Law in Contemporary Society

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KhurramDaraFirstPaper 6 - 22 Apr 2012 - Main.KhurramDara
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Law and Social Control

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Social Control

**use this section to explain how other forms of social control are more powerful than law.
**general comment: what's my point? the combination of law (government social control, according to D.Black) AND other forms of social control (like social interaction, friendship, etc.) would benefit American Muslims. So this is about combining short term benefits that the law may be able to provide (lawsuits for immediate relief, community organizing, etc.), and long-term effects that can be derived from basic social interaction in communities, is a way to maximize the level of social control for one particular group in America (American Muslims). Expand on D.Black's proposition that law and other social control are inversely related. Perhaps this not simply a temporal argument (short term and long term), maybe it's that if we (American Muslims) ratchet up other forms of social control, we would have less litigation!
I don't know how you come to the historical conclusion that you come to. You don't show

Revision 6r6 - 22 Apr 2012 - 21:17:51 - KhurramDara
Revision 5r5 - 20 Apr 2012 - 22:12:43 - KhurramDara
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