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KeepTheCurveTalk 5 - 20 Feb 2008 - Main.SandorMarton
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META TOPICPARENT name="GradingCurveTalk"
Regardless of how much we collaborate and help each other, only so many people can "succeed" in the way that law school measures success. Personally, I think that's fucked up. I think we could best attain what you are suggesting if we had no grades whatsoever, and thus really did work for knowledge's sake alone.
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 A side effect is encouraging sabotage (e.g. I convince my classmates that grades don’t matter), but this is also intentional as it is a valuable skill in an advocate.

-- AndrewGradman - 20 Feb 2008


I haven't encountered any of the negative behavior described in these grades threads. My experience both during the semester and at finals has been that people are happy to help each other out.

Most professions involve competition to one degree or another. Some are more cut throat than others. What I have found is that the personal relationships you build within that profession are critical. Anyone burning bridges at school in order to push himself from a B+ to an A- is making a colossal error. People don't forget that sort of selfish behavior.

-- SandorMarton - 20 Feb 2008

META TOPICMOVED by="EbenMoglen" date="1203475098" from="LawContempSoc.KeepTheCurve" to="LawContempSoc.KeepTheCurveTalk"

Revision 5r5 - 20 Feb 2008 - 03:19:43 - SandorMarton
Revision 4r4 - 20 Feb 2008 - 02:38:18 - EbenMoglen
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