Law in Contemporary Society

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EarlyInterviewProgram 11 - 23 Apr 2010 - Main.JonathanWaisnor
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I did not expect for Eben to be so blatantly vindicated. -- NonaFarahnik - 23 Apr 2010
Line: 84 to 84
 Also, what's with the packet being private?

-- JessicaCohen - 23 Apr 2010

Another interesting comment was the "don't game the system," statement where they assumed we want to game the system to get more screeners. If I spend any time trying to bid strategically, it's going to be to get a higher quality of screener- meaning a screener at a firm where my grades are competitive for a callback. This is why I'd like to see an unofficial GPA calculation done by CS for every firm so I know not to interview with firms that will in all likelihood chuck my transcript out the window.

Two pieces of information would be helpful and significantly reduce the amount of research I would have to do: (1) the grades and profile of every student who got a callback and offer at a particular firm (2) a list of firms and the number of CLS students (class of 2010) they deferred.

-- JonathanWaisnor - 23 Apr 2010


Revision 11r11 - 23 Apr 2010 - 16:39:01 - JonathanWaisnor
Revision 10r10 - 23 Apr 2010 - 16:18:56 - JessicaCohen
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