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LawSchoolandInternships 8 - 13 Jun 2008 - Main.DanielHarris
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I'm curious about how others are feeling about their internships and clerkships so far this summer. I know there was substantial concern among students this past year about how law school was training us and will continue to train us to do the work of a lawyer. For what it's worth, so far, I've been pleasantly surprised. I've worked on various types of projects in various areas within a large Indy law firm, and I'm finding that there is nothing that I can't think my way through and bottom out on, by using the "tools" that we were exposed to in law school, which I don't think I would have been able to do nearly as effectively before I started law school. But I also know that it takes me substantially longer to complete a project than would be the case with someone who has more experience under her belt. I'm certainly relying on my low billing rate to offset this discrepancy. Granted, I know it's a long way from here to thinking about partnership, but at least I feel like I've got some basics down.
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 I think the difference in attitude that I have witnessed have to do with when and how work is done. As I said earlier lunch is pretty sacred. From about 1-230 literally nothing happens, emails and phone calls stop, and everyones out getting lunch. Plus the weekends are pretty sacred and not a ton of people come in over the weekends preferring to stay late and hammer things out during the week. Also, while I haven't witnessed it yet all my french collegues have warned me that things slow down drastically come end of July or start of August. Overall though I really love it here and think that the work culture is more relaxed and civilized. The other interns (we're not summer associates here, instead we are "Stagaires" which is the french term for an intern) are all really great people who have studied at some pretty cool and impressive universities here in France including quite a few from les grandes ecoles. What I do find interesting though is that despite the solid reputation in France and Paris of the firm I'm working at a lot of them seem to really want to try and get spots with US firms even if it is here in Paris (and many have already worked as interns in US firms).

-- AlexLawrence - 11 Jun 2008


The thing I'm noticing most in my summer work is that the parts emphasized least by 1L (memo writing and even more importantly legal research) are those I find myself doing. Relatedly, I'm horrified at the thought of taking my muddled legal research to a for-profit setting where Westlaw/Lexis access is metered.

-- DanielHarris - 13 Jun 2008

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LawSchoolandInternships 7 - 11 Jun 2008 - Main.AlexLawrence
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META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"
I'm curious about how others are feeling about their internships and clerkships so far this summer. I know there was substantial concern among students this past year about how law school was training us and will continue to train us to do the work of a lawyer. For what it's worth, so far, I've been pleasantly surprised. I've worked on various types of projects in various areas within a large Indy law firm, and I'm finding that there is nothing that I can't think my way through and bottom out on, by using the "tools" that we were exposed to in law school, which I don't think I would have been able to do nearly as effectively before I started law school. But I also know that it takes me substantially longer to complete a project than would be the case with someone who has more experience under her belt. I'm certainly relying on my low billing rate to offset this discrepancy. Granted, I know it's a long way from here to thinking about partnership, but at least I feel like I've got some basics down.
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 Have you noticed any difference in the attitude that people have towards their work?

-- AndrewWolstan - 11 Jun 2008


I think the difference in attitude that I have witnessed have to do with when and how work is done. As I said earlier lunch is pretty sacred. From about 1-230 literally nothing happens, emails and phone calls stop, and everyones out getting lunch. Plus the weekends are pretty sacred and not a ton of people come in over the weekends preferring to stay late and hammer things out during the week. Also, while I haven't witnessed it yet all my french collegues have warned me that things slow down drastically come end of July or start of August. Overall though I really love it here and think that the work culture is more relaxed and civilized. The other interns (we're not summer associates here, instead we are "Stagaires" which is the french term for an intern) are all really great people who have studied at some pretty cool and impressive universities here in France including quite a few from les grandes ecoles. What I do find interesting though is that despite the solid reputation in France and Paris of the firm I'm working at a lot of them seem to really want to try and get spots with US firms even if it is here in Paris (and many have already worked as interns in US firms).

-- AlexLawrence - 11 Jun 2008

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LawSchoolandInternships 6 - 11 Jun 2008 - Main.AndrewWolstan
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META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"
I'm curious about how others are feeling about their internships and clerkships so far this summer. I know there was substantial concern among students this past year about how law school was training us and will continue to train us to do the work of a lawyer. For what it's worth, so far, I've been pleasantly surprised. I've worked on various types of projects in various areas within a large Indy law firm, and I'm finding that there is nothing that I can't think my way through and bottom out on, by using the "tools" that we were exposed to in law school, which I don't think I would have been able to do nearly as effectively before I started law school. But I also know that it takes me substantially longer to complete a project than would be the case with someone who has more experience under her belt. I'm certainly relying on my low billing rate to offset this discrepancy. Granted, I know it's a long way from here to thinking about partnership, but at least I feel like I've got some basics down.
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 I'm working in Paris for a French law firm. It's pretty great, but the culture is definitely very different from working in the US. Everyone stays late and works fairly long hours, but at the same time, literally nothing happens from 1-230 because everyone is out having a civilized sit down lunch, no matter how busy they are. Not the hardest thing in the world to get used to...Plus now that the European Cup has begun whenever there are big matches on work slows down noticeably as people listen to it at their desks.

-- AlexLawrence - 10 Jun 2008


Have you noticed any difference in the attitude that people have towards their work?

-- AndrewWolstan - 11 Jun 2008

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LawSchoolandInternships 5 - 10 Jun 2008 - Main.AlexLawrence
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META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"
I'm curious about how others are feeling about their internships and clerkships so far this summer. I know there was substantial concern among students this past year about how law school was training us and will continue to train us to do the work of a lawyer. For what it's worth, so far, I've been pleasantly surprised. I've worked on various types of projects in various areas within a large Indy law firm, and I'm finding that there is nothing that I can't think my way through and bottom out on, by using the "tools" that we were exposed to in law school, which I don't think I would have been able to do nearly as effectively before I started law school. But I also know that it takes me substantially longer to complete a project than would be the case with someone who has more experience under her belt. I'm certainly relying on my low billing rate to offset this discrepancy. Granted, I know it's a long way from here to thinking about partnership, but at least I feel like I've got some basics down.
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 Alex -- which country are you in this summer? I'm kind of jealous -- several people from our class went overseas this summer. Hope you're getting some sightseeing in along with all that translation and editing experience.

-- BarbPitman - 10 Jun 2008


I'm working in Paris for a French law firm. It's pretty great, but the culture is definitely very different from working in the US. Everyone stays late and works fairly long hours, but at the same time, literally nothing happens from 1-230 because everyone is out having a civilized sit down lunch, no matter how busy they are. Not the hardest thing in the world to get used to...Plus now that the European Cup has begun whenever there are big matches on work slows down noticeably as people listen to it at their desks.

-- AlexLawrence - 10 Jun 2008

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LawSchoolandInternships 4 - 10 Jun 2008 - Main.BarbPitman
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META TOPICPARENT name="WebPreferences"
I'm curious about how others are feeling about their internships and clerkships so far this summer. I know there was substantial concern among students this past year about how law school was training us and will continue to train us to do the work of a lawyer. For what it's worth, so far, I've been pleasantly surprised. I've worked on various types of projects in various areas within a large Indy law firm, and I'm finding that there is nothing that I can't think my way through and bottom out on, by using the "tools" that we were exposed to in law school, which I don't think I would have been able to do nearly as effectively before I started law school. But I also know that it takes me substantially longer to complete a project than would be the case with someone who has more experience under her belt. I'm certainly relying on my low billing rate to offset this discrepancy. Granted, I know it's a long way from here to thinking about partnership, but at least I feel like I've got some basics down.
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 I'm also not doing that much true "law firm" work. But I kind of expected this as I am the only American summer intern here at my firm. Instead I have become something of the de facto translator/editor of documents in English, which has been fun, but I dont think required any special training that I got from my first year at CLS.

-- AlexLawrence - 09 Jun 2008


Alex -- which country are you in this summer? I'm kind of jealous -- several people from our class went overseas this summer. Hope you're getting some sightseeing in along with all that translation and editing experience.

-- BarbPitman - 10 Jun 2008

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Revision 8r8 - 13 Jun 2008 - 02:38:44 - DanielHarris
Revision 7r7 - 11 Jun 2008 - 16:46:17 - AlexLawrence
Revision 6r6 - 11 Jun 2008 - 04:47:56 - AndrewWolstan
Revision 5r5 - 10 Jun 2008 - 07:51:03 - AlexLawrence
Revision 4r4 - 10 Jun 2008 - 00:49:52 - BarbPitman
Revision 3r3 - 09 Jun 2008 - 07:52:40 - AlexLawrence
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