Law in Contemporary Society

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WilliamToddFirstEssay 3 - 20 Feb 2025 - Main.WilliamTodd
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 -- By WilliamTodd - 19 Feb 2025
The current state of immigration in the United States is a mess. However, this is by no means a recent phenomenon, one that suddenly emerged to the surprise of lawmakers and the public. This is an issue that has been festering for decades with no real effort to wholly address it by any administration or any congress. This is an issue that has been waiting to be exploited by the right people at the right time, to maintain power and to foster hatred. This is an issue that has the potential to drastically alter the way people see the notion of immigration; to fundamentally transform the lens through which the American people view immigrants themselves.
The current state of immigration in the United States is a mess. However, this is by no means a recent phenomenon. This is an issue that has been festering for decades with no real effort to wholly address it by any administration or any congress. This is an issue that has been waiting to be exploited by the right people at the right time, to maintain power and to foster hatred. This is an issue that has the potential to drastically alter the way people see the notion of immigration; to fundamentally transform the lens through which the American people view immigrants themselves.
 The rise of a fascist president at a time of increasing national frustration with the government’s disjointed and ineffective approach to immigration is undoubtedly a reflection of growing public dissatisfaction. However, it also has the potential to profoundly shape this dissatisfaction and to project it towards inhumane and draconian policies that seek to preserve racial domination as well as the president’s own power indefinitely. While this rightly raises alarms concerning the decaying fabric of our cultural values and the uncertain future of American democracy, it surely seems somewhat distant and unimportant to many – those who face the very urgent and very real threat of deportation.

Revision 3r3 - 20 Feb 2025 - 12:29:05 - WilliamTodd
Revision 2r2 - 20 Feb 2025 - 01:43:45 - WilliamTodd
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