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JacobLuceroFirstEssay 4 - 31 May 2024 - Main.JacobLucero
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 Yet, viewing gentrification as a complete negative force is not so easy. There are conflicting views on gentrification itself. On one hand, gentrification works to rip apart the social, cultural fabric of a community, but on the flip side, gentrification stands as a pillar of economic growth and provides continued investment into a community. The complexity of urban change requires acknowledging that cities thrive on diversity and density, which foster innovation and growth. This perspective suggests that policies should support local entrepreneurship and preserve the community character to sustain economic vitality.

Even seemingly neutral solutions such as sustainability efforts tend to have detrimental effects. While sustainability initiatives are well-meaning, they can inadvertently lead to environmental gentrification, such as the creation of green space or the cleaning up of public spaces, driving up property values and attracting more wealthy residents. More equitable and inclusive environmental policies are needed to protect vulnerable communities from displacement while promoting sustainable urban development.The socio-political dynamics of gentrification highlight the importance of policies that prevent displacement and support community stability.

 Additionally, addressing joblessness is crucial, as the disappearance of stable employment opportunities leads to social disorganization and deepens poverty. Comprehensive job programs and economic opportunities are essential for stabilizing communities and preventing the displacement that often accompanies gentrification.
These conflicting views have come to prompt me to think about the law practice I want to have, and who I want to help. Of course, the very thing that disturbs me about gentrification is the loss suffered disproportionately by communities like my very own, and the loss of culture. The law practice I want to have is one that serves others in a way that advances my own principles. I believe that gentrification is a problem, and that through helping individuals in communities like the one I grew up in I can advance my initiatives. It is quite straightforward to me that the most compelling reason to address gentrification is to preserve the identity of communities. Culture is what makes an area home. A community’s culture fosters camaraderie and unity. I would like my law practice to tackle pressing social justice issues like gentrification to protect the rights and dignity of vulnerable communities.

Watching such a polarizing socioeconomic problem impact my life has led me to conclude that I want a law practice that addresses problems that have impacted people I love. I want to work with communities that mirror my own. I strive to practice for those who are particularly at risk of being at the mercy of those with far greater resources. For instance, land speculators who target disadvantaged communities with the intention of turning it out for profit have the ability to displace many families who do not have the resources or knowledge to fight back.

My proposal to have a law practice that advances my personal values alongside communities I want to help meets my intellectual, political, social, and material goals. Gentrification is a complex issue that requires an understanding of socioeconomic factors along with economic implications. After all, I do want a challenge. I think my political and social goals are met simultaneously in my pursuit of helping disadvantaged individuals. I believe that a society should protect its members who are most vulnerable and underprivileged. I strongly hold that everyone should have the best opportunity to pursue their ambitions and contribute to the betterment of society. In serving these communities I will advance those goals. Lastly, my material goals are not to obtain a luxurious mansion or fast car, but to be able to see a tangible impact my work has had on others. To see my work materialize into a work product that benefits others is enough to satisfy any material goals I have. Simply put, my material goals are to be able to assert the impact I have had as an attorney backed by evidence of my impact and its reach. In the end, gentrification has allowed me to find clarity on the law practice I want and the attorney I want to be.

These conflicting views have prompted me to think about the law practice I want to have, and who I want to help. What I find most disturbing about gentrification is the loss of culture suffered disproportionately by communities like my very own. Culture is what makes an area home, and in my opinion, preserving the identity of communities is the main reason why we should address gentrification. I want to create a practice that advances my goals of helping communities maintain their culture and social networks. I want to represent individuals who are particularly at risk of being at the mercy of those with far greater resources. For instance, land speculators who target disadvantaged communities with the intention of turning it out for profit have the ability to displace many families who do not have the resources or knowledge to fight back.
Now that I am in law school, I find myself looking inward to see what tools I possess, or can come to possess, to address the problems I want to fix. Although one of the most important resources one can draw upon are lived experiences, I know that my background in business and law certainly provide avenues to think critically and make an impact. I can help local business owners with complex legal issues while understanding their practical business concerns. Alternatively, I can work alongside city counsel to develop housing or zoning policies that consider potential adverse effects on low-income residents. Sure, these strategies may have already been pursued, but they are areas I think I can have an impact on. The daunting task of gentrification is exactly what draws me to the issue. I truly believe there is a balance between economic growth and policies geared at the inclusion of low-income residents. Cultural character and economic growth should co-exist because of what they mean to the broader community. I believe diversity feeds into innovation through the contributions of individuals from different backgrounds. I strongly hold that everyone should have the best opportunity to pursue their ambitions and contribute to the betterment of society, but this right should not negatively impact others.
In the end, the impact gentrification has had on my life has allowed me to find clarity on the law practice I want and the attorney I want to be. I am pursuing a career in law, not to obtain a luxurious mansion or fast car, but to be able to have a direct impact on others’ lives. To see my work materialize into something that benefits others is enough to satisfy any material goals. I want nothing more than to see my work tangibly make a difference in the lives of community members I want to serve.
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Revision 4r4 - 31 May 2024 - 03:04:57 - JacobLucero
Revision 3r3 - 30 May 2024 - 10:36:42 - JacobLucero
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