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LawSchoolandInternships 12 - 16 Jun 2008 - Main.AndrewGradman
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I'm curious about how others are feeling about their internships and clerkships so far this summer. I know there was substantial concern among students this past year about how law school was training us and will continue to train us to do the work of a lawyer. For what it's worth, so far, I've been pleasantly surprised. I've worked on various types of projects in various areas within a large Indy law firm, and I'm finding that there is nothing that I can't think my way through and bottom out on, by using the "tools" that we were exposed to in law school, which I don't think I would have been able to do nearly as effectively before I started law school. But I also know that it takes me substantially longer to complete a project than would be the case with someone who has more experience under her belt. I'm certainly relying on my low billing rate to offset this discrepancy. Granted, I know it's a long way from here to thinking about partnership, but at least I feel like I've got some basics down.
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 Basically, despite already knowing that crim law isn't for me, I'm really glad that I'm working at the DA office.

-- NicoleMedham - 15 Jun 2008


I'm working at EPIC, a pro-privacy advocacy group. Many concepts are outside my grasp, but mostly because they're technical, e.g. about Internet technologies. Still, I think that some of the habits I formed this year -- distinguishing the meanings of words, etc. -- are actually making it harder for me to read and speak "advocacy" and "computer technology". Among crash-tested practical lawyers, "thinking like a first-year law student" turns out to be too thorough and too slow, like demolition by an oral hygienist. It is something I'm adapting to.

I wanted to share this recent article in Rolling Stone, about surveillance in China, which made me proud to be at EPIC at this moment. If people find it worth discussing, we can move it to a new thread.
"Remember how we've always been told that free markets and free people go hand in hand? That was a lie. It turns out that the most efficient delivery system for capitalism is actually a communist-style police state, fortressed with American "homeland security" technologies, pumped up with "war on terror" rhetoric."

-- AndrewGradman - 16 Jun 2008

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Revision 12r12 - 16 Jun 2008 - 03:50:43 - AndrewGradman
Revision 11r11 - 15 Jun 2008 - 22:51:19 - NicoleMedham
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