy offense. But who knows if we attorneys made any difference since the verdicts always came back arbitrary. Regardless, I would track my “wins and losses” religiously, and secretly gloated when I started “winning” the big cases against the more experienced attorneys.

The Facts

So there really was no legal question in these cases, all the defendants had signed papers indicating their guilt. So what was it that we were improving at as attorneys? It was spinning facts to create stories that made driving passed legal curfew sound like a death penalty worthy offense. So how are the community service hours decided? “Anyone who has ever watched a jury trial knows that the rules often become a mere subsidiary details, part of the meaningless but dignified liturgy recited by the judge in the physical presence of the jury and to which the jury pays scant heed.” Really, it depends on how much our jurors sympathize with the defendant. If the juror was doing their time (of community service by being a juror) for the same crime, then there may be a lesser or harsher sentence. The facts were viewed through the lenses of the student jurors. There is no “accurate device for measuring which [defendants] are worthy of belief.” It is all magic – what is the juror’s life experience, how articulate is the teen lawyer, did the defendant say “yes” instead of “yeah” or wear a polo and not a t-shirt. We as the attorney’s liked to believe it was all us, but really half the jurors, at least, had their mind made up as the defendant walked to the stand.
There was no legal question in these cases because all the defendants signed papers indicating their guilt. So how were the community service hours decided? “Anyone who has ever watched a jury trial knows that the rules often become a mere subsidiary detail, part of the meaningless but dignified liturgy recited by the judge in the physical presence of the jury and to which the jury pays scant heed.” (J. Frank) Really, it depends on how much our jurors sympathize with the defendant. The facts were viewed through the lenses of the student jurors. There is no “accurate device for measuring which [defendants] are worthy of belief.” It is all magic – what is the juror’s life experience, how articulate is the teen lawyer, and did the defendant wear a polo or a t-shirt. As the attorneys, we liked to believe it was all us, but really many the jurors made up their minds as the defendant walked to the stand.

So what’s it really about?


So what’s really about?

Here’s what the website says: WHY SHOULD I GO TO TEEN COURT?

Here’s what the website says: WHY SHOULD I GO TO TEEN COURT?
 1. Teen Court holds the teen accountable for their offense. 2. Saves the teen or parent from paying the fine. 3. Keeps offense off the juvenile's record.
Line: 41 to 29

The Line-by-line

1) Accountability – Really? There have been a few studies about recidivism rates among teen court defendants. Those studies are inconclusive due to lack of consistent testing strategies. Some studies indicate recidivism is as low as three to eight percent while others indicate recidivism exceeding twenty to thirty percent. (pg. 9 -

2) Money – Now there’s a real motivator. The Texas Penal Code states, “a fine not to exceed $500 shall punish an individual adjudged guilty of a Class C misdemeanor.” Tex. Penal Code Ann. § 12.23 (West). So every case goes through Teen Court is $500 lost to the state. However, it is possible that Teen Court still saves the Court money if the cost of processing is less than the cost would be in normal court. The average cost of operating a Teen Court in 2000 was $32,822 per year. (Pg. 3 However, this is not representative as only 6.67% of Teen Courts in 2008 are operating with that budget and 30.67% operated with less than $10,000. (Pg. 17 - ) Given the low operating cost it seems possible that some programs many save money.

3) Keeps offense of the juvenile’s record – Sweet, but not much in this for the State.

4) A positive learning experience – In some ways the program can be seen as a negative experience. Kid drives drunk and finds out that s/he can walk for no more than community service. And now is free to commit again as a first offense. At best kids learn something about the system. From reading the Plano Teen Court Website and other research, it seems the biggest motivating factor for Teen Courts is engaging teenagers in the system. But evidence is insufficient to show is Teen Court achieving that result. So is another motive for Teen Courts existence.

5) Increase teen awareness about current laws – how exactly? You’d be hard pressed to find a teen defendant who did not know possessing drug paraphernalia, fighting, or drunk driving was illegal.

So why did I do Teen Court?

1) Accountability – Really? Surely Teen Court isn’t more effective at holding people accountable than the actual legal system. 2) Money – Now there’s a real motivator. A fine not to exceed $500 shall punish an individual adjudged guilty of a Class C misdemeanor. Tex. Penal Code Ann. § 12.23 (West). Okay, what’s in this for the state? Teen court is not better at holding teens accountable than the state. And clearly, the state is losing money.
I think did the activity for the community service hours. In fact I loved collecting community service hours in high school. I exceeded the required number for graduation and was clear into the hundreds by the time I walked across the stage.
Only if it can process the misdemeanor through the courts for less than $500. And then it's only losing the difference. If it can't, Teen Court saves money. Since no one's being paid, and everyone is working off time they owe to the State for unpaid labor in order to purge their own fines and forfeits, it looks like it might be a minor little goldmine.

3) Keeps offense of the juvenile’s record – Sweet. But again not much in this for the state. 4) A positive learning experience – What does that even mean? In some ways it can be seen as a negative experience. Kid drives drunk and finds out that s/he can get away with it for no more than a slap on the wrist and community service. And now all are free and clear to commit again as a first offense. At best kids learn something about the system… 5) Increase teen awareness about current laws – how exactly? You’d be hard pressed to find a teen defendant who did not know possessing drug paraphernalia, fighting (assault), or driving drunk was against the law.

Again, what’s this really about?

It really wasn’t about the teen defendants; it was about us, the teen attorneys - the “elite.” This was about “upstanding” high school students (or perhaps just better at not getting caught) adding something impressive to our resumes. We were raking in the community service hours, not out of the true goodness of our hearts, but to get into the elite colleges. Teen Court was a two for one steal, community service and credentials. All so we could go to our elite colleges, get into the best law schools, to get the best jobs, to live in suburbia with our 2.5 kids. Teen court was a program established in a predominately white, upper middle class suburb of Dallas. Plano Teen Court was self-perpetuating system to facilitate the attorneys not rehabilitated the teens.

And, as you see, in the form of an aggressive, competitive, score-keeping activity for those who are too smart to play football. Guaranteed to be a success in the right part of Texas.

You should always edit your sentences carefully. I've marked some spots where you missed something that you shouldn't miss again. Watch for grammatical agreement, particularly of number, in your writing and you will do yourself an immediate large favor.

Your writing here is knowing, and perceptive within its limits, but noticeably your focus softens at the boundaries of your own experience and past thinking. You show well the nature of the role you play in a system you can acutely describe, but the interpretation of the surrounding context—which should be enabled by returning to a past experience bringing with you the depth of subsequent thinking and experience—is remarkably less vital than your take on the nature of your own actions. Your best route to improvement is to widen the vision while keeping the crisp clarity of your focus.

So why did I do so much community service? To win. I was competitive. Thrilled by the high of winning. So maybe that’s it? I hoarded community service hours through a form of competitive community service. I measured my success by the wins, losses, and hours. So really what Teen Court provided me and other student attorneys was a semi-intellectual way of keeping score.
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It really wasn’t about the defendants, it was about us, the teen attorneys - the “elite.” This was about “upstanding” students adding to our resumes. We were raking in the community service hours, not for the fuzzy feeling, but to get into the elite colleges. Teen Court was a two-for-one steal -- community service and credentials. All so we could go to elite colleges, attend the best law schools, get the best jobs, and live in suburbia with our 2.5 kids. Plano Teen Court was self-perpetuating system to facilitate the attorneys not rehabilitated the teens.

Revision 3r3 - 29 Apr 2012 - 07:54:48 - YvetteFerrer
Revision 2r2 - 21 Apr 2012 - 18:54:56 - EbenMoglen
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