Law in Contemporary Society

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FearAndAnxiety 15 - 04 Feb 2010 - Main.CarolineFerrisWhite
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 When Eben talks about the fear and anxiety created by law school, grades, and dwindling firm jobs, does this resonate with you? How about fear that you won't find something that you are passionate about, that fulfills you, and that allows you to support yourself and your family?

I wished that Eben had spoken more to that fear and anxiety today in class, and more specifically, what to do about it.

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 -- MarenHulden 03 Feb 2010
Maren, you make a compelling case for maintaining perspective on this whole experience. I have taken a lot of time "off" (if you consider working full time "off"), both during my undergraduate years and before coming to law school, and expected that the experience I gained would hold me in good stead once in law school. It has, for the most part, but I am struck by how law school has revealed the chinks in my armor.
It's hard to keep perspective in the dizzying spectacle of Times Square, but Ron, have you ever known anyone personally who worked in one of those firms? It seems sexy from the sidewalk, looking up, but the view from the inside is something else entirely. When you're working all the time - and I mean all the time, 7 days a week, 12 or more hours a day - you don't have much time to flash your fancy self about the town. I agree with your formulation of the success big firms are selling, except for the part about "enjoy life."

It helps me to think about law school as a trade school, and I agree with the sentiments many have expressed about the real world application of what we're studying. It's exciting. It's exciting to contemplate being a lawyer, and I suppose that no matter how fearful or anxious we feel at times, lawyers we shall be.

I should probably edit this post and digest the comments and such, but I'm not quite sure how to go about that, so I'm holding off for now.


Revision 15r15 - 04 Feb 2010 - 02:31:31 - CarolineFerrisWhite
Revision 14r14 - 04 Feb 2010 - 02:23:07 - DevinMcDougall
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