Law in Contemporary Society

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MagCourt 1 - 06 Jul 2010 - Main.RonMazor
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One of the great things about my summer job is that I've been able to get to court often. I work across the street from both the District Court and Magistrate Court for the Southern District of Florida, and interns are actively encouraged to visit proceedings and get a sense of how the criminal litigation unfolds.

Over the past few weeks, I've come to the conclusion that Magistrate Court is strikingly depressing. The daily 1:30 PM sessions, where bond is set and the need for court-appointed representation is ascertained, are assembly-lines of federal justice. Defendants are carted in, sometimes as individuals, sometimes in massive groups (conspiracy cases, narcotics, etc.). Sitting in the stands, I'm often watching people who are experiencing one of the lowest points of their lives. When called before the judge, many struggle to hold back tears. All too frequently, they stand before the judge without representation. As the A.U.S.A.s of the day (Mag. court duty is assigned by rotation throughout the office, and my impression has been that A.U.S.A.s treat it as an added burden not worthy of much preparation) attempt to justify why an individual should be required to post a $100,000, 10% bond, or should be assigned pre-trial detention due to risk of flight/danger to the community/etc., those defendants without representation have no capacity to contest the government's recommendation. Such defendants are in the majority.

For those defendants requesting court-appointed representation, the Court then enquires into the financial assets of the individuals. Such inquiry is not meant to be invasive, but answering questions about one's finances in public often seems to heighten the unease and sadness of defendants. They are asked about their employment situation--a question which for some seems to drive home the fact that, only a few days before, they were working at their usual jobs and life was normal. For others, the question serves as a reminder of their unemployment. Questions about property, automobile ownership, and monetary savings in excess of $4,000 dollars similarly serve to direct defendants to thoughts of financial troubles, debt, and impoverishment.

(to be continued)

-- RonMazor - 06 Jul 2010

Revision 1r1 - 06 Jul 2010 - 15:52:23 - RonMazor
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