Law in Contemporary Society

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AttorneyClientPrivilegeDilemma 6 - 22 Mar 2008 - Main.TheodoreSmith
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A Problem in Privilege

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  • I mean absolutely - I have no idea how to solve the problem. My point was that, because of the apparent necessity of #3, the legal solution appears to depend on a greater knowledge of the practical or procedural workings of the criminal justice system than I have at present. I have no idea how cases are actually prosecuted, or how one would remove a client from legal jeopardy. I would, however, love to hear an analysis of the problem by someone who is more familiar with the criminal system. (This reply is partially a thread bump. Any ideas out there?)

-- TheodoreSmith- 22 Mar 2008


Revision 6r6 - 22 Mar 2008 - 20:51:01 - TheodoreSmith
Revision 5r5 - 18 Mar 2008 - 21:04:12 - EbenMoglen
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