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PursuingHappiness 6 - 25 Feb 2009 - Main.EllaAiken
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-- WalkerNewell - 24 Feb 2009


I agree that there is a kind of innate need within us to strive for this state that we seem to be discussing, but I wonder if it is really “happiness.” Like others, I hope to find meaning in the work that I do, and I hope to enjoy having a family, but I can’t say that this will lead to an overall sense of happiness. Contentedness sure—but happiness doesn’t quite right. And this seems to connect with what was said in class—a man might buy a big house, but not feel happy, so he thinks he has to buy a big car, and then another….all because he waiting to feel happy. The American dream of having it all and being truly happy seems a promise hard to fulfill. I’m only truly happy (and I don’t mean to sound pathetic here) a few rare days in a year—on special occasions with close friends or family having a unique experience. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy my day-to-day life, I just think that I’m more content than happy. I’m not trying to nit-pick here—I think the distinction is an important one.

There was an article* last month on study that found that experiences give people more happiness than things. If we convince ourselves that having lots of material comforts will make us happy, it seems that we’d be setting ourselves up for disappointment when we just feel comfortable. Perhaps other cultures focus more on this (pursuing a comfortable lifestyle) than the idea of happiness. In the end, we might make ourselves miserable if we convince ourselves that something must be wrong with our lives if we are not always “happy.”


-- EllaAiken - 25 Feb 2009


META TOPICMOVED by="MelissaMitgang" date="1235509583" from="LawContempSoc.WebTopicEditTemplate" to="LawContempSoc.PursuingHappiness"

Revision 6r6 - 25 Feb 2009 - 03:08:44 - EllaAiken
Revision 5r5 - 24 Feb 2009 - 23:48:30 - WalkerNewell
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